(a) The department of health shall establish, in the following circumstances, a new certificate of birth for a person born in this State who already has a birth certificate filed with the department and who is referred to below as the "birth registrant": (1) Upon receipt of an affidavit of paternity, a court order establishing paternity, or a certificate of marriage establishing the marriage of the natural parents to each other, together with a request from the birth registrant, or the birth registrant's
The state registrar shall establish a new certificate of birth for an individual born in this state when the registrar receives the following: (a) A report of adoption as provided in section 2829, a report of adoption prepared and filed under the laws of another state or foreign country, or a certified copy of the adoption order, together with the information necessary to identify the original certificate of birth and to establish a new certificate of live birth. However, a new certificate of live
Marriages, whether created by common law, contracted, or performed outside of North Carolina, between individuals of the same gender are not valid in North Carolina. N.C. Gen. Stat. § 51-1.2 1995 (Reg. Sess., 1996), c. 588, s. 1.
(a) After acceptance for registration by the State Registrar, no record made in accordance with this Article shall be altered or changed, except by a request for amendment. The State Registrar may adopt rules governing the form of these requests and the type and amount of proof required. (b) A new certificate of birth shall be made by the State Registrar when: (1) Proof is submitted to the State Registrar that the previously unwed parents of a person have intermarried subsequent to the birth of the
Upon receipt of a notarized affidavit from the physician that performed sex reassignment surgery on an individual born in this state and a certified copy of an order of a court of competent jurisdiction changing the name of such person, the department shall prepare a new certificate of birth in the new name and sex of such person in substantially the same form as that used for other live births. The evidence from which the new certificate is prepared and the original certificate of birth shall be