La. Admin. Code tit. 37 § XIII-9513

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 9, September 20, 2024
Section XIII-9513 - Requests for Tax Credit; Documentation; Dispute Resolution
A. The tax credit authorized by R.S. 22:1482(B), as amended, will be requested by an insurer on an annual calendar year basis. The tax credit will be calculated based upon direct written premium. An insurer is eligible to receive a tax credit against the premium tax levied pursuant to R.S. 22:838 and R.S. 22:831 if it is an authorized insurer and the insurer makes a timely request for the tax credit.
B. Insurers seeking a tax credit shall submit a request for premium tax credit to the LDI in accordance with the reporting schedule for premium taxes levied pursuant to R.S. 22:838 and 831 as set forth in the reporting form(s) designed by the commissioner. Insurers shall submit the information required to be maintained by §9515.B of this regulation. A premium tax filing with the tax credit authorized hereunder that does not include the proof required by this regulation will be considered untimely.
C. If the commissioner approves the premium tax filing as being both timely filed and containing all proof required by this regulation, there shall be a rebuttable presumption in favor of the insurer that the insurer is entitled to the tax credit against the premium taxes levied pursuant to R.S. 22:838 and R.S. 22:831.
D. The commissioner may disapprove a tax credit either in whole to the extent that the entire premium tax filing is defective, untimely or improperly documented, or in part to the extent that one portion of the premium tax filing is defective, untimely or improper, but the other portion of the premium tax filing is in compliance with §9513 of this regulation. The commissioner shall use the following criteria with regard to the disapproval, in whole or in part, of a premium tax filing, to wit:
1. the premium tax filing is submitted late, unless the insurer can show good cause for the delay;
2. the premium tax filing is incomplete or required documents are missing;
3. the premium tax filing is excessive because a military discount was given to a person who was not eligible to receive said military discount.
E. As explained above, if the commissioner disapproves, in whole or in part, a tax credit filed by an insurer, he shall give written notice to the insurer, stating the grounds for disapproval. The notice shall be sent to the address shown on the records of the LDI. An insurer shall have 30 days from the date of the notice to dispute the disapproval by the commissioner. If, within this initial 30-day period the insurer can demonstrate, in writing to the commissioner, good cause for not being able to provide the required documents to dispute the disapproval, the commissioner may grant one 60-day extension to dispute the disapproval by the commissioner. No other extensions shall be granted. Any documents submitted by the insurer in rebuttal to the commissioner's disapproval notice shall be verified as true and accurate by an officer of the insurer.
F. Within 30 days of submission of the verified rebuttal, the commissioner shall enter an order either approving or disapproving, in whole or in part, the request by the insurer for a tax credit against the premium taxes levied pursuant to R.S. 22:838 and R.S. 22:831.
1. If the tax credit is approved, in whole or in part, the commissioner shall grant to the insurer the amount of the tax credit so approved by the commissioner.
2. If the tax credit is disapproved in its entirety, the commissioner shall enter an order denying the entirety of the requested tax credit. The commissioner's order of disapproval shall be given, in writing, to the insurer by certified mail, return receipt requested. Any demand for a hearing shall be filed by an insurer with the commissioner within 30 days after mailing of notice of the order of disapproval to the insurers last known address or within 30 days after the delivery of notice of the order of disapproval to the insurer, as provided for by R.S. 22:2191.

La. Admin. Code tit. 37, § XIII-9513

Promulgated by the Department of Insurance, Office of the Commissioner, LR 31:674 (March 2005), amended LR 32:95 (January 2006), Amended by LR 461573 (11/1/2020).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 22:11 and R.S. 22:1482.