Chapter 264 - Immunization Requirements For Healthcare Workers

Current through 2024-21, May 22, 2024
Chapter 264 - Immunization Requirements For Healthcare Workers

Purpose: This rule is issued pursuant to the statutory authority of the Department of Health and Human Services to establish procedures for the control and prevention of communicable diseases and to require immunization of the employees of Designated Healthcare Facilities as set forth in 22 MRS §802. The purpose of the immunization requirements set forth in this rule is to reduce the risk of exposure to and transmission of vaccine-preventable diseases among healthcare workers, patients, and other members of the public in Designated Healthcare Facilities. Limiting transmission of vaccine-preventable diseases in Designated Healthcare Facilities also serves to reduce the risk of these diseases spreading throughout the general population. This rule prescribes the dosage for required immunizations; specifies the employees and certain contractors Designated Healthcare Facilities must exclude if the specified immunization requirements are not met; describes conditions under which unimmunized employees and certain contractors may be excluded by order of a Public Health Official and defines recordkeeping responsibilities and reporting requirements for Designated Healthcare Facilities and their Chief Administrative Officers.

April 16, 2002 - filing 2002-115 (New)
May 13, 2002 - corrected the spelling of DEPARTMENT in header, page 1
May 10, 2004 - spacing, capitalization and punctuation only
October 6, 2009 to January 4, 2010 - filing 2009-531 (EMERGENCY)
December 8, 2009 - filing 2009-644
April 14, 2021 - filing 2021-198 (ROUTINE TECHNICAL)
August 12, 2021 - filing 2021-166 (EMERGENCY ROUTINE TECHNICAL)
November 10, 2021 - filing 2021-226 (ROUTINE TECHNICAL)
9/5/2023 - filing 2023-149 (ROUTINE TECHNICAL)