La. Admin. Code tit. 37 § XIII-5701

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 9, September 20, 2024
Section XIII-5701 - Payment of Death or Funeral Benefits
A. All Domestic Insurance Companies
1. If your industrial life insurance or funeral benefit policies contain provisions which exclude or limit the payment of death or funeral benefits because death is caused in any specified manner, or occurs while the insured has a specified status, except those listed below, then it will be necessary that you amend such policies before they are issued.
2. Provisions excluding or restricting coverage in the event of death occurring:
a. as a result of war, declared or undeclared, under conditions specified in the policy;
b. while in:
i. the military, naval or air forces of any country at war, declared or undeclared;
ii. any ambulance, medical, hospital, or civilian non-combatants unit serving with such forces, either while serving with or within six months after termination of service in such forces or units;
c. as a result of self-destruction, while sane or insane, within two years from the date of issue of the policy;
d. as a result of aviation under conditions specified in the policy;
e. within two years from date of issue of the policy as a result of a specified hazardous occupation or occupations, or while the insured is residing in a specified foreign country or countries.
3. In the event of death to which there is an exclusion or restriction pursuant to §5701. A.2 a, b, c, d, or e of this provision, the insurer shall pay an amount not less than the reserve on the policy, together with the reserve for any paid-up additions thereto and any dividends standing to the credit of the policy, less any indebtedness to the insurer on the policy, including interest due or accrued.
4. In the event of death as to which there is an exclusion or restriction pursuant to Subparagraph (b) of Paragraph (3)(B), the insurer shall pay the greater of:
a. the amount specified in the preceding paragraph; or
b. the amount of the gross premiums charged on the policy less dividends paid in cash or used in the payment of premiums thereon and less any indebtedness to the insurer on the policy, including interest due or accrued.
5. None of the provisions of §5701. A.5 shall apply to policies issued under Sections 253 E, nor to any accidental benefits in the event such death by accident or accidental means included in a life policy.
B. Senate Committee Amendment Number 3
1. The Legislative intent of this Amendment, as evidenced by Industry and Committee hearings, was that it should apply only to the two immediately preceding unnumbered paragraphs so that a reduction not to exceed the percentages of the reserve, computed in accordance with Part 5 of the Code, could continue to be taken on funeral policies. Note reference to Sections 162. E.

La. Admin. Code tit. 37, § XIII-5701

Promulgated by the Department of Insurance, Commissioner of Insurance, July 24, 1958.
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 22:259.