notice of settlement of entire caseCal. Super. - 1st Dist.August 28, 2020CM-200 ATTORNEYORPARTYWITHOUTAFTORNEYWame,S鋸‘eBarr)umbeらandaddIeS$): � JamesE.Gingrich,StateBa「No.143026 ChicoLawye「 313WaInutStreet,Suite120,Chico,CA95928 TELEPHONENO∴(530)898-1111 FAXNO.(a厨rona伊(530)898_1118 E-MAILADDRESS(Opめn∂小JGinqrich(@ChicoLawve「 AT「ORNEYFOR(Name):PlaintiffBARBARALYNNSMiTH SUPERiORCOURTOFCAしIFORNtA,COuNTYOFSanFrancisco STREETADDRESS:400McAi=sterSt「eet MA旧NGADDRESS:400McAliiste「Street CITYANDZIPC○DE:SanF「ancisco.CA94102 BRANCHNAME:CivicCenterCourthouse PLAiNTIFFIPET汀IONER:BARBARALYNNSMITH DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT:JONATHANROSSLEWIS NOTICEOFSETTしEMENTOFEN丁IRECASE �CGC-18-571996 JUDGE.Ga「「ettL,Wona DEPT.:206 NO丁iCETOPLA看NTIFFOROTHERPARTYSEEK看NGRELIEF Youmustf帖earequestfordismissaloftheentirecasewithin45daysafterthedateofth �esettlementifthesettIementis unconditionaしYoumustfiieadismissaIoftheenti「ecasewithin45daysafterthedatespecifiedinitemlbbe-owifthesett-ement isconditional・Uniessyou刑eadismissalwithintherequi「edtimeo「haveshowngoodcausebeforethetimefo「dismissaihas expi「edwhythecaseshouIdnotbedismissed言hecourtw帥dismisstheenti「ecase. To the cou巾all pa軸es, and any arbitrator or other courf-COnneCted ADR neut「a=nvoived in this case: 1. This entj「e case has been settied. The settIement is: a〇回UnconditjonaI. A 「equestfordismissai wi= be filed within 45 days afte「the date ofthe settlement. Date of Settlement: June 25, 2020 b" □ Conditionai・ The settlement ag「eement conditions dismissal ofthis matte「 on the satisfacto「y completion of SPeCified te「ms that are not to be performed within 45 days of the date of the se則ement. A 「equest fo「 dismissai w紺 be f=ed no later than (date): 2. Date initial pIeading凧ed: Decembe「 ll, 2018 3, Next scheduled hea「ing or confe「ence: a. Purpose‥ Mandatory Settlement Confe「ence (b)[≡] (1) Date‥ JuIy22,2020 (2) Time: 8:30A,M. (3) Department: 2O6 4. TriaI Date: August3, 2020 a, □ Not「iaidateset b.臆コ(1) Date: (2)丁ime: (3) Department: I decla「e unde「 penaIty of pe巾ry unde「 the laws of the State of Califomia that the information above is t「ue and cor「ect. Date: June 25, 2020 詳言誓書ま琶霊田口珊川田。U丁A叶。叩 NO丁ICE OF SE丁TLEMEN丁OF EN丁IRE CASE RNEY OR PARTY WI HOUT ATTORNEY (Name, State Bar number, and address): es E. Gingrich, Stat Bar o. 143026 hi awyers. rn Walnut Street, te , i o, 95928 FOR COURT USE ONLY -2 oN oJ (530) 898 1 1 1 1 FAX NO. (Optional): (530) 898 1 11 8 M iL AOO ( bonai): JGinarioh ChiCOLaWVerS.COm roRNEY FoR (Name): Plaintiff BARBARA LYNN SMITH I COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF San Francisco T«E»»««:40 McAllister Street iu O ooREss:4 0 McAllister Street clTY AND zIP coDE:San Francisco. CA 941 02 sRA cH ME:Civic enter Courthouse I FF/PETITIONER: BARBARA L SMITH T/ : JO ROSS LEWIS ICE OF SET LEMENT OF ENTIRE CAS CASE NUMBER: CGC-18-571996 D«- Garrett L. Wona DEPT.: 206 TICE TO INTIFF OR PARTY SEEKING RELIEF ou must file a request for dismissal of the entire case within 45 days after the date of the settle ent if the settle ent is ndit l. must fil a dismi sal of the entire s it in days after the date specified in ite 1b below if the settlement s i ional. Unless you file di i l ithin the required time or have shown good cause before the time for dismissal has red why he s should not be dismissed, the court will dismiss the entire case. rt, a l arties, y arbit or other court-con ected R neutral involved in this case: This entire case en settl . e settl ent is: . ~x Unco ditional. A request for dismissal will be filed within 45 days after the date of the settle ent. at S tlem : Jun 2 , 202 . ~ Conditional. The settlement agr ement conditions dismissal of this matter on the satisfactory completion of sp ci rm that are not to be perform it i days of t e date of the settlement. A request for dis issal will il o l t r h t ( Date i i ial pleading filed: Dece ber11,2018 . Next scheduled hearing or confer : Purpose: andatory Settle ent Conference b) ~x ( at : July 22, 2) ime: 30 . . 3) tm nt: 0 ri l Date: August 3, 2020 . ~ No tri l t s t . ~ (1) Date: 2) Ti e: 3) epart ent: de re und r penalty of perjury der the la f th t t f alifornia that the infor ation above is true and correct. at Ju 25, 2020 JAMES E. GINGRICH, ESQ. (TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF x ATTORNEY Form Adopted or Mandatory se Judicial Councd of California CM-200 [Rev. January 1, 2007) PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY) TICE OF SETTLEM T TIRE CA NATURE) Page 1 of 2 Cal. Rulaa of Court, rule 3H385 www. couns. ca.qov ELECTRONICALLY F I L E D Superior Court of California, County of San Francisco 06/25/2020 Clerk of the Court BY: YOLANDA TABO-RAMIREZ Deputy Clerk CM“200 PLAiNTIFF/PETITIONER:BARBARALYNNSM什H � DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT:JONATHANROSSLEWIS �CGC-18-5了1996 PROOF OF SERVICE BY FIRST-CLASS MAIL NOTiCE OF SETTLEMENT OF ENT!RE CASE (NO丁E: You camot serve the Notice of Settlement of Enti「e Case ;fyou are a party ;n拘e ac書ion・ 771e PeISOn who served 肌e no書ice mus書complefe的is proof of service.) 1. i am at least 18 years old and not a party to this action, i am a resident ofor empIoyed両he county where the ma冊g took Piace, and my 「esidence or business add「ess is (SpeCi勅: 313 Walnut St「eet, Suite 120 Chico, CA 95928 2, l served a copy ofthe No歌oe ofSett/ement ofEntire Case by encIos前g it in a seaied envelope with postage fu=y p「epaid and (Check one): a. □ deposited the seaIed enveIope with the United States Postai Service. b. [三二] pIaced the seaIed enveIope for co=ection and p「ocessing fo「 ma帥ng, fallowing this business’s usual p「actices, With which I am readilyfamiiiar. On the same day cor「espondence is pIaced fo「 co=ection and ma=ing言t is deposited in the o「dina「y cou「Se Of business wjth the United States Postai Service. 3. The Nof/Ce OfSe請/ement ofEntiIe Case was ma=ed: a. on (dat?): June25,2020 b, f「om (O/tyandstat9): Chico, Califo「nia 4. The enveIope was add「essed and ma=ed as foIIows: a" Nameofpe「SOn Served: Brvan G. Ceglio, Esq., BERMAN BERMAN et al. Street address: 2390 Professional DrNe City: Roseviiie State and zip code: Ca酔o「nia 95661 b. Name ofperson served: Street address: City: State and zip code: C. Name of pe「SOn Served: Street address: City: State and zip code: d・ Name ofpe「son served: Street add「ess: City: State and zip code: □ Names and addresses of additionaI persons served are aftached. (ybu may use fom POS-030㈲.) 5. Numbe「Ofpagesattached: 0 I decla「e unde「 penaIty of pe巾ury under the laws of the State of Ca=fo「nia that the fo「egoing is true and co「「ect. Date: June 25, 2020 James E. Gingrich NOTICE OF SE丁TLEMENT OF ENTIRE CASE ) P締高轟閉る描出静/ Save this form 悶ear thiS form CASE NUMBER: CGC-18-571996 OF OF RVICE Y I TI SETTL T F I C I FF/PETI IONER BA A LYNN SMITH EFENDANT/RESPOND NT: JONATHAN ROSS LEWIS - ( T : ou cannot serve the Notice of Settlement of Entire ase if you are a party in the action. The person who served th tice m t co plete this pr of of ser i e. I a t least 18 years old and not a party to this action. I am a resid nt of or employed in the county where the mailin too pl , and y residence or si ess address is (specify): 3 alnut Str t S e 1 hi CA 959 . I t e otice f Se tl enf of Entire Case by enclosing it n a sealed env lo th po ag ll repaid and (ch ~ deposited th sealed envelope with the United States Postal Servi e. ~x l ed the sealed envelope for collection and processing for mailing, following this busines 's usual practices, wi i I a i f li . O th sa e day corr ondence is placed for ll t a ling, it i posited in t rdinary course of busines with the United States t l i . he Notic o ettle t t re Case w ile : te): June 25, . from city state): Chico, Califor i he envelope was a dressed and mailed as foll s Na e of person served: ry . C lio, Esq., BERMAN B AN et al. t add ess: 23 ional Driv i sevill t : alifor ia 956 ame of person served: t a it : t i : ame of person ser ed: . Na e of person served: t r ss: it : t i : t t dr it : t i : ~ Names and addresses of additional persons served r attached. (You may use form PO - (P).) umbero pages a t : 0 I d re un r pe l rju der the laws of the S ate of California tha the foregoing is true and corr ct. at J e 25, 2020 es E. ingri (TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF DECLARANT) GNATURE OF DE NT) CM-200 [Rev. January 1, 2007] TI TTLEM R C Page 2 of 2 For your protection and privacy, please press the Clear This Form button after you have printed the form. Print this form e t i form Clear t is form