Ab Coaster Holdings, Inc. v. Greene et alRESPONSE in Opposition re MOTION for Leave to Appear Via TeleconferenceS.D. OhioMay 6, 2010 CLE - 2723512.1 IN THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF OHIO EASTERN DIVISION AB COASTER HOLDINGS, INC., Plaintiff, v. BRIAN GREENE et al., Defendants. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Case No. 2:10-cv-00234 Judge SARGUS Magistrate Judge KEMP DEFENDANTS’ OPPOSITION TO PLAINTIFF’S MOTION TO APPEAR BY TELEPHONE Late yesterday, Plaintiff Ab Coaster Holdings, Inc. (“Ab Coaster”) filed a motion purporting to require “all counsel to participate in the pretrial conference via telephone.” Brian and Penny Green (the “Greenes”) have repeatedly advised Ab Coaster, through counsel, that their counsel would appear before the Court in person for the preliminary pretrial conference on May 20, 2010. The Greenes do not consent to appearing by telephone, and have informed Ab Coaster’s counsel of such on multiple occasions over the past month. The Greenes expressly object to Ab Coaster’s improper attempt to compel the Greenes’ counsel to appear by telephone. The Greenes believe that appearance in person will facilitate discussion and resolution of the issues to be addressed at the conference. However, the Greenes have no objection to Ab Coaster’s California counsel appearing by telephone while its Ohio counsel appears in person, if the Local Rules permit. Respectfully submitted, /s/Arland T. Stein Arland T. Stein, Trial Attorney (0007310) HAHN LOESER & PARKS LLP Case: 2:10-cv-00234-EAS -TPK Doc #: 40 Filed: 05/06/10 Page: 1 of 3 PAGEID #: 866 CLE - 2723512.1 2 65 East State Street, Suite 1400 Columbus, Ohio 43215 Tele: 614/221-0240 Fax: 614/221-5909 E-mail: astein@hahnlaw.com Attorney for Plaintiffs Brian Greene, Penny Greene, & Professional Billing Consultants, Inc. Case: 2:10-cv-00234-EAS -TPK Doc #: 40 Filed: 05/06/10 Page: 2 of 3 PAGEID #: 867 CLE - 2723512.1 3 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that on May 6, 2010, I electronically filed the foregoing DEFENDANTS’ OPPOSITION TO PLAINTIFF’S MOTION TO APPEAR BY TELEPHONE with the Clerk of the Court using the CM/ECF system, which will send notification of the filing to the following: N. Trevor Alexander Chet J. Bonner John T. Wiedemann CALFEE, HALTER & GRISWOLD LLP 21 East State Street, Suite 1100 Columbus, Ohio 43215-4243 Tel: (614) 621-1500/ Fax: (614) 621-0010 Email: talexander@calfee.com cbonner@calfee.com jwiedemann@calfee.com Daniel M. Cislo, Esq. Kelly W. Cuuningham, Esq. CISLO & THOMAS LLP 1333 2nd Street, Suite 500 Santa Monica, California 90401 Tel: (310) 451-0647 / Fax: (310) 394-4477 Email: dancislo@cislo.com kcunningham@cislo.com Attorneys for Defendant Ab Coaster Holdings, Inc. /s/Arland T. Stein Attorney for Plaintiffs Brian Greene, Penny Greene, & Professional Billing Consultants, Inc. Case: 2:10-cv-00234-EAS -TPK Doc #: 40 Filed: 05/06/10 Page: 3 of 3 PAGEID #: 868