(a) Proceedings on an application are considered terminated by the dismissal of an appeal or the failure to timely file an appeal to the court or a civil action except: (1) Where claims stand allowed in an application; or (2) Where the nature of the decision requires further action by the examiner. (b) The date of termination of proceedings on an application is the date on which the appeal is dismissed or the date on which the time for appeal to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit or
(a)Who may appeal and how to file an appeal. An appeal is taken to the Board by filing a notice of appeal. (1) Every applicant, any of whose claims has been twice rejected, may appeal from the decision of the examiner to the Board by filing a notice of appeal accompanied by the fee set forth in § 41.20(b)(1) within the time period provided under § 1.134 of this title for reply. (2) Every owner of a patent under ex parte reexamination filed under § 1.510 of this title before November 29, 1999, any