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Federal RegisterJul 31, 2014
79 Fed. Reg. 44474 (Jul. 31, 2014)


U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM).




This notice identifies Schedule A, B, and C appointing authorities applicable to a single agency that were established or revoked from June 1, 2014, to June 30, 2014.


Senior Executive Resources Services, Senior Executive Services and Performance Management, Employee Services, 202-606-2246.


In accordance with 5 CFR 213.103, Schedule A, B, and C appointing authorities available for use by all agencies are codified in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Schedule A, B, and C appointing authorities applicable to a single agency are not codified in the CFR, but the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) publishes a notice of agency-specific authorities established or revoked each month in the Federal Register at www.gpo.gov/fdsys/. OPM also publishes an annual notice of the consolidated listing of all Schedule A, B, and C appointing authorities, current as of June 30, in the Federal Register.

Schedule A

03. Executive Office of the President (Schedule A 213.3103)

(b) Office of Management and Budget

(2) Not to Exceed 34 positions that require unique technical skills needed for the re-designing and re-building of digital interfaces between citizens, businesses, and Government as a part of the Smarter Information Technology Delivery Initiative. This authority may be used to make permanent, time-limited and temporary appointments to Digital Services Expert positions (GS-301) directly related to the implementation of the Smarter Information Technology Delivery Initiative at the GS-14 to 15 level. No new appointments may be made under this authority after September 30, 2016.

27. Veterans Affairs (Schedule A 213.3127)

(e) Not to Exceed 75 positions that require unique technical skills needed for the re-designing and re-building of digital interfaces between citizens, businesses, and Government as a part of the Smarter Information Technology Delivery Initiative. This authority may be used to make permanent, time-limited and temporary appointments to non-supervisory Digital Services Expert positions (GS-301) directly related to the implementation of the Smarter Information Technology Delivery Initiative at the GS-15 level. No new appointments may be made under this authority after September 30, 2017.

33. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (Schedule A 213.3133)

(c) Temporary or time-limited positions that are directly related with resolving failing insured depository institutions; financial companies; or brokers and dealers; covered by the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act, including but not limited to, the marketing and sale of institutions and any associated assets; paying insured depositors; and managing receivership estates and all associated receivership management activities, up to termination. Time limited appointments under this authority may not exceed 7 years.

37. General Services Administration (Schedule A 213.3137)

(a) Not to Exceed 95 positions that require unique technical skills needed for the re-designing and re-building of digital interfaces between citizens, businesses, and Government as a part of the Smarter Information Technology Delivery Initiative. This authority may be used nationwide to make permanent, time-limited and temporary appointments to Digital Services Expert positions (GS-301) directly related to the implementation of the Smarter Information Technology Delivery Initiative at the GS-11 to 15 level. No new appointments may be made under this authority after September 30, 2017.

Schedule B

No Schedule B authorities to report during June 2014.

Schedule C

The following Schedule C appointing authorities were approved during June 2014.

Agency name Organization name Position title Authorization No. Effective date
DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Farm Service Agency State Executive Director—Oregon DA140089 6/11/2014
BROADCASTING BOARD OF GOVERNORS International Broadcasting Bureau General Manager IB140004 6/19/2014
DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Office of Public Affairs Director of Speechwriting DC140099 6/2/2014
Office of the Chief of Staff Deputy Director of Advance DC140101 6/4/2014
Office of Under Secretary Senior Advisor DC140104 6/4/2014
Director General of the United States and Foreign Commercial Service and Assistant Secretary for Global Markets Special Assistant for Policy Initiatives Senior Advisor DC140106   DC140119 6/9/2014   6/12/2014
Office of the Deputy Secretary Special Advisor DC140120 6/12/2014
Office of the Chief of Staff Senior Protocol Officer DC140122 6/16/2014
Advocacy Center Policy Assistant DC140123 6/16/2014
International Trade Administration Confidential Assistant DC140125 6/24/2014
COMMODITY FUTURES TRADING COMMISSION Division of Enforcement Director, Division of Enforcement CT140008 6/9/2014
Office of the Chairperson Director of Legislative Affairs CT140006 6/16/2014
Administrative Assistant CT140009 6/25/2014
DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE Assistant Secretary of Defense (Acquisition) Special Assistant for Acquisition DD140063 6/23/2014
DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Office of the Under Secretary Special Assistant DW140014 6/4/2014
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Office of Communications and Outreach Special Assistant for Strategic Communications DB140081 6/12/2014
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy and Strategic Initiatives DB140082 6/12/2014
Office of Career Technical and Adult Education Confidential Assistant (2) DB140084 6/17/2014
DB140087 6/20/2014
Office of the Deputy Secretary Special Assistant DB140080 6/18/2014
DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY Office of Energy Policy and Systems Analysis Special Assistant DE140064 6/18/2014
ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY Office of the Administrator Special Assistant for Public Engagement EP140034 6/3/2014
Office of the Assistant Administrator for Solid Waste and Emergency Response Special Assistant EP140040 6/17/2014
FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Office of Media Relations Director of Outreach and Strategy FC140011 6/24/2014
FEDERAL MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH REVIEW COMMISSION Office of the Chairman Confidential Assistant FR140001 6/16/2014
GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION Office of Communications and Marketing Deputy Press Secretary GS140039 6/13/2014
Office of Citizen Services and Innovative Technologies Program Director, Presidential Innovation Fellows GS140040 6/13/2014
Office of the Administrator Chief Customer Officer GS140041 6/13/2014
DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Office of the Secretary Special Advisor DH140072 6/5/2014
Senior Advisor DH140070 6/6/2014
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs Online Communications and Outreach Advisor DH140071 6/6/2014
Office of Intergovernmental and External Affairs Director of Business Outreach DH140073 6/6/2014
Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight State Exchange Group Director DH140101 6/26/2014
DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Office of the Secretary Special Assistant DM140151 6/2/2014
Federal Emergency Management Agency Director of Public Affairs DM140155 6/19/2014
United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement Director of Communications DM140181 6/24/2014
Office of the General Counsel Counselor DM140183 6/24/2014
United States Citizenship and Immigration Services Counselor DM140185 6/26/2014
DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT Office of Policy Development and Research Financial Analyst for Housing Finance DU140027 6/6/2014
Office of Policy Development and Research Special Assistant for Policy, Development, and Research DU140029 6/9/2014
Office of Public Affairs Special Assistant for Public Engagement DU140030 6/13/2014
DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Assistant Secretary—Water and Science Counselor- Water and Science DI140040 6/20/2014
Secretary's Immediate Office Deputy Press Secretary DI140048 6/20/2014
DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Office of Public Affairs Confidential Assistant DJ140063 6/10/2014
Office of Legislative Affairs Attorney Advisor DJ140055 6/16/2014
DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Office of the Secretary Special Assistant (2) DL140055 DL140072 6/5/2014 6/25/2014
Veterans Employment and Training Service Special Assistant DL140053 6/9/2014
Office of Congressional and Intergovernmental Affairs Senior Legislative Officer Senior Legislative Assistant DL140054 DL140065 6/9/2014 6/16/2014
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration and Management Special Assistant DL140056 6/16/2014
Office of the Deputy Secretary Senior Policy Advisor DL140067 6/23/2014
Bureau of International Labor Affairs Chief of Staff DL140068 6/25/2014
NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE ARTS National Endowment for the Arts Special Assistant NA140004 6/9/2014
OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET Office of the Director Assistant to the Director BO140013 6/9/2014
Office of E-Government and Information Technology Confidential Assistant BO140018 6/9/2014
OFFICE OF NATIONAL DRUG CONTROL POLICY Office of Demand Reduction Special Assistant QQ140003 6/20/2014
OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT Office of the Director Assistant Director, Office of Public Engagement PM140028 6/12/2014
Office of the General Counsel Senior Counsel and Advisor PM140029 6/12/2014
Office of the Director Director of Scheduling and Advance PM140032 6/20/2014
OFFICE OF THE UNITED STATES TRADE REPRESENTATIVE Office of the Ambassador Special Assistant TN140006 6/17/2014
SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION Office of the Chairman Confidential Assistant SE140003 6/9/2014
SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Office of Field Operations Regional Administrator (Region II) SB140022 6/9/2014
Office of Communications and Public Liaison Press Secretary SB140024 6/9/2014
Office of Capital Access Special Assistant SB140025 6/9/2014
Office of Communications and Public Liaison Special Advisor for Public Engagement Press Assistant SB140026   SB140028 6/11/2014   6/19/2014
DEPARTMENT OF STATE Bureau of Legislative Affairs Deputy Assistant Secretary DS140089 6/10/2014
Office of Faith Based Community Initiatives Special Representative DS140104 6/18/2014
Office of the Secretary Special Assistant DS140088 6/20/2014
Bureau of Public Affairs Deputy Assistant Secretary DS140106 6/20/2014
DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY Assistant Secretary (Public Affairs) Senior Advisor DY140082 6/4/2014
Assistant Secretary for Management Confidential Assistant DY140083 6/4/2014
Assistant Secretary for Financial Institutions Policy Advisor DY140095 6/24/2014

The following Schedule C appointing authorities were revoked during June 2014.

Agency Organization Position title Authorization No. Vacate date
DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Office of the Secretary Senior Program Manager for Global Food Security DA100165 6/28/2014
DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Office of the Chief of Staff Advance Specialist DC110115 6/14/2014
COMMODITY FUTURES TRADING COMMISSION Office of the Chairperson Director of Legislative Affairs CT140004 6/13/2014
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Office of Communications and Outreach Confidential Assistant DB130028 6/14/2014
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy and Strategic Initiatives DB130029 6/14/2014
Office of the Under Secretary Confidential Assistant DB140073 6/24/2014
EXPORT-IMPORT BANK Office of the Chairman Senior Vice President and Chief of Staff EB130003 6/25/2014
DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health Special Assistant DH140020 6/6/2014
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Legislation Confidential Assistant DH120112 6/14/2014
DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY United States Citizenship and Immigration Services Senior Counselor to the Director DM110262 6/14/2014
Federal Emergency Management Agency Director of Public Affairs DM120076 6/14/2014
DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Secretary's Immediate Office Deputy Director of Scheduling DI120046 6/6/2014
Secretary's Immediate Office Press Assistant DI130022 6/28/2014
DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Community Relations Service Senior Counsel DJ130029 6/14/2014
DEPARTMENT OF LABOR Bureau of International Labor Affairs Chief of Staff DL100036 6/1/2014
Office of the Secretary Special Assistant DL130019 6/6/2014
OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET Office of the Director Assistant to the Director BO130016 6/8/2014
OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET Office of the Director Special Assistant BO130022 6/28/2014
OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE Office of the Secretary Special Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Protocol DD130037 6/27/2014
DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Public Affairs Deputy Director of Public Affairs DT130017 6/7/2014

Authority: 5 U.S.C. 3301 and 3302; E.O. 10577, 3 CFR, 1954-1958 Comp., p. 218.

U.S. Office of Personnel Management.

Katherine Archuleta,


[FR Doc. 2014-17990 Filed 7-30-14; 8:45 am]