entry of default rejectCal. Super. - 1st Dist.September 14, 2021SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SAN FRANCISCO 400 MCALLISTER STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94102-4514 JAMES SALES PLAINTIFF (S) CGC-18-572291VS. WILLIAM SCOTT ENTRY OF DEFAULT REJECT DEFENDANT (S) Issued to: PLAINTIFF JAMES SALES Your Request to Enter Default against WILLIAM SCOTT submitted on MAR-19-2020 can not be processed for the reason(s) stated below. In order to have your default entered as soon as possible, make the necessary corrections and return the form(s) to: DEFAULT SECTION, ROOM 103 400 MCALLISTER STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94102-4514 Other: 1) Item #1a and c incorrect complaint date and defendant Willian Scott is not a party to first amended complaint. DATED: JUN-02-2020 By: Default Clerk or Deputy Court Clerk Clerk of the Superior Court Form 000181