In re Castro-Tum

3 Cited authorities

  1. Section 1003.29 - Continuances

    8 C.F.R. § 1003.29   Cited 653 times   1 Legal Analyses
    Authorizing continuances
  2. Section 1239.2 - Cancellation of notice to appear

    8 C.F.R. § 1239.2   Cited 67 times
    Providing for dismissal of NTA as improvidently issued, and stating that such a dismissal is without prejudice to the alien or DHS
  3. Section 1003.12 - Scope of rules

    8 C.F.R. § 1003.12   Cited 7 times

    These rules are promulgated to assist in the expeditious, fair, and proper resolution of matters coming before Immigration Judges. Except where specifically stated, the rules in this subpart apply to matters before Immigration Judges, including, but not limited to, deportation, exclusion, removal, bond, rescission, departure control, asylum proceedings, and disciplinary proceedings under this part 3. The sole procedures for review of credible fear determinations by Immigration Judges are provided