declaration of vivian hinds in support of judgment pursuant to code ofCal. Super. - 1st Dist.March 20, 2020Kambrie L. Keith, Esq. SBN: 303847 Henry Yandell, Esqq SBN: 321114 Lina M. Michael, Esq. SBN: 237842 2 MICHAEL & ASSOCIATES PC 555 St. Charles Dr., Suite 204 Thousand Oaks, CA. 91360 Telephone: (855) 785-4705 4 Facsimile: (805) 728-6266 Attorneys for Plaintiff, American Express National Bank f/k/a American Express Centurion Bank Our File Number: 18079943 7 10 SUPERIOR COURT OF THK STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO UNLIMITED CIVH. CASE American Express National Bank f/k/a American Express Centurion Bank, 13 Plaintiff, 17 18 1 9 /// 20 /// 2 1 /// 22 /// 23 /// 24 /// /// /// /// Defendant, 14 vs. Tatyana Tizenberg, aka Tanya Tizenberg, an individual, 16 ) Case No.: COC-18-572329 ) DECLARATION OF Vivian Hinds IN ) SUPPORT OF JUDGMENT PURSUANT TO CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE, $585 ) ) ) ) ) ) ) 28 DEcLARATIQN QF PLAINTIFF IN sUPPoRT oF IUDUMENT PI,IRsL'ANT To coDE oF cIVIL PRocEDURE 1585 FILE BY FAX CA 585 AECB OIB ELECTRONICALLY F I L E D Superior Court of California, County of San Francisco 01/07/2020 Clerk of the Court BY: NADITA MASON Deputy Clerk 0FCI.ARATION OF PLAINTIFF 2 I, Uivian Hinds, declare and state as follows: 1. I am an Assistant Custodian of Records for American Express National Bank f/k/a 4 I American Express Centurion Bank, ('Plaintiff"}, a national bank organized under the laws of the 5 United States, ("American Express" hereinafter), with its headquarters located at 4315 S. 2700 6 West, Salt Lake City, Utah 84184. 2. In my capacity as Assistant Custodian of Records for American Express, I am 8 familiar with the ongoing credit card business operations and practices of American Express, 9 particularly with respect to its recordkeeping computer systems, credit card agreements and billing 10 for various types of accounts issued by American Express. I have access to the business records 11 'elating to credit card accounts issued by American Express, including, in particular, the records of 12 cardmember accounts and the applicable card agreements. I have personal knowledge of American 13 Express'egular practices and procedures with respect to: (a) the transmittal of credit card account 14 agreements, notices, billing statements, and other documents; and (b) quality assurance controls 15 utilized to ensure that such transmittals are properly made. I also have access to and am generally 16 familiar with the cardmember account records created and maintained by American Express. 17 Except where based on my review of records and documents regularly maintained in the ordinary 18 course of business, all of the matters set forth herein are within my personal knowledge and, if 19 called as a witness, I could competently testify thereto. 20 3. The billing statements and other documents referred to herein were created at or 21 near either the time of the transactions or the time the original statements were made and have been 22 kept by American Express in the ordinary course of business. In my experience, the systems used 23 by American Express to create and maintain data for and to produce billing statements and other 24 documents are reliable and kept in a good state of repair, and American Express'rocedures for 25 inserting transaction and other data into the systems have built-in safeguards to ensure accuracy 26 and identify errors. Duplicate statements can be obtained only by authorized American Express 27 personnel or authorized agents pursuant to proper procedures, which must be followed in order to 28 I DECLARATION OF I'LAINTIFF IN SOPPORT OI'LDOMFNT PL'RBLANT TO CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDUREL Ijsss Fit E BY FAX CA SRS AFAR AEC8 BBI I obtain the statements. The other records referred to herein were created and kept in the ordinary 2 course of business by American Express and were created at or near the time of the occurrence of 3 the matters set forth by those records andfor were created based upon information transmitted by a person with knowledge of the matters set forth in those records. 4. All American Express credit card accounts are governed by a written agreement (the 6 'Cardmember Agreement" ) setting forth the terms and conditions of the account. When an 7 American Express account is opened, the Cardmember Agreement is provided to the cardmember. 8 I The Cardmember Agreement provides that use of the card constitutes acceptance of the agreement. 9 This is also memorialized on the back of every American Express credit card, which contains the 10 phrase, "Use of this card is subject to the Cardmember Agreement." 11 5. All American Express Cardtnember Agreements expressly provide that American 12 Express may change the terms of the Cardmember Agreement from time to time. American 13 Express advises current cardholders of changes through change-in-terms notices, which are either 14 mailed to American Express cardmembers in separate mailings or included with or printed on the 15 i ~ cardmembers'onthly billing statements. 16 6. Whenever a cardmember uses his or her credit card at a vendor or merchant, the 17 common method is for the card to be swiped electronically, where the amount being charged is 18 keyed by the merchant and electronically transmitted to American Express. Once the transaction is 19 approved, the merchant is provided with an approval code and the transaction is complete. The 20 approved charges are stored electronicaliy and recorded on the cardmember's billing statement for 21 the next closing date. The billing statement is computer-generated and then provided to the 22 cardmember. 23 7. Computerized records are maintained by American Express once a potential 24 cardmember has executed a written application or acceptance form, American Express accepts a 25 ~ telemarketing solicitation, or if an applicant applies on the Internet requesting the establishment of 26 a credit card account. The written applications or acceptance forms state that the applicant agrees 27 to be bound by the terms and conditions set forth in the Cardmember Agreement. Further, 28 2 DECLARATION OF PLAINTIFF IN 5LPPORT OJ. Jt'DGMI NT PL'RSUAVF TO CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE, JISSS FILI: BY FAX r'A $80 AFIYIB AECB 00l I applicants who apply over the Internet or by telephone, acknowledge and agree to be personally 2 bound by the terms and conditions of the Cardmember Agreement either by clicking an acknowledgment online or accepting the terms and conditions orally via a recorded telephone line 4 Pursuant to American Express'usiness practices, unless an application had been received by 5 American Express no credit account would have been opened in the name of the defendant herein. 6 8. American Express maimains computerized records of the amounts due and owing to 7 American Express for any transactions that occur vvhen an individual uses an American Express 8 credit card. The computerized records rel)ect all debits and credits in connection with the use of an 9 American Express credit card. American Express sends or otherwise makes available monthly 10 billing statements to cardmembers who cany a balance or are otherwise required to receive a 11 monthly statement. 12 9. I have personally reviewed American Express'ecords concerning Defendant 13 TATYANA TIZENBERC ("Defendant" ). Those records reflect that Defendant opened an 14 American Express credit card account, the cunent account number ending in 3000, previously 15 '004 (the "Account" ) in January 2017. Consistent with American Express'tandard business 16 practices, American Express'ecords reflect that it mailed Defendant's credit card, together with a 17 copy of Defendant's Cardmember Agreement, to Defendant when American Express opened 18 Defendant's Account. Copies ot each of these Cardmember Agreements were transmitted to 19 Defendant as they were periodically revised or updated. Attached hereto and incorporated herein 20 as Exhibit "A" is a true and correct copy of the Cardmember Agreement currently governing 21 . Defendant's account. 22 10. In my capacity as the Assistant Custodian of Records for American Express, I am 23 qualified to identify Exhibit "A" as a true and correct copy of the applicable Card Agreement 24 entered into between Defendant and Plaintiff. This Agreement was produced in the regular course 25 of American Express business and contains the Terms and Conditions that bind American Express 26 cardholders and govern the Agreemem. As the Assistant Custodian of Records for American 27 Express, I am readily familiar with American Express Card Agreements and am qualified to 28 DECLAI&ATION OF PLAINTIFF IN SLPPORT OI. JUDGMENT PL'RSUANT TO CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDL RE, Ij588 FILE BY FAX CA 53» ABIYIB ABCB IJOI 2 identify the attached Agreement as one of American Express'usiness records, routinely used as the contract between American Express and its cardmembers. 11. American Express'ecords further reflect that Defendant used the Account to pay for various goods and services and/or obtain cash advances. Consistent with American Express' standard business practices, American Express'ecords reflect that it transmitted monthly billing 6 statements to Defendant at the address provided by Defendant. Attached as Exhibit "B" are true 7 and correct copies of the Billing Statement pertaining to Defendant's account. 8 9 12. In my capacity as the Assistant Custodian of Records for American Express, I am qualified to identify Exhibit "B" attached hereto, as a true and correct copy of the Platinum Card 10 Statement for account number 3000 iwith the closing date of 8/24/2018. As the Assistant Custodian 11 of Records, I have access to the Defendant's account vvith American Express and am therefore 12 qualified to identify Exhibit "B" as correctly and accurately setting forth the balance of $30,079.67 13 owed by Defendant to American Express at the time the statement was generated. The Statement 14 further correctly and accurately sets forth Tatyana Tizenberg as the Basic Cardmember, as 15 American Express business practice dictates that the individual s name located at the top left comer 16 of the Statement, is the name of the Basic Cardmember. Exhibit "B" is an American Express 17 business record, generated in. the regular course of American Express business, and is used to 18 notify American Express cardmembers of the balance owing on the cardmember's American 19 Express credit card. Exhibit "B" was created at or near the time of Defendant's breach of contract 20 and contains the balance owed to American Express by Defendant. Exhibit "B" is generated on a 21 monthly basis, taking into account the average daily balance, applicable interest, and payments 22 received toward the balance ov'ing on the Card. 23 24 25 26 28 4 DECLARATiON Oii PLAINTIFF IN SUPPOIEI Ol. IUDOMENT PURSUANT TO CODE OF CIVIL PROCEDURE, t5II5 FILE BY FAX CA 586 ALA'0 AECB tIIII 1 13. Under the terms and conditions of the Cardmember Agreement, Defendant was 2 responsible for notifying American Express of any billing errors on his account within sixty days of 4 receiving the statement containing the error. There is no record of Defendant ever asserting a valid unresolved objection to the balance shown as due and owing on the monthly statements provided to Defendant. 6 14. Pursuant to the Agreement, Defendant was required to repay all charges on the 7 account plus interest and fees consistent v:ith the Agreement. This includes charges incurred by 8 additional cardmembers and/or incurred in connection with a business. American Express'ecords 9 reflect that Defendant defaulted in making the payments due on the Account. After giving 10 Defendant credit for all payments made, if any, the amount due and owing as of 12/27/2019 is 11 $30,079.67, exclusive of court costs and attorneys'ees. 12 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the 13 I foregoing is true and correct, and if called as a vvitness, I could competently testify to the matters 14 stated herein 15 Executed this ~ day of ~~II~ 20 ', at Thousand Oaks, CA 16 18 19 Vivian Hinds Assistant Custodian of Records 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 DEcLARATIDN oF PLAINTIFF IN si'PPDRT oF scnoMENT I'DRsvANT 1 0 coDE 0!'lviL PRocL'DURE, II585 FILI BY FAX CA SSS AB&B ABCB BBI Exhibit "A" Cardmember Agreement.'art 1 rtf 2 Ar ot: Gtn tec 17 Platinum CardQx Issuer: American Express Centurion Bank Cardmemher Name: TATYANA TIZENBERG Account Ending In: Bt004 Fees Table laxo Annual Nlsmhership Fes $450 Transaction Fees ~ Foreign Transerxton I None Penalty Fees ~ Late Payment Up to $38 . Restrneo payment Up to $38. Your Billing Rights: See Part 2 for information on hotrr Io exercise your nghts to dispute transacttons. St99924t82495rBCMAEUAGT~t &srtst Qsrt45 Ptee t of2 How Rates and Fees Work ~asia Annual Ntembership Late Payment This fee is on ihe Rates oodles Tsbre on page 1 of Part 1. we wiif charge $175 for up to 3 additk¹al platinum cards, $ 1 r5 for each adtktional p¹0num card after tne Nrst 3. $45 for up to 5 additional child Cards, and $45 krr each aikgbonai Gold Card ttv?teaser. ~ Your Nrst laic fee is $2T. This late fee wiN be charged if ycu do nol pay Nte Amount Due (Minimum payment Due 4 you have a pay C'er Time bdsrmf on your being statement by the payment Due Date shown on that biairig staiemenl. if you rfo Nvs ega¹ wnhlri 8 bNNng periods, your'ate fee ls $38. lf you ara enrolted in a Pay Over Time feature, paying late may also result in a Penaay APR. Ses penally ApR Nv new trsnxacdcrrs above. Lfp 'to $M. If ycu make a paymerN Ntat Is retcvnsd uripaid Nte First tiirie we present it to your bank, 01e fee is $27. If you rfo this again wNtwt the same billing period or Ihe next 8 bilring periods, the fee rs $38. However, the returned payment fse will not exceed the applicable Minimum Paymam Dus. A returned payment may alSO reault in a pr¹atty APR, it yaur Aoork¹t re enrOiied in 9 Pay GVer Time taalure (See Penalty APR rcr new irsnsaoicnc above j. Returned Check [ $38 it you use your cant to cash a check at one ot our approved locaaons and the check is returned ( unpaid. We wNf also charge you the unpaid amount. Account Reopening ) $25 if your Account xr cancesed, ycu ask us fo re-open it, and we dc Nc. , Foreign Transaction j None Part 1, Part 2 and any supplements or amendrnsnte make up your Cardmember Agreement. 3499924182405TNCINAEUAOT00000ot 991181997145 Pase2cf2 PCIR QQF ISI How Your American Express Account Works introduction Atmut your Cardmember AQF&afABnt Changing the Agreement Wards we uee in the Agreement This document tag&Ster with Pmt 1 make up the C BfdflenftKT Agf&efnsAI iAQF&&fnanf} for the Account identified on page 1 of Part 1 Any supplemems or Bffiendfnenfs ai'8 &ISO part Q tb& AQ.&SATBAf. We may diana& tius Agremnan» mbjact to Bpfufcstxe fBW. Wa IAay do tfl'.8 xl f&spo'Ws ta QIL'US}A&M, legal Qr compecavs envmmmeni. This wratsn Agreemant is 8 Ansi IB press ian of Qw agreemsnt govsmtng ths Accaunt. The wmtfm Agrsefmmt may nat b& cancactcxed by any &gaged Graf agre&mam. yttk Qs Bnri Ofu Alaafl tha i&ufw x!Kwn CN ABC& I of Part 1. 1'au and yaur mean Ihe per&an wno sppiwd for Ibis Atcount and far A&ram ws opened ths Account. Yau and yaur aha maa * anyone Bgr866 ul Psy fai tlys AcfxxxAI. YQU swi Cw Basic Cfvdmfvncvv. 'Fou may request s card for SA AddNQIMF cariffflsmb&f'SBL'cofc AGQlcarlaf'wd~ IA Pan 2}. Wh&fl YGU US& m6 ACCOLAt ilX YGti Sigfi Gf kBfip m& Cant}. YOU agfee tc aw tefins Of 816 Agra&IA&AL Ws cannot Incr&ass ths mfwsst rate on exuttng balances axe&pl in limited fxrcumsfancss. Changes ta SGAM fefms ITlay r&quks 65 days BdVBACS AatlCS, snd we witt tell ycxl irl ths nouce if yau have fhs rxtht m ieisCf 8 Chang&. We Carulat Ch BAGS C&ABIA 18frnc dunng the first year oi your CardmamL*rship. Card fA&Bm BAY cafd ol adler ftevfca fhmt we Bsue to access your Account. A charge ia any amount BddBfi N YQIK AccGUfl'f. sue}1 as purchases, f685 BAd mlsreci chargss. A purchase w a cnsrga Ifv goods Gr ssni tees. TO pay by 8 IXVTBIII if&I& Al&BAS fQ Bifid YGUF payfn&IX so Ih&t We I&CBkre 14 8 Ad Cfedit A IQ YGUI'ccount Qy lhat dale isse About yaur paymenfs in Part 2}. About using your card using the card You may use tha mrd to make purchases. Yau msy also use the card a. an Aux to gst cash fram a chackiAQ BCCOUAI yoif dealgABte. We msy fbut are nat required to} tait these merchants BAit Ihvd PBAIBS ff Tofu BXP!fBfkrA dam Gr CSK} number changes Gr d your saauni status is updated. iflCiudltlg If yauf BCCGUAI is caflC&lfiui. You ITXISI tlcufi/ ttl8!Tvuchairts Bnd thifd paices dlfeixly ff yau want it%in IQ Stop Cimlging youf ACCGIIAL Ws d&akte Wtlsffifu tQ BppfOVB 8 Chafg& tfasad QA tlosl you spsfxt sfld pay QA Bxs AIKGUAI B»nd fxhaf Boxtunts YGU flave arflh us Bnd GUI'Wales. W& sfso coASkief YGuf cffkkt tuatonf BAd your PefBGA&l rssaurcas Qwt we know abaut. Keep your card eats and don't Fef Bnyona else use 6 It your card is lost or Stolen or your Account B bmng used without your permission, contact us nghi away.You may BITBBQS fcr Qsftairr In& CBBAW SFiff thxti wuuss to stars your card number wna sxpiratian daf&, so that, for exempt&. ~ ale f%frctumt may Cfiafgs y!X 'r &XXXIAI Bl fegldaf intervals, or ~ YQU Iiiay Awk& ctiBIQSB UBIAQ Butt stared csfd infomwdan. You promise to pay stt charges, Incruding: chan}&6 ytxf IABKB, even lf ymf dc fKA PIBCBm year card of skin faf the Baflsacttan. & charges that otner p&aple make i'yau 1st them uce your Aaxtunc and 6 fdwrg&s Inst Addttionat Cerdowmbers make or permit olhers m rn&ks. Wa A4ly fktctlns Ki authafus 8 Ctkuga Ra&sall& We SfB Aaf fe poflxklle fof Bfly fGSSSB yaU IACtlr ws may dc Ihw vutud& suxpfxu&d ftaud and our if ws do ncl authonze a chargs. And we ars mx asasssrnsnt ot your ~iness. Ttm msy occur rsspansibte lf any merchant refuses to aoxfpt the evan if yfxlf ATKGUAt is AGT IA defauiL c&rd. About Pay Over Time f&atures VBfstan ggy 1st We may add fbsftces ta yourA&count mm atiow ytu m pay IXK!BIA Charges Qvef tlfA&. These f&BBK&S iflcIUde Select S Psy Lsiec Sigil S TFBVBI Bnd Iha Extended Paymwc optica. set&et s pay Later Bttaws you mreqtwst lhsi ettgwe purchases be mix Sd to your Psy Over Tsns baisnce atter ihs chBlgs BppBBfs GA ymx m818rcent If wa approve your request, ws wiif piece cw dmrge in your Pey Over Txns balance. tf we deckrw your request, you Irxxu pay the charge m fvtl upon recwpt of yoia bg}Ag~ fi you &ruat w satn s Trav&i. we vlf automsticaity plSQ& etiglttts Ifavecr&f&ted CF!Bfg&S alto 8 Pay Over lima balanc&. Sama exarnpkw ars sirfine and craw& ship tickets, hotfxs, csr rsntsts and charges made outside ms u.s. ff you enraff m tna cat&Aced payment Gpdan, ws wiy automauca&y piece mi ebgttxe cimlgas IFIIG 8 Pay Crve. Tlrria baIBACS. A charge IS eligible if it equals cr is more than a cwtain dater amount. We will tait you this smcunt VAWA yau SAfoll, snd lt B Subject to chBAQB, WB wvi lail you it we chang& iL can&in charges srs noi atigiilui, BUch Bs cssti afld suriifBf transacdcna. Ws assign 6 Pay Over Time kmit la your Acccunt. WB Wlff Aaf plac& Bny Chafge IBIG 8 PBy Olr&f Tvne bsfance if it causes ths total af your Pay Over Time txttsAcex ia go Over YGUF Pay Ovsf TIAw tllBA. Ws msy AKfucfi Qf IfKf&868 this SmauflL Ws Alay da IK! even it you pay on time and your Account 6 no»n defau!L We wilt tell you If we chang& that amcunL Ycu must pay in full upon receipt of your bgmg suaement all charges thai are rrot piacsd into a Pay Over Tinw bat&Bc&. We fnay chsAgB whch cflslgBs sf8 eligible fa be Pfacsd Iflla 8 PBY Over Time tiBIBAQB. About your payments Wh&n you must pay How to make payments You must pay BG hner ihsn Ns Payment Dua Dais ta avoid 8 tats payment f&e. if a «tat&mern fndtxfes a Pay Over Time balance. 8 wiN «nov a MNimum Payni&rlt Oue.!Ii lhi«c8&6, yau inmm p"y BI kwst tfis MN&AIN1 Paym&AI DUB by ms Peyln«ifit DUB Data Each statsmsm Bbo mmes Ne din& and manner by whf'cti ycu AIU«l Inak& yow pa}nlsfif fw 8 Io b& credited 86 of ths same dsy it I«received Make payment« to US ifi U.S. do«BIB Wiul: ~ a singfs check drawn on 8 U.S bank. Gl ~ a single negotwbts N&trumenf d&ar&af& fivougn the U.S. banking system, IIV eXampfe a NOney Otti&I, Gr 6 sn sisttranic payment Nat camas cisared through me U.S. bankmg system. When rnakirg 8 payment by mml; ~ IAaka 8 Separate pa«AISAI for WICB SCCOINI, mail your paymsm ta the ada re«s «hewn an the payment caufxm an your tv}kng statement, and %vite yaur AccoUt1t IIUA!bs'A your check of negotiabf& instrumsm and Nduds Bw p&ymenl (XIUPOA. if your ceymsAt Aia&$ lhe &flails mt«a,"Bm&nls, w& wig wedit it to yaur Aox}unt as a( the my we recsrvs n, as lang as we recwve 8 by me Bms disdo«ed in youl tiilfNg Sf&1&owl&.! f Ws AN&IV& it Vftsf th81 Each slalsinent Bl«o «ticw«8 Qlosirig Oats The Ufo@fag Oste IV the fasi day of ths biflmg psnod co«&md by ms Statement. Each oiawng Date 8 about 30 d&y« BflBI IIW fx&VINIS «I&1&A}SAIS Ofa&tng Data. bnw, We Will W'Bait Itis paylnBAI GA 81& d&y Bfl&I'& I'BGSIVS It. if your payment does nat meet the aba s r&quir&msm«, there may be 8 dstay in i«&clung your Account This may result in late fess Bnd additions! Nlef&81 ctUUges ($86 Hovr If&Is«SAci Fee«Work on PBg& 2 of Part I } 1 w& dscrae IG BCcep't 8 PSVAISI t triad& N 8 for&ign, currency, we witf choo«s 6 rate ta convert yaur payment into U.S, do!far«, unt&«« the law requires us to use 8 panwul&r rate. if &18 pracB&6 8 fat& paymem, 8 parnai p8}.'NBAI. Gi 8 payment nlark&cf wflh &Ay r&«uicf«r& 8:igU&ge. fhBt w«t hav& no erect an our rights and wiii not change Ihf& Agre&BI& At. How we apply payments and credits If 8 St&USA&f8 NCIUd&S 8 Pay QVSf TIAI& f}efBACB. 8 Afvw lhs Mi'A}NUrti P&yrimAt Du& f18& be&11 pBid, Ws wig shaw a Minimuln Payment Due Ttw ktin«Burn apply payments to Ihs remwnimg Pay Over Time psymenl Due is ths pay i f1 Fup N&w Balance p«IB the bsisncs. when ws do tlk«, we apply payments qra! m Pay Ovw Time Mirimum Oue. the balance with the highest inisi&st rate and then fa tuliaACB& Wiui iCW&f IABK&«I mmsIf yau have a Pay Over Time balance, we generaiiy sppiy payments-up ta Ihe kkn«num Pawn&At Due@I&1 in rrest csee, ws apply 8 cmdn to the same balance to the Pay Over Time hlinimum Due ar d lh&n to the a«!Ae related charge. We nwy apply payment«and Pay in Fuff flew Balance. When appiying a payment credit«within bat&no&a, &nd among balances with Ih& to me pay over Time kbnitnum ma, we apply it f«st asm& Nterest rate, Ir any order we mrna&. to ths bwancs w«h ths lowe«t,merest rate and then ta oaf&AN& i«ifm .Vgti&I }Atm&St I t86. About your Minimum How we caicuiata your tfiinimum Payment Due Payment Due Ths Minknt«n p&ymsrn Due I« ihe pay Ir Fuii amount plus any pay over Time Minimum Due. To calculate the Pay Qvsr Time Minimum Oua far each statement, we Wart with the hrgher of: ('1} inter&st charged an ths statsrrant ctus ie of the Pay Qver Ttme New S&tsnce (sxduding intwa&t on d}& &I&BBA&rl!}, GI'2} $35. Then ws rourd to the nearssl defial and alki Brpr Pay Over Time amount psst oue. Your Pay Qvar Time Minimum Dus wdf nat exmed ytkv Pay Qvsr: «ns NSW S&18AQ&. Yau AISV pa} Iix«6 than Ihe M«nmuin Payment Due, uP tO your Sndra r«II&landfng batanCe, af BAy time. About interest charges on Pay Over Time balances For transachans added to pay over time haisnces Bt your request (for example. S&fect 8 Psy L&IN}, we charge interest Barn ms date they ars &tided 81, a pay time batance undf they ars paid. For Imnsactions added automaccsgy m a pay over rime balanc& I far exampis, sign 3 Trav&I and Extended Payment Opfmn}. ws charge its&rest from the~ data untif they srs paid. However, we will nor charge inblrest on these nansaclions 4. I your Pay Ovw'NI& Pmwau«safanc& far tha tdfing periad is zero, Gr ~ you paid the Accaulx Tomi Pre«km& Safance for each Gf th& pr&vious two siting periods in fuff by Ne Paymwa Dus Date Shown an sech of those slat&mana. Versmn ggyfbf Page 2 at 5 ifow w& Caiculate lntsf&st Dstsnnining the Prime Rate Other )mpofqant information Ws rmkutste irnerssl for 8 bffkng period oy Firsf tigunng ths inuirest on each ha{ance. Balances within each mature.such as sekxx 8 pay Laws, Bi{Fr 8 Travel aixi Extended psymeni option-msy have digsrwit internal lares Yni Uas the Avsfsgli Daffy BaisAcs mmhod Daity Balance {fAC)lid)Ag iiew bsASSCtiOAB) fc flgUAI IAt&mst For sash dsy a DpR is in effecf, ws figur& the davy chan)ac for each balance. The cats! interest cnarg&d ku a Oiiiing Pericd ia me Sum Of Lne inter&at dmrged v taking the beginning AWBAC& far ihe C ay. on each balance. Bttrl)Ag Sny 1181& ct'1&rge sUI Irscbi1g Bny paytAsnw ix cf&iiils,'Ad interest making any appropnate sdfusuvnrnts The interest charged for 8 ha)ance in 8 bifing period, We sdd 8 naw charge to 8 deity balance as cf its except frx vanadcns mtused by mundmg. squats. Vansactvtn date. ~ Average Dsifir gaiance {ADB) mutbpfied by ~ Deify Peiodk P"m {DPR) mutsPtied by Fcr 'tiw first day of 8 fxftng p&Acd, Iii& bsg 11AIAg~ number Of dtljlt ma DPR was 8 Sif&CL balance IS m& &AdiAg tiBfaACS fof Itw fxicr tliilirig ADB pared, Indudrng unpaid interest. Fcr!Ae rest of lhe TC get the RDB fcr 8 baianCS, We add uP its defy bilimg Pericd, the bsynning baianCB i& th& Preutcue hvsnces. Then ws divide the result by ths number day's davy balance pfus sn amounr cf inrereinaqa' days m& DpR for thst btusrca wss in sltecc time fo me prew'ous day'8 dsyy balance mutsplisd by rheltsisiicii is fisgsavs, we tf&Bt 8 85 zem. DpR for msl oe/ence 2'4's rnerftod of!fgunng rbe DPR fi&giriniAg cs/srlcB results in darty compound)rig of A DPR 8 I/388th of sn APR, rounded to ona IAIBrsal tenthcussndm of 8 pcvcentag& FGVIL vcu DPRS aie when sn inlerest rate changes, the new DpR maySAG&A in Hcw Rates and Fees Work on page 2 of nunc mto sgect dunng-not iust at Ihe oeginningoi't. the bf fmg penod. When this hsppenw ws witt rxeate a new balance snd appiy the rrew DPR to ii. To get gls tisgiymil19 befBAcs GA iti& firer dsy for Itiis ABw balanoe, we multiply ths previous dey's dasy bafanc& by tha oid DPR snd sdd lhe result to that dsy'8 daily Other methods Tc figure ths ADB snd intenmt charges, we mey use omar fMmufas or methods that pmducs equweient restate. A)so. wa may choose not to charge interest on certain types ot charges. ws uss the ptime Rats fmm ma rata& secnon or The ts'sti Efrsef Journal. The pnme Rats for each biking pwiod8 the prime Rale pubtishad in rbe vyav 9&&is Joumsf 2 days before m8 FJosing Date of the billing period. The )ysN 9&8&I Journal may not pubtkur lhe prime Rale on that day. If n doss Aot, we wilt Uss the prinie Rate from the previous day it wss published if Ths vysf afreet Jounaf is no longer published. we may uss ihe pAneRete frcm any cm&r n&wspapw of general artutetion irt New York, Nsw York. or we may choose tc use e Siiriilar pub)Shad IBIC. if ths Prtm& Rave Increases, variabfe APRS land corresponding DPRs) wg inixesse. IA that case, you inay pay mixe iAtBri!St BAd iriBY haVB 8 higtler LSAxnuiti PBymeiii DUS. Wh&rt ttis PAAB R&te chsiig&S, tfle feSUltvig clianpss lo vaA'abIB APRs tBke aft& Bs of lr!8 firsf flay of th8 bilililg period. About Additional Cardm&mb&rs Converting charges made in a foreign currency Changing your biiling address At your mquesL we n ray tsatur ~ds to~t You auttxxae us to give Additionsl Caimnsmb&rs Cardrnembsrs. They do not have wxxtunls wilh 8= mbxmation about your Account and to dwcuss x with tlut they csn Uss your Account subpct to ths Arms them of this agrsemenL Ws m raIS e S eir bcn BAAddruOAW g )OU Warn lo Canal an Addiucnai Cardmember'8idnwmb&Y usa cfyfxv ftccou I tc vv&8k mpomng right to usa yow AccouAt {and cancel their card) you89811CWS. Artist latf US. You are re~& 'or ali use of yrxri Acccum by Adifiboria! Caidnwinbar& BAd enyorw they &Sow to Use yoUi'ccount Yixi itlust pay fix 88 chstgSB ttwir nwks, ff you make 8 chwgs in a foreign rxstsncy, AE Exposure Management LSL { AEEML'i wiif oonvsn it into LLB. dot lets on uw date we or our agents promise tL so \hat we bfi you for the charge m U.s. dctlars based upon this cnventkm. Unless a paruayar rats is rertuved kqr iaw, AEEL{L will choose a ronversxm rais that k accsptabts to us itx that date The rats AEER4L uses is no more than lhe highest ofgcfaf rats published by s government agency or the nghevt vveitmnk rale AEEML idsnuffas from customay banking sources on me conversion date or Ihs pAB busirvxn day. Thb rale may tfdfsr frcm rates thm are in effect on the date of your charge. we wiil bvi charges ctmvertsd by estsbtishmenw {such ss avtmes) at ths rates they use. You must nodfy us immediate!y if ycu change lbs. If you have more gran one account. you need to noufy e maitmg address where w& send b%ng statements; us ssparstely for each scccunl. 8-mtuf addi&ca to whbh we wmd nobrxr 8 al your iilfonnasori 81st It has clanged or is iiicofiscl. )famfon 992{9) Closing your Account Cancelfing or suspending your Account CogectioA casts Crsdit reports Sending you notices Ws may cantact you About insurance products How ws handie eiectranic debits fram your checking account ExpressPay Privacy Act of 7974 notice Ymr Aisy ckiss !rex Acr oU fit by callvig Ux Gi'nklng 10 Us. If an Annual Membership fee apples. Ws wxi wfvnd thb fse if you nwify us that you are voluntanif ctoxtng your Account within 3li days af dw Ciasing Dale of lhs Cking xfatsm&nt Gn which that fee appears Fw canc@lekoleahe: this 39 day psnod, tns Annual Membership f&e is nan-refundabts. If an Annual Mentbsmhip fss appfisx to your Accounc it is ahawn an page I snd psge 2 of Pan 1 of the Cardmemo&r Agreement. If your bitkng sddrese is in dw comrnormsakh of Massachusetts at Liw dme you ckee your account, this pclxy will nat apply ta yau. We msy: ~ cancel your Accoum, ~ suspend ths etxtity to make chargsx, v CanCei ar SuSpend Wty fearur& an TOVr Acmunr Blxi v Aaafy nercnane that yOur AOXTUAI naa been cBAc&9&d Qr sUBQBIKMQ. ! f wa do any af Ines&, yau must still pay us for s!I cilaf9&5 UIKiw lhs ISIIB$ Qf ttvs Agnuwwrx. We mey da any af these Bangs at our dtswman, evan if yau pay Gn time and your Acxtunl is nat m ae'auk If your Account ix canc&Bed. you mvst dsxvoy yaur cards. vvs may 63m& to rsmslsls Tats Acccut11 f1&I s carmel!alien. tf we do dttx, ws may: ~ reinstate any additional cards issued on you Account, charge you any appiitsble annus! fess. and ~ charge you a fse tw mine!sting the Actxrunt. If we cwetaer yaur Accaurn in detsviL we msy, to the extern permktsd by iedsraf and spplicabie staR iavr svspsAd yQUI'bitlvr \Q tAsks cfisrges, ~ careei or suspend any lealura on your Acetate, requife yoU IG pay mals Iflsn yoUI Mmiriwiri Paymeflf Dtis UTIIAIKIWUBII, BIKf require yau to pay your Accaurx balance imrnsdimely Ws may cweider your Accaunt Ia be in dsfauit n: e yau vloists 8 provrsktn Qf ttus Agi'&IYABAI, * you jiveu fatxeinformaaon. you ds iw bankruptcy, v yGU defBUlf Uixtsr8AOIA&1 SW& O't yOU haV& wim Us of Bn etfSIBI&, you Ixiconie kmapaotsted tx Ital, Q; v ws betkwe yau sfr-'nable Gr Unwgmg to pay yrxx debts when due. Tou agree ta pay at! rsssorvdve w&ts, mcludmg eaomsys'ess. that we incur to cot!act amounts you ows YGU Bgf86 thai We Bid ObtBiA CfBdll reports about /Ov, irwsstigaal yaia Sblfih.'0 psy, Snd OtitaiA IAfarirtaliw: about yov fmln Giber saurces inducing mformadan IG venfy and re.verify your empioyment and income. And you agree that we wg vss such mfarmavan for sny pvrpoesx, sub!eat to applicable iaw. YGU agfse ltisi we wilt give IfitaArissGA shins fhe Aoxxmt fa cnlds fepolwig sgenciBK We srill tsfl 8 credit reporfing~ if you fai! m comply with any term Gf Ibis Agreemsnt. This may have a nsgasv e impact an yoUI cf8dh fePGIL If yoti b&iisvs vikxtmltian ws tuiv8 gven to s cfixllt reporsrx3 agency ts Incorrect wAI& IQ Us aL AITI&rxsn Express Crsdit Bureau Unit, PD !yea 99 1537, El Paso, TX 799931337. When you wnte to us, tell vs Ihe spsctpc ttiformatNA you txixeve 6 'mcoit&GL We maii yau nodcax thmugh the Ii.S. rreii, poxtsge prepaid, and sddmsa them Io you at the latest bitkng addrsaa an aur rscords. Ary hades thai ws send yau this way is deemed to be given whert deposited m tfe U.S. mair Ssrvicing and coliscdans if WB A&1K! la Ctmmw Tvxt 10 SBV CS yalx 8CCOUAf Gr IO Called SITI6UAIS you Owe, you SUthanZ& US !arid OUI sf!!Bates, 898AM BAd contracsÃx! to coltwct yov at srrr ni 'mbw TGU provide. Sam which yoU cell us. w st which we baiieva we can reach yov. We may conuxx you iri any way, such ax caking Qr I&Cling. we mey con!Be yau Using an automated deter ar prerscwded~.We rnsy conmct you on a mobile. wtr&ISSS or similar device. even if yau are charged iar 8 Ceg monitoring We msy monitor snd recard sny cake oehveen yau and us We or aur am!i&tee msy tet! you about insurance and nan-msuranos praduce. services or features that msy have a fes. DAS of Gw afgisles msy sct Gn behalf of 8 provider Gf these products. The arnhem may bs campensamd for the. Ths insurance products srs nat odered Gr sold by ua or an aur bshalf. Our eflifietsx nwy gst BdrkdIma! compsnsshon when AMEx Axsuranca company or another afpkate Is ths insurer ar remaursr. carApsnsstian may inliUenc& what products and wovidsrs ws or Qur stfxiates teil you Bbout Ws msy share informavan sbaut you wiS. our Bi!!tie!as en ttwy can identify praducts that msy intsrsst you. We A4lv be Corrip&ASBIIK! fix Sxs mroietlaA. Wfisrl yoU pay Us by chBck. Tou BUSIonzs Ux Io if ws do the, your paymsm may bs deducted from alsctranicafiy dsducl ms amount fram yaur tmnk yaur bank or other asset account on the Kame dsy IK otter asset accaunL 'Ae may pracass dw check ws recexie your check. Also. yov will not rscwve thai ekeironketiy by Transmitting to yo- . 9nancmt cancel!ed check with your bank or Bsaef accouni bptmg statement. If we csnnm wxkxx fhe fUIKis stscuonicatty, Nrs Itisy issue 8 dm!t 898iASI yaw bank Gf Otter SSSI I accountv Ihs SCCGUA\ Auiribsr, afK! far tha amount of'hs check.~ ihs check esrisf number. Cards esuscf Gn yaur Account msy be squippad mt'xpressPay. ExprsxxPay enables yau to meke charges without having the cwd swiped ar impnntsd. You can cell Ua lo deem!Kate Expresspay at any ams. A!as. we may deactivsts Expr&SSPay at srry tinwx Some fee!era! agxmciss may sccstx Ihe cwd under autharity Gi statal. When yau make charges at these agendas, ws collect certain charge tnfwmsten. Tha! informatton may be put to rmmne uses such as prccsasing, billing and cat lamias. tt may Siss be Bggregemd for reponing, analysis and marketing uxe. Other routine usss by agsndex may be pubkshea m the Fsaeraf Register. VerstaA 997191 Changing ben&fits Assigning the Agrsemsnt Assigning ciaims W& dD Aot watve ouf figh18 Governing law Notice ta Oregon Residents Notice for residents of Washington State Ciai(TTS ReSOiutiOn We hav& the right to add, BK?dify or de!am any bene5t or Service of yaur Ac!aura at Dur di&crsson YDU. You msy Aot 58!i, BssigA ai'BAsia?" Tow Accovlx ix &ny of your QG59&fk?nx Ufid&f tNS Agi'&efwiAt lf yav IPSDIC& 8 ctiarge wie 8 Nxvchw?L w& Amy !Vedi YDU SPIB& ttxtt VQU wia nix pUfsU& Rny cl&STI 89&IA&l the Account fora!I or psn of ttis depated charg&. If the marcttant for Ihe cmdrfed &maunL And you must w& da So, ycu &5&6)n and trsrwfe! ta Ua ail rignls and ceoperate with u& if ws derris ta da So. CIBSTIS (&KCIUikAg toff Clairilx) agaiASI \h& Al&ICiiBAI We msy choase to delay enforcinp ar to not exercise nghts under Uvs Agrsemenk Awe do this, w& do not waive aur rights to &xsrdx& ar &»!wc& swni on any other aw&sxe. Utah iaw anti federat law giwem ew Agreement and In addrson, it yovr biheg address 8 in the State yaur ACCOunt. They gOVern WithOd regard re in!em&i Of Malyt&nd. IO the SXtenl, if any. thai Maryland prindpi&5 af can!ad& at isw. W& Rrs located in Utah law apples to yaur account. we elect lo affer your We hold yavr Account iri Utah. Ws Bra&red eto ths card accaunt pursuani to Tee 12, Subtitle 9 of the Agreemsnt with you ir Utah. Marylan1 CON!Ten?&i Law Awe!a Service charges not m excess a! 5?ave permiaed by law wig be charged on tns oulstandeg balances !rom month to ireAth. You may psy mar8 Ihan the mrnrAver paymarx due. up to your entire oui&tending bala»re, at afiy lifrie. in aCCardanCe W&h the ReVisea Cade nf Washingtan Siatut&5, SeCtiar 63.1TL167. yOu are nOt r&5(e»5886 fW payni&nt af intwssl chwg&5!hat result solely fram 8 msrclvmt'5 tailurs ta 5 BA&Nit lo us wtlhin Seven Awk!AD days a credit kx goads w servikw& weep!ed for returr, or fwgven ri yau have nod&ed us af the merchant's det&y in paxiing Suoh Wedit, Or Our fabri& ta pOSt SVCh GBDX ta your aOXXIAI Within three Working daya Of Cxrr raCWptaf de wsdiL MO&t CuSIWner CWW&rrw Can be reSOkred by caififig GUI'D&farrier SSATCB D&pBrti1NAt Bi Ih& number bated on ths back of your card In Iha ev&nt Customer Sar~ice IS unable ta rruvxve a complaint ta your 5&&sf&Dike, this section i?xpiaIAS hti& Clael& CSA titi f&SDIV&ti Ihitxigh Ar&018UOB, Sftixraliari Qr 859&tiwl. it IAdUtf&5 ail arbitfBOQB pivvixioA YQU ftlay re!set lbs arbitration provision by sending us wrtgen node& vr ithln 45 days after your hrst card pi&chas&. 8&& Yow Rfgilr Ni Rtyscf &fbi&&don below. Fw th!5 Sac!Km, yotr BIId us iriciudex Bny corriwate par!Lots sub&ilksriss, athlwes ar NIBfBd persons or 8Aiatas. Cfsfrri rile&As BITT currant w ivture dern, depute ar cantrovsmy fal&tiA0 !D ycuf AccaUill(si, Iiii& Age&f11&fit, of anv agrewnent ai retationship you have ar had L?&h ux, except far the vs!cay. Snfarcssbiiity or scop& of the Arbitration prevision. Cfaim inc!ad&5 a?if 15 riot!intr'let! lii ('I) (Ail!a! CIR)IBS, COUI'i&KCIRiiT?5, Waxsdarirs Brid dxitkpslty Ci&INs; (2} daims ha&ad upcn conc&et, eri, fraud, xtatu!e, rsgufsaon. Common iaw Rnd equity; (3) dace by Dr against any third party using or proveing any Woduck service or beneat in o?nrwcfron with any a!count; and (4) ciwm& thai an&a kom ar reiate tc (8) any accaunt created under any oi the agre&mews, or any ha!ance& on & tiy SUOA accxNL (I?) Sdv~. Promwlons or SIN&menb i&I&ed ta sny accaunv, goads ar serves& Bnanred under any &ccouim or terms of Bnandng, (ci I?ene5ts sre services reiawd Ia card ITisinb&fship (Inclutkng f&6-b&5&d tx fr&5 ben&5! pragrams, srvoamem Service& and rewards pragramx) and (d) yaur sppticadon for any account. You may nat 565, assign Or Irarefsr 8 daim. VS&Ad!no - clsim N»uns Before a&ginning 8 lawsuit, mediation or amxmuan, yov and we agree to Send 8 wriaen Aatiwr (a cfsim notice} to esdr pany again&i. vihorn a dsim is SS&tirtsd, IA ofdw tD pfovids an opponunky ta re&Give fhe ciaim informaky or ltiroUgh In&ill&liar!. Gi? IG RN&ficBA&xpr85&.coitv daim ior 8 sample ctaim notice. The dsim noace Blast dsswibs ths claxA SAC! sf&18 tha SPecife relief demanded. Nodos ta you may be prtvkied by your biifing stavewnt or Sent to your b&fing addreaa. Notice ta ux ATV&t indutie your name, !!&men 991181 address and Accoum number and be sent to Amencan Express ADR era CT Corpwaiion Syar&m, (11 8th Av& . WY. NY 10011, if th& daim proceed& e srbeadwk Lha amount af any reiisf dsnendrKI iri 8 CIBiin reisewit Aia bs dlxdoste to th8 wbiaatCf UAVD id!sr the aib)BBtix rules. IA ITmtka&GA, 8 »&leal mtxh&tw help& pBITieS fesatvs 8 claim. Ths frwifistof doss ief daces dw C4lkn IBA II&lpS P&AWS fSSCti Bgf&SA!SAL Ssfors b&gIANAP NtKII&tiie, yau Qr WS TAUSt lirst Send a daim notice Wkhe 30 days alter sanding ar receiving a dain: notes, you w we may submit Ne class e JAMs (1-800-382-826 „ tamssdr.corn) or Ite ATTIBricaii AibkiBlion As&cd&ten ( AAA ) (1.80!i-718-7879, adrorg) far mediation. We wti pay Ne fess of Ihe ifisifia tat'. AB BWGLWIOAVBIRI&d Gafninvi1IZ&UCIAS Bf& corifKii'TAB&i, iti&drds%48 fA coufi BAd Ao! sin?lect lo drscavsm Ail sppgaxbl& statutes of km&saon &nit be ta led unyil ermine&an af ee msdwtian. Exhsr yov or vre may ternanat& dw mediation at wly time. Ths svbmission or faik&6 to submit a da&n e media tiim wig not &If&ra your or aur right to &lect &rbe Rten. Arbitraaa» Yav w we may eisa Ia re&siva any dalm by iixikiiduaf albllfBtioA. CI&iif.a BfB die!der y 8 A&i!Ital &ibkmtw if Rib)I!at)on ts chosen by any pahy, neither yau nar ws wi5 have rhs right to litigat& that claim in court ar have a jury tria! on that daim Furthsr, you and ws wia nat have the right to participaxe in a representathre capacity or 85 a member of any ches p&IT&IAIAg la Rriy clsflil siibfact to aibhfRiiorL Arbitratltm procedures ate genmaiiy simp!sr thBA the rules !fiat apply N coiift, arid discovery is mars limited. The arbitrator'& decisionw are 85 aniwceabl& 8& any court ofdef Bttd sfs &rib)Bct to ver}f IIBIA&d feview by 6 court. Except Bs sst forth A&tow, tii& arbtbatarkt decision srifl Qe gnat and binding. Other rights yau or wa would have in CONT may also not be &vs!fat&& in arbivatian. initiating Arbitragan Seiare b&ginning arbtvmdan, yau or ws must Arst send a ceim notics. Cfwms 6&! ba ref&red to Paga6of8 ether JAMS or AAA, ax Selcded ay the party eliicsilg Wl?anil!!xi. CIBINS wiif ba fBSOived puf&URA! Io Ultx AibitiBfioA pfavtslon Biid lhs 5&let&ed rxgsi1iz&BGA'5 IUI&s N 858ctwhei; the daim is Sed, except where those rules cretkct wilt! Nix AgiBBNSAL If ws choDL& the ofgBAizstiofi, YQU may set&el lhs DIABf wkhiii 30 days alter receiving notes of our 6&ecdon. Cimtact UAMs or AAA ta ~in an seeatio ar for wner infarmation. Claims also may be referred ta &nader arbeauan wganization d lev and ws agree in writeg or to an artxtrsxv appwntsa pur&uara to xedian 8 of ee Federal Arbrvsticn Act, 9 U.S.C. sec. 1-16 (FAA!. We wili naf elect arbeation far any dsim you file in smail claims cauri, Sa long as the dare is inde!dust and pending only in that coun. You or ws may athwvs&e &!act to Rrwvste Bfxi CiaiN St any I!i!i!i Un!&55 it h&5 tiff! ib&d in wert and trial hss begun or anat )ucigmenl tla& tiiieii Sii!Brin!. Eel&i'au Of vie may det&y SAfixCIAP Qf Aat BXSICixe righfs UAG&i'hix AitÃlmtian praixSKiil, ifiCIuding tti& Aght v? &Name 8 Claim, WifhOUI WSIViflg lhe Agtx Ki 6KBNI&s or SAtwcs !ho&it rights. Limitations on Arbitration if either p&ny eiacts e rssohr& a claim by arbitrattan, that cia im will be arbitrated CIA SA )AdwidUBi t?ssis. Ttieia wltl b& no right or authority for any claims to b& aibitfaled QA 5 class Rctiofi !i&&is of an bxwss involving claims brought in a purpon&d rapresentativ& capacity on behalf of the genera! public, other cardmemberx or ether persons simiisrly situated. The wbitrator's suthorky & iimited to claim& between you and us alone. Clem& msy nat l?8 )QIAtxi of ca»5aikkit&a UAI&55 YQU Bnd wa agre& e Wriang. An arbitrat'en award and any !udgment confirming it will apply onhi to ths specific case snd Gannet be used in any other CSSS eXcept to enforce ths swam. Ntmi ah&Landing any other pravi&ian and wlttioUI wskiifig Ihe fig!it ta appeal Such dsdsian, if any portion of these Limes!I» nx cn Arbitrss'on is de&Bed invafid ar unsnfwwebt& !haft itis &fidia Aftiitfatiofi pfaVISIOA (whw UWA Uva Sentenwr) wilt Aw &pixy Arbitration Procedures This Arteradan praw&ian s gavemad by the FAA. Ths sltl'tlBter w»l RPPY BPPlrcst»8 uut'stantlv& IBw. Btaullss Gf kfAitasoAB afld pnvksgss. Ths arbitrstor w»i rmt apply any fsd&rst or sfats rufsu of edit procedure or evidence in rnsttsls r&faung to evidence or dlucovsry subject to (A& Liouta\ionu on ArNratfGA Ihe atbwstor may atherwisa award any rsilef availabis in csun. The amilration wifi be ccnfidentiai, but you may notify any gov&mm&nt authority of your claim. I I your claim 6 fix 5 1 0,000 ar fess, yau msy CtleQS& WABOIW ttl& afbsraflan Wtfi be»XIFKIUct&d safely on the ha&Is af dacuments, thraugh a tslephoruc heanng, or by an N-p&raan Ileanng. At any party« request, ths arbitratar will provide a bdaf vnuen explanau(A of the award. Ths amfirala '8 award w»i bs finai and binding, except fQF sny Agiu ot spP&si prarf(f&o tly Ih& FAA; however, any party w»i hav& 30 days to sppsa! th& RWSfd by Iu}bfyIAg !f18 aftxlmdnfl OFQRAIZSSOA and ag partes in writing. Ths oqpmgaten wifl appornt 8 three»sbruamr panel to decide armw, by ms!atty vote based an wntten subrmssmns, any aspect of ths dscimon objsasd to. Judgment upon BAY aWB I a NBV b& & IltBF&d rfl Sny (curn tIBIINg fr'rlsdi uon, At VOUF &UKUGA, alblus»arl ns(mrrgs wufi take place N the federal tudlaa! district ni your residence Artncration Fess anct Costs 'rou w»l b& responsible fix paymg yaur sl.arB af any BrbffaldoA 76&S (NckKiNQ fii!AQ adllunblra'IVB tlsRAAQ Cr Qttl&F f8&St but GI»y Up Io ms RIA(KNI Cf Ol& ffifAQ fs( YQU Would have (A(Orred If voU had IKQughf 8 cia'Ilo IA CKUIL We w»l be rsspanuibfs far any addi»anal sfbltratioA fses. Al yacx urAtl&A f8(!asst, w& wiil co(su»er N goad iaith making a temoomq a(wane& of youc share af sny adlilratmn ises. Gl'aving fol N& r&BSQA t»6 fB&s ot an experta~ by the smitramr fnr goad cause. Acktltiorlal ArbluatloA Awsafs If ttl& BIG»la!(x FOIBB N yotu falrof fnr Sn BIAotrAt gf&a(Sf NBA rly BABI Otfw W& fnsd& befrxs art»ua»on. Ihe amfu slops &cvwd vnll inau(t&: I 1! any money ta «heh yac ars en(ised, but Irl rlc csss i&su NNI 55,000, Blx! (2I Bny rsasonabis Scam&ye":eea, Coals and sxpwt and olhsr &Fin&us fees. Your Right to Ref&et Arbltradon You msy rejsa tlm Arbarauon provision by sstKlxlg 8 wmf&n Atjscflon rlooc& tD us Bb Arnencan Express. P.c}. Bac 98 1 558, Ei Paso, TX 79998. Cn to SPWAOBA(OFF&Su.camlfsJ&ct fCK 8 SBOIPis Fefscfion Anucs. YQUF c&j&euarl AeftC& NUN b& AIB»ed With!A 45 GRVS atter'QUI'iml Card pUFCASS&. YQUf I'Sl&C(ral AGIICS IAUSI stats that yau I&i&a tha Art»dstr(N prmissm and Nclude your nanw. BOW&su, Acccunt AUNbsl'ric! p&luclAat sglkltur&. NG ons &!8& Nay sign N& mj&Ctkm flDscs. If your MIBCtloo Aouce cmnpfi&u vaftl tfwu& mqulmnl&AIs, ftus Am»rattan prariaiOn and any arh&r arbwauan plcvlsfQIA Irl 'th8 atra rlsnrber agr&&N&Ats foF acy ether currently ap&n Amencan Express accounts ycu have mfi not apply lo you, sxcept far Ccuoomts card accounts and any as!ms Subfaa ta pSAGIAg tltlgadan Oc Bft'gf&tlnrl al th& tlrn& YOU SBfuf yGUF FBPKtIOA AGIN& Re!set!nfl Gf Ous AftMratlon pfovluKIFI w»t Aot a if&0 I yoUf other rights ar respensibiiiuss under lhw Clamw Rssolutic}n ueaian or ths Agre&ment. Re!ecung this Arbmstion provismn w»i not afisct yaur Btxfily fD Use } oaf card Qr arly omeF beA&f», PflktUCI Of S&rvICB you IABY IISCIB With your AOXFUAt. ~nti ' This ueaian Alii sutv he termination af your Account, vc»untary payment of your Ac(aunt balance, Bny legal praceedtng to cofi&ct a debt, any bankruptcy snd any safe of your Accoum (in the case oi a sais, ils terms wali appb tn Ihe buyer of your Acuu}untt. If aro poruen of this Claims R&SGIUtiorl s&ctloA sue&pl Bs othBIwrue Ixovided N the Linearmrfs On Acbftmden subueaton, 8 GB&m&d IAvBIFO or un&I»oro}ah!&, » will nat invalidats ihe remaining por danu of !tlls CfBNls R&soIUtlca uecuon Your Billittg Rights: Keep this 0(ycomertt f(yr Future Use Ttuu noocs t&fis you about your nghL» and eur rsspansituiibes undw ths Fair Crsds Silting Act. IAil at To go 0 You Find a Mtstak& on Your Stat&IBBA( If yacl OIIAK them 8 Sf! &ffcc On yauf alai(rfA&flt, WAI& Io US Sl. American Express P(} Box 981535 El Paso TX 79998.1535 IA your letter, gws us the fotfowing Ntormstion: ~ AccaUrlt I Vormasoltc Your ASIA& BAd BccoUAt numbsr ~ t}cxtw &lnounr. Th& dofiar amount ot the suspsaed &rrar. * t7&ucnptfon nfpmbr&NI if yeu think thm& iS an &IAx OP FOUI" bit!, des(nb& what you b&fwv& 8 wrong and wf y you be!i&vs it is 8 mistake. YGU AWS( CONSCI US: v Within 00 days after the error appeared on your sml&nuln!. w At least 2 busuwss dayx before an autonwted paymsnt A sctlB tulsa, If you waAt to stop payfnBAt On th& Bnloul'x you Ihlflk iS Wlang. You must Aot!fy us of any pa&ntial snore In wriang. You Nay c&fi Us, nut If yeu clo w& af& Aot AxfUif&d ta IflV&stigaIC BAF pot&Atlai Bffom BIKf you may have m psy Ne amount in ques!inn. What Witt Happen Aftsr We Receive Your Lsaer When we rscmve yaur fetter, we must do two things: 1. wimiA 30 days of mcslvNQ yoUF f&SBf, w& frlust tell YOU Ihaf W& fsc&IVIAt ynUf fBNK Ws WB BfSG tet! you d we have slready corrsct&d the error. 2. With!A 90 days Df f&CBiVNQ YOUf i&ll&f, We fAUSt euhw carr&et Ihe emr or sxpfsln to you why we b&ti&v& 01& tliif Is conscl. }Is&sion 9971 81 Whit u w& cwsssg816 whslhsf cr Aot Itl&ls fuel twsfi BA cul'Of: w W& csnpux Ity 10 cc»fsa rhs SNaUAI Irl quesuen, ar rsten you as delmqu&nt on that afncMAL ~ Ths charge In qu&sunn may rsmain an your SIB Bnxlfl'L SAO WB IF&F7 COADAUS fa chafgB yOu inwr&N an Inst&meum. e whit& yeU domx hav&ID pay 0!& amounf in quesuan, you are rsspnnaibie for Suu NNBNA!f af YGU. DBIBA(8. ~ We can 8ppiy sny unpaid amount against ya(K Credit kmil Afier w& finiSh aur;rweurigafion. ons af twn things wg happ&n' ffww Nadea mel&k&: Yauwi»not havsm pay the Bfnocrm N qu&uuon OF Bny inmmut Gr Gtlwf fess IsiBSKf ma}et anMunf If &8 de Aat 0&»SV& »266 Xraa 8 Fmafake Yau Wg tuIVS Io p&y aw SIAOUAI Itl QUSMIOA, RNF(f wild sptukumfs Nfwsst and fees. we vnli scmd yau a sfahmwm of the amount yau OW& RA» th& date payryumt IS NIB. W& FAST theft f&pcÃf yau as d&INqu&nl d VDU IfG A(x pay me apIaufll W& tturlk ycxl (tWS. If you AN&!ye our sxp!Snebnn but sgt be!i&vs ycxfr DB Is WIDAg, ynu plcwt wAI& to Us wlulIA 10 days tsfiing us tnai you sgi refilus to pay. If YGU do sn, w& cBAA(x Arpolt yau as d&.xlqu&nt Vatha(X alSO IepOrung mat yOU are OUSSIWning your bifi. We must tmf yau Ihs nsms of anyone towboat ws report&a yau SS d&finquent, and WB Al(ISI t&t IAGSS OIQSABRBOAS kncwr Wl'*Sr} th& nwa&r htlu b(&n snlied b&lw&&rl Uu. If w& do Aol lain& atl of Bw Act&s at!Gv&, you (fo not have ta psy rh& first $50 cf ths smaunt ycu OU&suQfl (»IBA lf your DB Is am&et Your Rights tf Yau Are Dissutisfied With Your Credit Card Purchases if you are dtcuetisfi&d with the geode or selviCes that yau hav& purChassd mth your Cf&da card, BfKI }COU hall& Insd O1 go!xi iaah lo carr&a the prabts m with lh& merchant, you may INV& th& fight AClt IG psy 016 f&IFIBlflNg anlount dus on Ihe purchase. To uue tt»s right, aii of th& fauawing must be UUS: 1. The purchase must have been made in your home slate or wahin 100 m»&s of yaur err&At ma»mg address, and the purchssa One& Nest hav& b&en OIQN ltlBFI 550. (Nc»sl NBINBF of Ilies& Bf& n(A«city If yoUF purchs 6 wau bas&d OA RA Bdvlwtls&IASAI wc Na»sci m ynu, or if ws awn ths campany that said you ths QCQds cc a&FUN&83 2 You must hav& ussd your credit card tor tlw pUFCtlsss. PurctlBSSS NBd& Wi»I CBSll advsnc&S ffOIA Bfl ATM IX wPtl 8 CtuKk th81 ace&uses yaur cr(mit card account do not qus»N. 3 You must not ysl havs fully paid far the purchase If Bi! of the allen& above are mst and you are Slifi GBSNAfied With itis pUFChsu8, COAIBC( US N IW!INQ Bt: Am&ncan Express P(} Bax 981535 E! Paso TX 79998-1535 While we invesugats, the same rutsx appfy to the diuputeci amount as dacusssd atmvs. After we firuuh our inv&stigsfi(N, WS WR tali you our dscwkx!. At lflsl pGIAI, If wB BUAk YGU pxv& ar! amount and you do Am psy, we nwy report you 8 d&krKfUBAI. Your Agreement for Transferring Funds Eiectronicaiiy i fxs EF7 AgF&8merif is tebse&A ArnwiCBA Exprssx Travel Related Ssrvx&s Company, fnc. Bnd you, Lees you enrcfi in an Etscfronic Funds Trsnsfsr Service Df ours (senricei such m AutoPay, Pay By Computer, or Pay By Phone. This isptscQs sny prsviDUB &grs&rn&A you Aisy hRve ivlth Us for It'ie sBtvesx. Words we usa in this agreement In tfm EFT Agresmsnt, yOU and your mean, e addition to the Base Cardmsmber, sny Addkional Can!members who hm e enroltsd in the SSIYICS. We, our, and us nwan American Express Trave! RsieltKt Servttxw Company, IFK. YQUF etixf account means the Amencsn Express card stxxlunt. Your hank is the bank, sscuntws drm, or Ddwr dnarKJst inxdluten that holds your bank BLXGUAL Youf fisrlk QCCQLiAt IS itis bsnk BCCOINI yoii Use tD pay tor sny trarisscdoAR you Alska tirougti Itis &Blvlc8. IJHfhdraw Ql'thdraw8I means an etscxonic debs or dsduction of funds from yQur bank ecccunt. Qur business dsys arQ Monday mrough Fndsy sxduding tetxfsys. How ExPress Cash works Express Cash snabies you tO Wimdraw cash fram yoUI" tianil BCCOIJAt Bt psrBCIpsfiAg SUIOIASRKf tedar mSChines iA Flies). If you enrcd in Expmw Cssh, wa wiii Osu& or allow you to cnoosa a person&i idensd-lion Numtwr (FVN}. You IMlst IJBB wis piN Biong with YQUF csn! Whsn Withdraweg Caxti frQAI BA ATM. Keep YOUF PIN conddentiai. Each kms ytxi isxtxtfBLL'ash iisfrig Exprsss Cash,wewi! Qharge s faeof3I of thesneum of the INC&Bc!en or $5, whichever 9 more. The amount of the Usnsscten is Ihs total ot tha: 9 amount of lha wxhdrswst or funds Irstwf&r, v amount of goods or services recsesd, and sny!Be chwged by lhe ATM opsmtor or netvvow used for the withdrawat. The slwxxlt Gt ths trsreacsoA BAQ tiw f&6 tflat ws ci"Srgs vldl DB withdrawn fl'DAY yoUF txmk BccoUAL For each wkhdrswa! mads in a foreign cun sncy, we charge a fae ol 2.7%, of the corwsned U.S. Ikldai'AICUAI Gf Ihs IFBYISBCkoti. Tha fee Wift be A frQIYI YGUF bsrtk sccour!L Howsvar, we do not charge INS fae for ATM withdrawals msds using cwds issusd on U.S. Consuirer or OPEN Piebnum Card or Centuriorl CaFd accounw. ~6 Corw&rdng ch&"gss made Jn 8 fcr&rgn cunency in Pan 2 of cw Cardmernbsr Agrssment. If 6 transacuon 8 ret tenored by your bank, ws Wtlr Ctwtgs ttla BIAQUAI Of fiw 6'BASacfxxi and 8 ies of $38 to your card ammnL or we msy cod< Item itiractiy from you. Limbs on amourns snd frequency of withdrawsls we sppbr thef~ fimils e the amount that can be withikswn in a 3(LGQF psnod. In addition„ lt'srs ix s dmit of 7 withdrawals in 8 stAgi& tfBv iregs rd less of dw dosat BNCUAt of such wimdrawals}. Yhe ATM operator may siso impose Iimkv Qne fram $3,000 m a 30-day penod Amencsn Express" Zync Card'3,000 in a 3(tday Psnod Green Card $3,000 N 8 30day psriod Otxd Card $8,500 in 8 30-dsy period Pistinum Card" $10.0fS in 9 30-day period Centudon'ard 6'IG,OfS m a 30-dsy period You can get 8 receipt from Ihe ATM each time votJ wktxtrsw rtioney fforn yotv Dank BccoiNf. Ysrston 997181 using Express Cast . Ycur monthiy stawmant for yter card account wdi show any Expraw Cash trsnsactions in fhw biding psriod. Autopsy, psy By Computer, pay By phone widY these selvfctw. Fou csn meats etecxonb payments to your caro SCCOunL When you do 80, you BIIOW Us JX QUI'9&ra to drew 8 Ch&Ck an or ineata an BUIJxveted desnng house (Act 6} withdraws! f cm your bank account tr the BITIGUAI FGL BUUIGAZ&. If YGUF OBAk F&BXA 8 ctlsck or ACH wsixitsivai Unpax! Illa First tsn& ws &UI A1S it for psyAIBAL we may c&ncei your rvght IG uss Ne sstvea YGUF bRAk lnay ChsigC yoti 8 f88 lf IhlS hspPTAS. How to stop AutoPsy paymsnw tf you ham Totd us to !twas AutoPey payments from your bank BCLXKJAL you can stop any of Itiess PKIIABAIR by mitfng ils Bl I"80I&22I-4669 or wriung e AAWALWA Express, BQCUGMC Funds Swvices. PO. Box 961540. e Paso, TX 7999(i-1540 in tree for us to raceWe yOUr rsqtxwt ts isa&i 2 busttwss dirys bsfols IIKJ paynierlt ix schedu!Bd e bs made. we s ili led you, Bf. Bww 'I0 days befors BBCh paylll8AL when it vxd be rreda afe htw much k wg ba. lf we race!vs your r&qusst io slop one of these paymaAIR St !BRst 2 txstAsss days 88kxs tile payn1&M K SCASGU&d io tie AIBde BAd WS dQ not slap it, we wtd be t:Rote for your tossas or damages. Unsuthorixsd U anssctions Tell tis AT ONCE if ycu btxtevs your card or pIN has been tost, Kvxwi or used without your 96m dssen, or if you bsdsve tha! a trsnsactkm has bean maCk vntteut your permissite. Ca!ting Is dw tl&sf Wsy Gf keBPiAg your~ lossss dawn. You Gxdd toss afi ths monay e your bsAk BCCOUAI 82IUR YOIÃ maktnxim Ovefdfak itns of credit, rf appifcebfBi. tf you teii us wxhin 2 business days sitar you learn of dw kws, the/t Qr unsulhmizsd uss of yow cwd Gr PtN, ycu can lose no mors than QM: someone ussd your card or PiN without your parm'ws'en. If you do NQT ts!I us wilnin 2 business days after y'ou team of Bw loss cr Iheft Qf your card cr PW, Bnd ws csA prtxr& ws cixikt hays stoppad someone from using your ced or PtN without your~ it yDU had told us. you extfd loss es much as $500. Tsd us it you bsi'eve that someone has used or msy uss your card cr PIN to uxe ms EFT service without your psrmission. Cad anysm& at 1-800-528-4800 (or P336-393-1111 ccttscL If Alx IA I!I& LI.S.I. YGU fi'Iwy Btso WIBB to Us St Am&ricsn Express, Efscsonic Funds Swvicss, P.O. Box 98 1532, Et Pee, TX 79998-1532. bnproper Bansactions or Psymenw If we do not ctxnplew a lransfsr e or from your bank accoum on time or irr ths corracx amoum, according to this EFT Agr&sment, we wifl bs lwbia for your lasses CF danuxes. Thsm Rta Loire &xcePdtes. Ws BFB Ixx IIBbls: ~ if, through no fault of ours. You do not hxwa enough morwy m your bank actxent; v tT tie ITBASRK WOUII! go DV&F N& IXIKltt knst OA sny oirsAifsft litle you IABY tlavrr,' 8 thrr ATM wLBFB }'QL! Bis niltking lh9 Irsrisiw doss not have snougt. Cash; 6 if the RJnds in your bank Bcrxxrnt were BUD!set tti leg!if plocBBS ol'her ereunenmce the rsssicted dw transscuon; ~ if cxcumstancss beyond our control (such Rs drs Qr doodj prevented ttw Uansacsce dsxpite our reasonsbls precaudons, or ~ if the twminat cr system wss ret work'mg properly and! Gu knew Ubout Qw breakdown when you st&rtsd ths transfer Privacy We witt discfosa informal'en to third partes stiout your transactions: Q wtxm nsc8ssaty for complmlng trsnxacdons 9 to CONPIY Vnth gOVSmment agency Or Court Qidwxl of ~ ss swt&d Iri our Piw&cy NoIKQ., which Txwers your uss of the ssrvicss. Arbitration The Arhioaten sscson. tn Part 'f fhs Csrdmembsr Agrsenwm, apprise e ibis EFT Agf6stYISM Rnd Ih& S&TVTCBS. Hos! tD cQAtBct Us stlDut th& sstvicse You can cell us at 'I-800-!PAY-AXP for Pay By Phons CUBBUQAs, sl IUSG-528-2122 fof Pay By ColrlpUtsr CU&SUOAS, Rt 1-800.528"4800 for AUIDPRy CUsstkms, snd sl I-800-CASH- NQW kx Exprsss Cash ques!en& 'Fou msy also wAts Io Us Rt Alrsuics A Express, Ef&cs'onic Funds Swvicss, PO. Box 981531, Ef Psst. TX 9998- \531 . fA cssQ of slYGFB of IfUQ&tlons if you thet your statement Or reCSIPt is wrong, or if you naed mom lntOrmation about a IAIASBCBDfl on YOUI'fBtenl&AI Ol'scalpt, cat! or wtite us Bs soon as you csn. We must hear from you re later than 60 days after wa sent dls FIRST stst&AIBAt OA IFJAICti Itw protltern or srror Bppearsd. ii ycu do nGt net&et us b&csusa of cBffam ctrculTtst8nces (BLAUI Bs you ars e tha hospital}, wa msy &wand the 60 dsy pence for 8 ANIBDABNQ brae WhsA YQU cQAIBcl Q leli US YQUF FIBNS snd SCCOU FIT AUIYiti6r. 9 descdbe the snor or Ihe 8 ansacten you sr& UABUf8 BlxxJI. Ex!ARIA Bs cwsrty Bs YQU csrl why yGU b&kevB k Is SA QITQF ix why yoU ne&d mors informakon. ~ fBS IJS Ihs BTAOUAI Of I!1& StJSFWCt&d QITCL If you ted us ctady, we msy rsquire that you ssAG us yotlr coIAplalnf or QUsssDA IA wlidng SattxA 10 DLOQMSS dsys aflsr YOU Cadsd US. Within 10 businsss days after ws hear from YQU ivs wit! detsrAISI& whsfhsr afl Biror tue occurred. We will conect Rny error prompdy. However, if we need NGIQ Bms, we may take Up 10 45 cakiAOBF ibr/S to tnVQSUQBIS. If W& do take mora time, we will Ixedit your bank BccoUAI widwi 10 txwltwss days kx IAB BAIQUAI you thmk is in srmr xo Ihat you will have use of Ihs I'unde during dw fime it takes to cornptete our irwss!'igstion. If ws Bsk TGU to pUI FOUI'o!TiplalAI. Di'Usslxxi IA wAdrlg Brxi w& do AQI mcetvs 8 wstxA 10 btetn&ss daym ws msy twt cretkl your bank account for tns amount yOu qusxten. We wid tsl! you ths exults witwn 3 business days alter Tximpedng our nvaxdgstton if ws deeds that there was no amx we vs!i ssnd YGU 8 WAlf&A Sxptalwdon. YOIJ Aisy Rsk fol" COPI&S Of QW dQCUIABAW That WS Us!Kf Xi OLV invesdgsdon. If we have credited your bank Bccount and lind no eotx we wid teil you when we wiif wibidfwv ttlst sneuAt flDlti I'our tisnk BccoUAI Bgse. YGU su!bonze us fG wittxirBw this BIAotlAI fAKA yoix DRAk account. If your tlsAk sccoum doss Aot flsva &ADUgtl fUixfs tO Corer Ibis UYmdrawsf, we csn charge the "GYGUnt kl yoUI'snf Bccount tv cclucl ttw snltkslt from yYSI. If this happens, we may cancef your fight lo U58 6 senrlce We may snd the services We, or any bank or linsncial instttutiOn that pamctpatss in ths Ezprsss Ca h 5&rulc&, may edd to cr renmvs any ATkts from the ssrvca. Ws msy Svfend N i!Ynlt. ma 5&fille&5 Sl any location witriois teiimg you ahead o! time. Also, we may stop a sliivlce Bl stir wlw. wc insl'ICIN} yoUI pBnicipstlon in 8 slnvcs Bt Bny tlnie lf we dc, we ieti wflie IO yrnl, bui wsrnsi„'iol. 5&Cd YOU the CQCC& until sflef We Qsnc&I. AISG, ws ma'I'efuse to Bulhmire 8 lrsnSBCtlQG Sl QUf discrenon We will end Gr Stlsp&fld Usli of 8 etvIGY ff: ~ you do nct uss 5 Icr 'l8 months in s row, & yOur Card accoum is m defauft, & your card account is cancel}ed or suspended, & you cancel me &uihorizauon you gave your bank!Q psy for any Sanssctk}ns you make mrougt, uw wlrvtc&, or 5 your bank account is dosetf to wlmrtmwals tn ON BgaP:IS. YOU rosy NIQGS" Ic step wng B vf 5&lvlcB. tf ycu do, you must eint& fo US st AmericBG Expmss. Elacvcpfc Fords Sennclw, P O. Bixt 98193'I, Ef Paso, TX 79998-1831 Assignment Ws may assign mi EFT *greemem toe Subsidiary or wrtksm al Brw dnw. Nots for llsssachusetts residents General disclosure 818telrieflc A1y dccufnerilBtlon givsil to roil whknt shows !tlat afi electronic filnds !YBQSfsr wss lusus wifi he Bdnnssibts 55 svkf&nce of mat Ilsnsfe! and ivtll constsute Pnme fane proof that the transfer was mavis. E5CSPt SS enplained m tms EFT Agrseinen'„ if you iniaate an eieorore fur de Uansfer born yoUY baret account, yet cannot stop payment oftts transfm Unless otherwise provided in this EFT fkgreemsnt, you msy not stop payment of electronic funds transfers. Therefore, do not use electronic transfers for purchases or service unless you sre satisfied that you wiH not need to stop payment. Disdosure of bank account information to ltufd paftlils: If YQU give US YGUY Wrlli811 sumoilzstlon to sscloss illformatlon sboilf }'Gii, your bank account. or'hs Uansacsons that you make to any person. that susenzston will autonfsscssy siplr6 48 days Bft&i'e recsiv& it. Optionai limit on obtaining cash: You c n ask us to limit tha iota} amount ol cash that you msy gst kom ATMS In a SIngl& day to $80, if you chouse this optmn. we wilt take ail fss5onable Slaps to comphr wlfh YGUY I&Quasi nev. 912919 WHAT DOES AMERICAN EXPRESS DO WlTH YOUR PERSONAL tNFORllllATION'7 Financial companies choose how they share your personal the right to limit some but not ag shanng. Federal law also re share. and protect your personal infoimatiOn. Please read th do. The types of personal information we collect and share depe with us. This informalion can indude: Social Security number Bnd income ll'Bnsaction history arid Bccoiiru h/story insurance claim history and credit history Ail financial companies riced to share customers'e/sons) informatiorl to run their everyday business in the section be)ow, we list the reasons financial companies can share dteir customers'ersonal information; the reasons /t/nencan Express chooses to share; and whether you can limit this sharing. -I ! For our everyday business purposes- such as to process your transactions„maintain your accour;tfs), respond to court orders and legal investigations.! or report to credit bureaus ! For our marketing purposes- fto offer our products and services to you ) For joint marketing with other financial companies I For our BfFtiiatss'veryday business purposes- information about your transactions and experiences For our BfF)tfates'veryday business purposes- information about your creditworthiness For our a%it)ates to market to you Yes 9 No (but please see the "To limit direct marketing" box below for information about additional privacy choices) No For nonaffiiistes to market to you ! /4o We don't share personal infoshare aggregated o de-identiiied data) nice{9) 0 days from the dat are your personal iie for any one prod let us know if you ffers by mail, telep you nxt ices. To about o r Visit us online. www.americanexprass.corn/communications or Call 1-855-297-7748 - our menu wili prompt you through your ch If you are a new customer, we can begin sharing your personal informs ~=:;..:-: -,:::;;.'„':, we sent this notice. When you are no /onge. our customer, we continue information as described m this nodce However, you can contact us at any time to!imit our sharing ,.'=",-: We provide Bddiuonal privacy choices to customers. Privacy elections or service may not automatical!y be appiied to other products and serv : ',;:.'. '!':::.:,:;.:,.;:.i::;::";.'ot want us to use your persona! information to communicate with you :.!,",:-::;.:;:.'',=:;:,':.";:.'-l'.::; '.: and/or e-mail: ;. '- '=-,,:"".ii;)1,:-:~::=.! 'isit us online: www.amedcanexpress corn/communications or Cali 1-855-297-7748 /except for choices about e-mai! communica : „;,';,','j Call t-800-528&800 or go to www.amedcanexpress.corn/contact Vssion 997191 Who is proviiding this Notice Haw d Expres perso How does American Express collect my personal Informationy Why can't I limit all sharing of personal informationg What happens when I limit sharing for an account I hold jointly with someone elss2 i American Express Travel Related Services Company, Inc.. Bnd other American Express Affiliates that pmvids financial products ar services, induding American Express Centurion Bank, Alrleflcaf! Expfass Bank, FSB, anti AMEX Assui'Boos Company To protect your personal intormation from unauthorized measures that comply with federal Iaw. These measures secured files snd buiklings. We collect your personal mformation, for example, when open an account or pay your bills give us your income informahon or give us your co uss youf cfsdit caro We also collect your personal informatian fram others, s other companies. Federal lavi. gives you the right to ginit only shaering for afitttatss'veryday business purposes - information about your creditworthiness affiliates fron" using you information to market to you sharing for nonafiiiiates to r..arket ic you State taws snd individual companies may give you additional rights to limit sharing. Sse below for more on your rights under stare law. Your choices will apply to everyone on your account. Affiliates Conlpanies related by common ownership or control. They can be financial aiid nonfinancial companies. Ouf sfliliafes Include companies wirb ihs Amsrrcsn Express name, including financial coinpaniss such as American Express Travel Related Serwces Company, inc. and nonfinanciaf companies such ss Amedcan Express fsut&shi ng. Afsiatss may also ihiyude other companies related by common ownership or confroi, such ss Serve Vinuai Enterprises, inc. BndAMEXAssurance Company, a provider ofAmerican Expand~ Card-related insurance services. Nanaffigates l Companies not related by common ownership or controk They can be financial snd nonlinancial companies. Iyonaffifiates with wfsch w8 shsi'8 PBfsonal infofniaixin Include service Pf'ovidefs, Ificluding, faf example, direct marketers, thatperform services or funcfions on our behalf. nt marketing A formal agrsenient between nonafgiated companies that together market financial products or seivicss to you. Qufioint IOBrkedng paifnefsinefuds financrai coinpenies We may uansfer personal information to other countries, for example, for customer service or to process transactions. AISIEx Assurance company customers. You may have the nght to access and correct recorded personal information.Personal information may be disclosed by us m detect fraud or misrsprssentabon, to verify msurance coverage, tosn insurance regulatory authority, law enforcement or other governmental authority pursuant to law, or to a grouppolicyholder for purposes of reporting dsims experience ar conducting an audit. Personal information related tainsurance claim activity obtained from a report prepared bv an insurance-support organization on our behalf may beretained by such organization and disclosed as required by law. State Iaw may be more pratscbve than federal law. californi: If your American Express account has a califorriia billing address, we will not share your personal informationexcept to the extent permitted under California Iavr. Vermont: If your American Express account has 8 Vermont bil! ing address, we will automatically treat your account as if you have directed us nat ta share information about your credkwonhiness with aur AITIIiates Version Sar1m Pscs 2 CI2 Exhibit "B" islatiftum Card'ATYANA Tf ENBERCf Cfosing Date 0$02rkrfg p fre Account Ending ~3000 New Balance hlc\udesme pastclueamcunr of$304 207 Payfnent Dtle Date 800,078.07 00ytsfta'isit Late Payment Warning: if rer- do nor 1 ecarte-: your p ay tt 1:nt by ti e Payment Dtie Date Of gtg i ets, yuu may ttaVC tO P 1 ' "to facet uP ru $30 00. *ccoum Summery Prevrous Baluncc- paymentsfcredrrs Neer Charges Fc-es $35,111 5 91 -$ 5,500 20 +$0.00 +$000 see p ge 2 fof 1111furrul11 rotor!us'11011 aocult 1'cr1f a in'. 1 Days in Brikng perroo 30 $36,070.a7 TAIS StatemeAt e for 1AfOAAaltioA Purposes oAly Tht$ ls Aot 6 bulb Pfease contact your collections agency for account information. Disregard the Minimum Payment Gue, your account is in defauh and the balance is due in full. Customer Cere @fat Pay by Computer anlerl'snesplcs ont pbc Customer Care Pay by Phone 1600-525 3355 18001a 29297 5eePage for addmonatrnfonnauon 0 Please ioid 00 the perforauon 1 eiotc detach sr 5 reu m ruth your paymenc a Payment Caupon ~m Pay by Computer Do riot stapie or use paper cops ~ amerrcarrespresscomfpbc %-Pay hy Phone Accotlrlt EI1d1tlg ~30001-0!yr-972 9297 Enter ts drgn acrount 1 on aii Paym ntt Make r heck payebie to Amr ncan Ercpress tr/IflllrjfH ffffffrjfrfrrfff'ftjffffffffljIf/fr/i jffftrftfffj 1 TATY ANA TiZEN8ER Cr 1 33 TOPAZ WAY SAN FRANEf SCO CA gsf 31-233S Pa} nant Dru Dttte Ggflgfla Amount Due $30,020332 E3 '.'i eck here 0 your addressor phone number ha. changed. Note changm ctrl losers sale. Ilh "flf'fjilfjf'+'ff91I"'ffv"'Ifffhl IjfflljfrfI AhtERfCAN ExPRESS BOX 0001'S ANCs LES CA 9009cs-BDGG 0000311'A'32tflff2ffGS7h 002007R47003007"ffs7 21 rl TATYAA!A TTZEhf SEE!G Roco m Ending ~000 p cy4 Payments: yoia payn)er I must be sen: u iha p ymer't adorem sheum an your slaremem olid roust be )Metved by 5 p in tocai lime at 8 at addresslo l)e medued as of diw day it is recerved Paynlenu we)ece ve fter.'. pm, wdf not be cfediwd toyota Amount uiiui the next day. paynients nlust ai)o { I! Include the remittance coupon from youl s aternerrt, !2! Oe made wah» single chccte arawn or a US bank and payable in US dokars. or with a negcxiabiv irtso umeni payab!e ir US dollars 3rd de ml le uuo gn the US banking iysrem, ano!3l a)elude your Amour t numbei. It your paymentd~3 not meet ail o(:he above requvements, creciiung il ay be dwayeci aod you rrw) v cui fal» payment fees and additional rntetest charges Ele I o r c parr letrism t be made through imcfmu") pa)mwrt net'odswyau 4) Ucdogers and deaiabie fvough the US oankv)g system tfwe cc apl payinent m e foietg I currency, vrewik comwll .'nfo US coixui al 4;or)version r te that ls acxept ble to us, unius 4 pamcutar mte rsreiluaeubylavi pleaseoo nor sendp st dated cnecirsastlieywwbedeoosnedul)onrweipt Any resmcirvelanguageonapaym.n w. accept wig have no cd r 'n ui wrthout crur express pnor wrurer, approve) We wiii re p ment tr your fimrrcral erst rtutlon arry pa)'ment !i)at ls returned unpaid Parmiwion for Eiactronic Wishdrawafi f I! Wt)en yorr )w)d 4 lreck ic i paymenr you grve u'emission to elec!mr)waxy vnthdraw yorir paymentfrom your ! posit oi odier asset account We wril bio ass rhwk ecch antes ay by hansrnithng the amount ot the I heck, i ourrng riumber accourir numbei and t I)MH se wl nurnbei to your tinancim mstrtrruor, ucaess tne check n noi procewabie ale-romcaliy o. 4 lms costly ptocess 8 avatia pieWhen vre pmress yo *r cocci eiectronicagy your paymenr n av L- withdtaiw.!iom your dews I or othr I asmt Mcounr as soon as the same da) uc.receive youi check„ard you end not receive tliat mnceaed ch cl, vnm your fmancia! ccount statement if we cannor rodeo the funds eiecooniraify we m' issue a d afr agaxisr ymrr defmsii oi otiier asset accour I fcr me amount ot tfie ci)eck 123 By unng pay By compiaw; pay By pl)orna or anyother electrim«payment ser ice of ou s you gree us permisuoi) to tact onrcehy wid)draw funds fmrn the oeposk mother esse: account you speciiv lfr tt van)olini you reqilt' Pa)rrntnts usrr!g such servi et o! Ours . -. ved aber 8 00 pm )AST may noi be croerted until tl)e next day )SOW Wa Caktdaea Your Balance) We uee thC A)Crag Dady 8- ance „'*DB! tee thOd imeiudaig neW t aneaCI OOSI 0 Cattulate the IW!OrC On Wfitdiwechatge rntermt for PayOver Trme balances onym)r Account *- II pw Customer Ca)enon)her lated below fot more v)fonnatlo aimut rht*balance cc in pumnon weri)ed and how resu! Ong it)tete el charoes .e de wmineo. Ehe method ivi'use ro !louie raeADB and ~ Ivreir reiu!Ir in doxy r illpourx)r )9 o, Ir rile'„I payillg!Oterasb lt you have p y over ) lme b 'once, yoi o«e date a m teat! 25 day )pter !he ciow o each bilkng penod lvo wul berim et)* ging u laic)tot lian a.tron)added tua psyche& Tune belaii ea.or dc dat fhe) re added soaevei wewi!!not charge irumes'I anchargm added to a pay riv r hm- balan eautomatxaily))or example po) &xwrmeircwiondpoylwer rrirreDmc!I!youpaytheACCOOKTmalhevBaianieby rbadue ouie each lil or)'f 8 Foreign Culvancychargas!Iyoumakeacharge it.ale eigricurienc), weadrmveititmtoUsdoxar) oi thed I wear ouragentsp Mess it we iwti !Ionse a conversion mte rhet o accept hie to us to that dare, nleis parucul) rate is lequvedby law !'he converuon rare we uw rs no intratlian thc hkghest ofriaaf rat* publrsheo by a government agency omlte htgfwst interbank rat we idenn!y fmin customary banking sources on the convefskill dale nr lhc pttor hustness day This rate may dlf'erfror." ratminafkm on Ihe oa e oi your charge Charges converred by establishmen sw'4 be biked at rhe rates su n estab! shmenis Credit pa!ance Rcreda 0 !ance Idestgrwted Cg, slmwn on rhls statement reptesents money owed to you If wit tltn tile.w fnonth pwtod lot!du'lngthe date of tri* firu staterneni mdicaung the erson I qance you do nor requcwt a rcfuno . r charge enough lo us*up thc credit balance, we wit i sendyouadeckforttwtreditbalancesdthin 30day:rfrhe mounte Si opmmore Credit Sii!)oltfag We may lepori inforrt1ation about ycut Acr bunt toe Milt bufeaui Late p ymcnts mused payments ot other defauils on yourActouni i11ay fh I effected if'I }'out cli dd mpoft. Customer Care 8 Siging inquiries6 frltrarliatlonai Colfact Largr) I tlAt 8) Start!a SCACIHIH)l)ta Ekprem cash 1-800 s25 33 5 ffilatingimpalled 'I-9544. 3 2123 TTYI I-800 22t-4950 FAX. I 800-095 M)90 ).BcocAsffq„)3w ill SY: )4 80-522.1892 Cu stcHtlat Care8 Siihng fnquidas P O. BOX 98)535 EL PA5O, TX 29998-)535 Payments BOX0001 LOS AHGB. ES CA 90090-8000 Wabsita: amencan express cornQua Change of Address Io e Ve) p . em Crepe «.~'. t I" ' . emeeer xrw ..e 4 ' Aud 'A me wecovere ee!I ',e: * Psy Your Bili with AutoPsy Avoid !ate fee I Save tv no W)-4 r Cer. Sut )pc H j I I i~ -L~I::: ~ I t ! | I L3 Dedur I youi paymem from your bank account automatkally each morith iwut amarkanaxprassxamlautopay today to enm!L ee pew r) a)uenas ~ rare)eaves! Platlnem Carde TATYANA TtZENBEBO Cto ing Date GB:*24318 p 374 Aocpuflf Eflolng ~000 i Payments and Credits S U tent n1 ay y Payments Crertits Total Payments ane Credits Total i Detail3 Credits Qf,. I4'ii3 08& i 4DI 8 UNITED AIR'NES SAN FRANCWCG CA UNITED AIBIINES Frcm VIASHINCTGN DttLI.ES Frr&n,- To. WAStiiNGTGNDULLE5 ROME LEGI'(APDGDAL WAS'.'Ifif TGI4 ttULLES I cl er Number 01670958096275 P»enger flame HARZALL&M!CKNEE1 Dmument Type SUPPORTED BEFVND I 'NITED AlltLtNES SAN FRANCISCO CA UNII'ED AfftclNES Tu liOiAIE f.iGNAM&O DA 9 WASH&BC& I ON 31Li LES Trcket Nur&10er 01670958096264 P ssenger Name HARZAI.LIMANDFFP Dc«umcni Type SUPFORTFD REFUND UNITED AfBLINES SAN FRANCIS(.G CA VNIIEDAIBLfftFS Career C 433. UA 00 VA fc DeteofDep rrure OI37fo Ca rfer Cr 33 fJA 00 UA 00 Date uf Deparfu&e om 10 Amount -591IQI Fl'0&11 To 93ASHINGTGN DULLES ROIAE LFONARC&G DA 1 WASHINC TOt 'ill.i.f 5 DcketNumtmr 0I670958096.86 Passenger Name HAliZALL:SHAftcLEN KAIIR fiocu rrer&I Tyoe SilPPURTFD REFUND ca I 471'NII'ED AIRI INES SAN FRANCISCO CA UNITFD KIRI.INESFrnrr&'u VIASHINGTGN DULLES RGIAE 'GNARfuG DA 1! WASHIN&STUN DVf Ec I «ket Nun&ue& 016"0958096290 Pas enger N me H*RZAL! 'IASMtn KAVP. 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