Section 895.043 - Punitive damages

2 Analyses of this statute by attorneys

  1. 50-State Survey of Statutory Caps on Damages and the Applicability of the Collateral Source Rule

    Butler Snow LLPKatelyn MarshallNovember 14, 2020

    Punitive damages are capped at two times compensatory damages or $200,000, whichever is greater. Wis. Stat. Ann. § 895.043. This cap does not apply in the DUI context.The collateral source rule applies.

  2. Wisconsin Supreme Court 2013-2014 Term Summary Part 3: Recap of Cases Affecting Wisconsin Businesses

    Foley & Lardner LLPPhilip BablerSeptember 26, 2014

    In Kimble v. Land Concepts, Inc., the court used its discretionary reversal power to reverse an award of punitive damages, holding that the award was unconstitutional. A statutory limit on punitive damages exists now, found in Wis. Stat. § 895.043(6). But if that statute is ever repealed, the court’s constitutional analysis in Kimble will substantially limit the availability of punitive damages in Wisconsin.