Section 636 - Murder in the first degree; class A felony

1 Citing brief


    Appellant’s Opening Brief

    Filed June 27, 2012

    '"' Twootherstates — Wyoming and Nevada — have felony murderstatutes on their books, but their appellate courts have decided that duplicate consideration of the underlying felony at both the guilt and sentencing phases does not adequately narrow the class of death-eligible murderers such that the death penalty would be reserved for the “worst” murderers. (See Engberg v. Wyoming (Wyo. 1991) 820 P.2d 70); McConnell v. Nevada (Nev. 2004) 102 (01 See Code of Ala. § 13A-5-40(b) (2005); Ark. Code Ann.§ 5- 10-102(a)(1) (2005) [killing mustbeat least reckless]; 11 Del.C. § 636(a)(2) (2005) [at least reckless]; Kans. Stats.Ann. § 21-3439 (2005); La. R.S. 13:30(a)1 (2005); R.S.Mo. § 565.021 (2005), Ginnings v. State (Mo. 1974) 506 S.W.2d 422; New Hampshire RSA 630:1, 630:1-b [at least reckless] (2004); Ohio ORC Ann. 2903.01(b) (2005) [at least reckless]; Or.Rev.Stats. § 163.095 (2003); Commonwealth v. Rollins (Pa. 1999) 738 A.2d 435; Tex. Pen. Code § 19.03 (2004); Utah Code Ann.§ 18.2-31 (2005); Rev. Code Wash. § 10.95.020 (2005).