substitution of attorney civilCal. Super. - 1st Dist.November 4, 2021ATMRNET CRPARTPWITHOUT ATTTOOsr IT4222 EIIIAEATIAAUHO AATAOHHAO John E. Cassinat Cassinat Law Corporation 4815 Laguna Park Drive, Suite C . Elk Grove, CA 95758 vaammNOO (916) 393-3030 pAENcctcrcwmr mJAIUACCREEESPcsma john@cassinat. corn AITCANErraR~ Plaintiff CALVIN R. CARMICAL SUPERIOR cotIRT OF CAUFcRNIR, coUNTY OF San Prancisco ETRmTACORms 400 McAllister street INIUNE AOOREER mnANozrccce San Francisco 94102-4514 ERANOHNAUe San Fratrcisco CASENRIIE: CALVIN R. CARMICAL v PACIFIC GAS 8 ELECTRIC COMPAlPl, a California co~ration, Does 1 through 10, inclusive SUBSTITUTION OF ATT0RNEYCIVIL (Without Court Order) CASENUUEEIC CGC-18-568949 THE COURTAND ALL PARTIESARE NOTIFIED THAT (name): CALVZff R. CARMICAL mskeethefollov(ingsubsSuticnc t. Formsrlsgalrepresentetive W Partyrepresentedself [K Attorney (came):Edward Freidberg 2. New legslrepresentsuve g3 Perlyisrepmsenyngseif'K Attorney John E. cassinat e. Name: JOZM E. CASSIMAT b. Sate Sar No. Cifappltceble7.131214 . c. AddnNm(number, street city,ZIP,acdtswfinnname,FRppttcebte7. CASSIEAT LAW CORPORATIOM, 4815 Laguna Park Drive, Suite C, Elk Grove, CA 95758 d. Telephone No. dindcdearea ccde7. (916) 393-3030 3. The palty making this Eubsltution isa [X pleirlbff ~dEfendsnt C] pesioner C] respondent ~ aller (EpeciTy7 'NOTICE TO PARTIES APPLYING TO REPRESENT THEMSELVES Guercflen ~ Personal Representative ~ Guercfien sd fitom ~ Conservator Probate gduciary 2 Unlncorpamted ~ Trustee ~ Corporation association If yau are applying ss ono't the pmtles an this list, you mey NOT act as your own auomey in most cases. Use thts form to substitute one sthnneyfor another sttamey. SEEK LEGAL ADVICE BEFORE APPLYING TO REPRESENT YOURSELF. NOTICE TO PARTIES WITHOUT ATTORNEYS A parly represeating himseif or herself maywish to seek legal assistance, Failure to take timely end appropriate action in this cess msy result in eerious legal oolmequenceS. 4. I consent to thIs subsfitution. Data CALVIN R CARMICAL 0TPE oil PRINT NIJUC 5. ~X I consent to Ibis subESMion. Date: EDWARD FREIDBERG IPIPECRPRNTI4nln 6. ~X I consent hr RIM subehhlfion. Date: IsEN~CPEO(mER ATTC RUE 0 ATAA AOapNOrcc UIAOIAAP Ulc JODO CATAOI lf Ccsatlc scorn Clcv. Joccor 1, slnI ERENATIPTh CP NecATTCRNEn (SEE Rwoom for Cmaf of Eordoe bv malA P2241 O!2 SUBSTITUTION OF ATTORNEY-CML C444 cl COE PAcccho. M Q40I, am . (Without Court Order) csREAAsccclc iscs,lsd ELECTRONICALLY F I L E D Superior Court of California, County of San Francisco 10/09/2020 Clerk of the Court BY: SANDRA SCHIRO Deputy Clerk i CASE NAME:CALVIN R. CMIMXChL v. PIICIRIC Qhs a CASE NUMBER ELECTRIC CONP2$15, s. California co Duration, Does 1 ~ CQC 18 568949tbrouoh 10, inclus ve PROOF OF SERYICE BY MAIL Substitution of Attorney-Civil MC-08'0 Instrucdons: Alhr having allpatios servedbyma7 wÃh the SubsEugon ofAft«may-Civil, have the person who mailed the document complete tfds Pmof of Ssrvfcs by hfaK An unslcned copy of the Pmof of Service by Mag shoutf be comp/eted and served vrfth lhs document Give the Subsdtugon of Aft«may-SiM and the ccmphted Proof of Service by hfsi7 to ths derk for filing. lf you are mpressnffcgyourself, someone ehe mustmer7 these papers and sign drs ProofofService by Mrlt 1. I am over the ags of 18 andnot a party to this cause. I ann resident ot or employed in the county where the rnalling occurred. My residence cr business address h (spsdfy): 4815 Laguna park Drive, suite c, Elk Grove, cR 95758 2. I served ihe Suhsthuecn oi Attorney-Give by end«sing a true copy ln a sealed envehpe addressed to each person whose name and address h shoym below and depositing the envelops in the United States mail with the postage fully prepaicL (1) Dateofmaifngr lo - $ 2020 (2) PlaceofmaRng(cityandstatsjELK GROVE, ChLIFORt IA 3. I declare under penalty ofpeijuiy under the laws ot ihe Slate of Califomirt that the fomgoing is true and corre«L Date: /tr 9 g 0 CYNTIIIA A PORTO Irvva oa pairs rurm NAME AND ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON TO VBiott NOTICE WAS MAILED 4 a. Name oi person ssrvsct ChzVXtf R ChRNICIIL b. Address (number, sbssr. «lly, and2IPj: P. 0 BOX 10, Elverta, CA 95626 c. Name of person servect EDWARD PREIDBERG d.. Address(munber,, dty,andzrpy FREIDBERQ xitw coRpoRRTICE, 2443 Fat.z oaks Blvd., 6391 c Saczamento, Ctc 95825 e. NameoipemonsmvecL f. Addmss (number, sheet dty, end27Pt g. Nameotpemcnservech h. Address (number, sbscrt city, endZlpy. i. Name of person served: j. Address (number, street, ogy, and2IP): C3 Ust ot names and addresses conenued in attachment, uoeo Issa Jatuay 1, arm SLIBSTITUTION OF ATTORNEY-CIVIL (Without Court Order)