La. Admin. Code tit. 37 § XIII-131

Current through Register Vol. 50, No. 9, September 20, 2024
Section XIII-131 - Instructions for Forms A, B, C, D, E and F
A. General Requirements
1. Forms A, B, C, D, E and F are intended to be guides in the preparation of the statements required by R.S. 22:691.4, 691.5, 691.6, and 691.7. They are not intended to be blank forms which are to be filled in. These statements filed shall contain the numbers and captions of all items, but the text of the items may be omitted provided the answers thereto are prepared in such a manner as to indicate clearly the scope and coverage of the items. All instructions, whether appearing under the items of the form or elsewhere therein, are to be omitted. Unless expressly provided otherwise, if any item is inapplicable or the answer thereto is in the negative, an appropriate statement to that effect shall be made.
2. A complete copy of each statement, including exhibits and all other papers and documents filed as a part thereof, shall be filed with commissioner by U.S. Mail, or as provided by LAC 37:XI.Chapter 9, addressed to: Insurance Commissioner of the State of Louisiana, P.O. Box 94214, Baton Rouge, LA 70804-9214, Attention: (Chief Examiner). The statement shall be manually signed in the manner prescribed on the form. Unsigned copies shall be conformed. If the signature of any person is affixed pursuant to a power of attorney or other similar authority, a copy of such power of attorney or other authority shall also be filed with the statement.
3. Statements should be prepared either electronically or on paper 8 1/2" x 11" in size and preferably bound at the top or the top left corner. Exhibits and financial statements, unless specifically prepared for the filing, may be submitted in their original size. All copies of any statement, financial statements, or exhibits shall be clear, easily readable, and suitable for photocopying. Debits in credit categories and credits in debit categories shall be designated so as to be clearly distinguishable as such on photocopies. Statements shall be in the English language and monetary values shall be stated in United States currency. If any exhibit or other paper or document filed with the statement is in a foreign language, it shall be accompanied by a translation into the English language and any monetary value shown in a foreign currency normally shall be converted into United States currency.
4. If an applicant requests a hearing on a consolidated basis under R.S. 22:691.4(E)(3), in addition to filing the form A with the commissioner, the applicant shall file a copy of form A with the National Association of Insurance Commissioners in electronic form.
B. Forms-Incorporation by Reference, Summaries, and Omissions
1. Information required by an item of form A, form B, form D, form E or form F may be incorporated by reference in answer or partial answer to any other item. Information contained in any financial statement, annual report, proxy statement, statement filed with a governmental authority, or any other document may be incorporated by reference in answer or partial answer to any item of form A, form B, form D, form E or form F provided such document or paper is filed as an exhibit to the statement. Excerpts of documents may be filed as exhibits if the documents are extensive. Documents currently on file with the commissioner which were filed within three years need not to be attached as exhibits. References to information contained in exhibits or in documents already on file shall clearly identify the material and shall specifically indicate that such material is to be incorporated by reference in answer to the item. Matter shall not be incorporated by reference in any case where such incorporation would render the statement incomplete, unclear, or confusing.
2. Where an item requires a summary or outline of the provisions of any document, only a brief statement shall be made as to the pertinent provisions of the document. In addition to such statement, the summary or outline may incorporate by reference particular parts of any exhibit or document currently on file with commissioner which was filed within three years and may be qualified in its entirety by such reference. In any case where two or more documents required to be filed as exhibits are substantially identical in all material respects except as to the parties thereto, the dates of execution, or other details, a copy of only one such documents need be filed with a schedule identifying the omitted documents and setting forth the material details in which such documents need be filed with a schedule identifying the omitted documents and setting forth the material details in which such documents differ from the documents a copy of which is filed.
C. Forms-Information Unknown or Unavailable and Extension of Time to Furnish
1. Information required need be given only insofar as it is known or reasonably available to the person filing the statement. If any required information is unknown and not reasonably available to the person filing, either because the obtaining thereof would involve unreasonable effort or expense, or because it rests peculiarly within the knowledge of another person not affiliated with the person filing, the information may be omitted, subject to the following conditions:
a. the person filing shall give such information on the subject as it possesses or can acquire without unreasonable effort or expense, together with the sources thereof; and
b. the person filing shall include a statement either showing that unreasonable effort or expense would be involved or indicating the absence of any affiliation with the person within whose knowledge the information rests and stating the result of a request made to such person for the information.
2. If it is impractical to furnish any required information, document, or report at the time it is required to be filed, there may be filed with the commissioner as a separate document:
a. identifying the information, document, or report in question;
b. stating why the filing thereof at the time required is impractical; and
c. requesting an extension of time for filing the information, document, or report to a specified date. The request for extension shall be deemed granted unless the commissioner within 30 days after receipt thereof enters an order denying the request.
D. Forms-Additional Information and Exhibits. In addition to the information expressly required to be included in forms A, B, C, D, E or F there shall be added such other material information, if any, as may be necessary to make the information contained therein not misleading. The person filing may also file such exhibits as it may desire in addition to those expressly required by the statement. Such exhibits shall be so marked as to indicate clearly the subject matters to which they refer. Changes to forms A, B, C, D, E or F shall include on the top of the cover page the phrase: "Change Number (insert number) to" and shall indicate the date of the change and not the date of the original filing.

La. Admin. Code tit. 37, § XIII-131

Promulgated by the Department of Insurance, Commissioner of Insurance, LR 18:274 (March 1992), amended LR 19:501 (April 1993), Amended by the Office of the Commissioner, LR 411298 (7/1/2015), Amended LR 501281 (9/1/2024).
AUTHORITY NOTE: Promulgated in accordance with R.S. 22:691.1-691.27.