Agency Information Collection Activities: Requests for Comments; Clearance of Renewed Approval of Information Collection: Procedures for Non-Federal Navigation Facilities

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Federal RegisterNov 22, 2011
76 Fed. Reg. 72238 (Nov. 22, 2011)


Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT.


Notice and request for comments.


In accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, FAA invites public comments about our intention to request the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) approval to renew an information collection. Non-Federal navigation facilities are electrical/electronic aids to air navigation which are purchased, installed, operated, and maintained by an entity other than the FAA and are available for use by the flying public.


Written comments should be submitted by January 23, 2012.


Kathy DePaepe at (405) 954-9362, or by email at:


OMB Control Number: 2120-0014.

Title: Procedures for Non-Federal Navigation Facilities.

Form Numbers: FAA Forms 6030-1, 6030-17, 6790-4, 6790-5.

Type of Review: Renewal of an information collection.

Background: FAR Part 171 establishes procedures and requirements for sponsors, both private and public other than FAA, to purchase, install, operate, and maintain electronic navaids for use by the flying public in the National Airspace System (NAS). FAR Part 171 describes procedures for receiving permission to install a facility and requirements to be fulfilled to keep it in service. These requirements include inspection and periodic maintenance. These tasks and any other repair work done to these facilities is recorded in on-site logs, copies of which are sent to the Service Center office.

Respondents: Approximately 2,413 sponsors of non-federal navigation facilities.

Frequency: Information is collected on occasion.

Estimated Average Burden per Response: 13.72 hours.

Estimated Total Annual Burden: 33,116 hours.


Send comments to the FAA at the following address: Ms. Kathy DePaepe, Room 126B, Federal Aviation Administration, AES-200, 6500 S. MacArthur Blvd., Oklahoma City, OK 73169.

Public Comments Invited: You are asked to comment on any aspect of this information collection, including (a) Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for FAA's performance; (b) the accuracy of the estimated burden; (c) ways for FAA to enhance the quality, utility and clarity of the information collection; and (d) ways that the burden could be minimized without reducing the quality of the collected information. The agency will summarize and/or include your comments in the request for OMB's clearance of this information collection.

Issued in Washington, DC, on November 14, 2011.

Albert R. Spence,

FAA Assistant Information Collection Clearance Officer, IT Enterprises Business Services Division, AES-200.

[FR Doc. 2011-30078 Filed 11-21-11; 8:45 am]