Section 1050 - Continuances

3 Citing briefs


    Petitioners, Ron Briggs and John Van de Kamp, Petitioner for Writ of Mandate/Prohibition with Request for Stay

    Filed December 20, 2016

    Jd. at 1148-49. Accordingly, the Court determined that Penal Code section 1050(a) could not “properly be interpreted to require a trial court completely to forgo or abandon consideration ofall civil cases or proceedings over an extended period of time when the numberofcriminal casesfiled and pursuedto trial continually overwhelmsthe resources available to the court for the disposition of both criminal and civil matters.” Jd. at 1152 Asdescribed above, Proposition 66 includes multiple provisions that attempt to mandate timelines, priority, and related actions concerning decisions by the courts.


    Appellant’s Opening Brief

    Filed June 17, 2005

    (Zant v. Stephens (1983) 462 U.S. 862, 879; Woodson v. North Carolina (1976) 428 U.S. 280, 304; Johnson v. Mississippi (1988) 486 U.S. 578, 584-85). 32 CLAIM 2 APPELLANT’S RIGHT TO A SPEEDY PRELIMINARY HEARING WAS VIOLATED On April 28, 1994, Antoinette Yancey moved to continue the preliminary hearing pursuantto Cal. Penal Code §1050, on the groundthat her trial counsel, Gary Proctor, had just received considerable amounts of discovery. The prosecutor wasready to proceed with the preliminary hearing. (Muni RT 68). Appellant’s counsel objected to the continuance.


    Appellant, Loi Tan Vo, Reply Brief

    Filed February 27, 2012

    vid. Code § 1200 cece ee eee een eee neces 185, 192 California Evid. Code § 1220 .. 0... ceecceee 192 California Evid. Code § 1221 ......... 0... cee eee 162, 179, 192 California Rules of Court, Rule 8.2200(a)(a) ............00005 82, 114, 127, 158, 208, 216, 231, 232 CALJIC 2.10oeeee ene eee eae 182 XV1 CALJIC 3.00 2...ceeeee ene 227 CALJIC 3.01 1.eectene e eens 227 CALJIC 6.10.5 2...eneeee eens 221 CALJIC 6.11 ooteee e enn nee ees 221 CALJIC 6.21 0.eeeeee n ees 217 CALJIC 8.25 21.cecetenes 94, 97 CALJIC 8.26 22.eeete eee eens 221 CALJIC 8.80.1 20.0...eeeee 106, 107, 211, 213, 214 CALJIC 8.81.15 2.eectteen teen eas 97 CALJIC 8.81.18 2.0...cecentres 208 California Penal Code § 187 ..... 0.0... ceeene 128 California Penal Code § 190.2 .... 0... 0. eee eee ee 94, 205 California Penal Code § 190.3 2.0... 0... cece eee 184, 204 California Penal Code § 190.4 2.0... 0...cece 206, 243 California Penal Code § 190.5 1... 0... ccceee nee 239 California Penal Code § 987.9... 0.0...ees 33, 45, 53 California Penal Code § 1050 2.0...kcenee 59 California Penal Code § 1054.1 2.0.0...eeeee 189 California Penal Code § 1098 2.0... 0...eee 13 California Penal Code § 1181 2.0...ceee 243 XVii California Penal Code § 1181.1 2... 0.0... 0ceee 110 California Penal Code § 1223 ...............0..004. 129, 135, 140,144 Mont.Code.Ann. § 46-18-310 2.0.0... 0c ccc eee ees 100 California Constitution Article I, § 7(b) oo... c cece cece eeeueeeeeuetevteneteneres 44 Article IV, § 15 ooo. c ec ccc cece cece ceeeeeeueeuetreeeterees 206 Article IV, § 16... 0. cece ccc e ccc c cece ee cereeueeuetnttreees 134 Article IV, § 16(a) . 0.00 ccc ccc cece eee eeeeevteeeteeeetneee. 44 United States Constitution First Amendment ....... 00.0... c eceee teens 199 Fifth Amendment ....... 0c cc eee ee eee 163, 179, 180 Sixth Amendment .................0005. 35, 38, 72, 133, 154,182, 201 Eighth Amendment .......... 0... cee cece eee eens passim Fourteenth Amendment ................ 72, 84, 133, 199, 201, 203, 237 OTHER AUTHORITIES 1 A