Or. Admin. R. 345-015-0022

Current through Register Vol. 63, No. 9, September 1, 2024
Section 345-015-0022 - Petition for Indigent Status
(1) By petition to the hearing officer in a contested case submitted before the time of the prehearing conference, a party or limited party may request to be treated as an indigent. In the petition, the petitioner shall state in detail the facts demonstrating that the petitioner is indigent in the context of the financial burdens associated with full participation as a party or limited party in the contested case and the reasons why the petitioner would be prejudiced if indigent status were not granted.
(2) The hearing officer shall issue a determination on a petition for indigent status in writing and shall state the grounds for the determination. The hearing officer's determination is final unless the petitioner submits an appeal to the Council within seven days after the date of service of the determination.
(3) The hearing officer may excuse a person granted indigent status from such requirements of the rules of this division as the hearing officer determines appropriate. As determined by the hearing officer, the Council may provide for the cost of service of pleadings and other documents, reasonable travel expenses of witnesses and copies of the record necessary to enable a person granted indigent status to participate fully in the contested case.

Or. Admin. R. 345-015-0022

EFSC 8-1980, f. & ef. 10-31-80; EFSC 1-1993, f. & cert. ef. 1-15-93; EFSC 5-1994, f. & cert. ef. 11-30-94; EFSC 2-1999, f. & cert. ef. 4-14-99

Stat. Auth.: ORS 469.470

Stats. Implemented: ORS 183.415, ORS 469.370, ORS 469.405, ORS 469.440, ORS 469.605, ORS 469.615 & ORS 469.992