Complaint Limited Filed by Assignee 5KCal. Super. - 6th Dist.May 5, 2021E-FILED 5/5/2021 2:21 PM Clerk of Court Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara 21CV381522 Reviewed By: L. Imasa 21CV381522 JACK H. POGOSIAN, State Btu No; 305741 MANASI TAHILIANI, State Bar No.1 272821 CHRISTINA ARNOLD, State Bar No.: 297590 HYO JIN JULIA JUNG, State Bar No.: 316090 2 MELINE GRIGORYAN, State Bar No.: 321 133 3 MICHAEL D. KAHN, State Bar No.: 236898 NICHOL ALAN DE GUZMAN, State Bar No.: 3 14989 4 CAMRYN P. BERK, State Bar No.: 317565 5 350 CAMINO DE LA REINA, SUITE 100 SAN DIEGO, CA 92108 6 Telephone: (866) 300-8750 Facsimile: (858) 309-1588 7 Attorneys for Plaintiff 8 SUPERIOR COURT 0F CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA 9 DOWNTOWN SUPERIOR COURT 10 MIDLAND FUNDING LLC Case No. 11 Plaintiff, COMPLAINT FOR: 12 vs. (1) Account Stated 1 3 JUANA PADRON; PRAYER AMT: $1,935.71 14 and DOES 1 through 10, inclusive LIMITED Defendant. 15 MIDLAND FUNDING LLC, ("Plaintiff"), by counsel, sues JUANA PADRON, (“Defendant”) under Account 16 Stated and in support thereof states: 17 1. Plaintiff is authorized t0 do business in CALIFORNIA, with its principal place of business at 350 18 CAMINO DE LA RElNA SUITE 100 SAN DIEGO CA 92108. Plaintiff owns portfolios of consumer receivables, which it attempts to collect. Plaintiff strives to treat its consumers, such as 19 Defendant, with respect, compassion and integrity, hoping to provide mutually-beneficial 20 opportunities for consumers t0 repay their debts and attain financial recovery. 21 2. Defendant is a resident 0f SANTA CLARA County, State 0f California and is subject to this 22 Court’ s jurisdiction. 3. Plaintiff is unaware of the true names and capacities of Defendants sued by the fictitious names 23 DOES 1 through 10. Plaintiff will ask leave of court t0 amend this complaint as and when the 24 true names and capacities 0f Defendants named herein as DOES 1 through 10 have been 25 ascertained. 26 Pursuant to California Civil Code (“CA CIVIL”) §1788.58(a)( l )-(9), Plaintiff alleges: 4. Plaintiff is a debt buyer as defined by CA CIVIL §1788.50(a). 27 28 .1. COMPLAINT CA_013ZG File No; 19-176243 .5 \DOONOLJI 10 1,1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 CA_01 32G File N0.: 19-176243 10. 11. 12 13. Defendant established a credit account (the “Account”) with SYNCHRONY BANK. Tlhe amount due is the result 0f transactions that occurred 0n the Account. Defendant was provided statements evidencing Defendant’s use 0f the Account and the balance due. Defendant failed t0 make the required payments and subsequently defaulted on the Account 0n November 15, 2017. Thereafter, Plaintiff was assigned all rights, title, and interest in the Account. Plaintiff is the sole owner 0f the debt. Attached as Exhibit A is a true and correct copy 0f the Bill of Sale from SYNCHRONY BANK, to Plaintiff. The Account was purchased by Plaintiff 0n July 30, 2018. The Account balance at the time 0f charge-off was $1,973.71. Plaintiff alleges that the date 0f default is November 15, 2017 and the date 0f the last payment was October 08, 2017. The name 0f the Charge-off creditor at the time of charge-off is SYNCHRONY BANK. The address utilized by SYNCHRONY BANK at the time 0f charge-off was 170 ELECTION RD SUITE 125 DRAPER,UT 84020. At the time 0f charge off, the account number associated with the debt was XXXXXXXX-XX-9103. The name of the debtor as it appeared in the records of SYNCHRONY BANK is JUANA PADRON and the last known address as it appeared in the records 0f SYNCHRONY BANK is 372 S 18TH ST SAN JOSE CA 951 16. The name and address 0f all post charge-Off purchasers of the debt are as follows: Name Address MIDLAND FUNDING LLC 350 CAMINO DE LA REINA SUITE 100 SAN DIEGO CA 92108 Plaintiff has complied with the provisions of CA CIVIL §1788.52. Plaintiff informed Defendant 0f the assignment 0f the Account. Pursuant to CA CIVIL §1788.58(b), attached as Exhibit B is a true and correct copy of a monthly statement recording a purchase transaction, payment, 0r balance transfer while the Account was active as required by CA CIVIL §1788.52(b). Attached as Exhibit C is a true and correct copy 0f a billing statement that was mailed to Defendant stating the balance due 0n the Account at 0r around the time 0f charge-off. _2_ COMPLAINT .p \DOOQQU] 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 CA_0132G File No.1 19-176243 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Plaintiff acquired all right, title, and interest t0 the Account. To the extent that Plaintiff acts in its capacity as successor-in-interest to the original creditor 0r its assigns, references herein t0 Plaintiff may include Plaintiff’s predecessor-in-interest. Plaintiff has attempted t0 contact Defendant through several means in an effort t0 resolve the Account, but has been unsuccessful. Defendant has not repaid this debt. Plaintiff works with consumers like Defendant t0 find mutually acceptable solutions, often offering discounts, hardship plans, and a variety 0f payment options. The majority of Plaintiff‘s consumers ignore calls or letters, and some simply refuse t0 repay their obligations. When this happens, Plaintiff must decide whether t0 pursue collection through legal channels, including litigation such as the present action against Defendant. Nonetheless, Plaintiff remains interested in discovering a mutually beneficial solution through voluntary payments, if possible, in this case. Before commencement of this action, Plaintiff informed Defendant in writing, that it intended to file this action and that this action could result in a judgment against Defendant that would include court costs allowed by California Code 0f Civil Procedure § 1033(b)(2). FIRST CAUSE 0F ACTION ACCOUNT STATED Plaintiff realleges and incorporates by reference the foregoing paragraphs. An account was stated in writing between Defendant and SYNCHRONY BANK. Defendant opened and derived benefit from the Account. By using the Account, Defendant expressly or impliedly promised t0 repay SYNCHRONY BANK. Within the last four years, Defendant became indebted 0n the Account. On the Account, a balance 0f $1,973.71 was stated t0 be due t0 SYNCHRONY BANK from Defendant. Plaintiff has n0 record 0f Defendant objecting t0 the balance due. Before the commencement of this action, Plaintiff was assigned the Account and indebtedness. Plaintiff is now the sole owner 0f the Account. Plaintiff has made a demand 0n Defendant for repayment 0f the Account, but Defendant has failed t0 pay the balance due. The current balance presently due and owing is $1 ,935.71 which includes payments, set- offs, credits 0r allowances, if any, at 0r after charge-off. _3_ COMPLAINT g \OOOQOU‘I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 1‘7 18 19 20 21 22' 23 24 25 26 27 28 WHEREFORE, Plaintiff requests judgment against Defendant for $1,935.71, costs,- of this action and pest, judgment interest at the statutory rate. Plaintiff waives any claim 'for pre- judgment interest and attorney's fees. Dated: APR g 3 2323 MIDLAND FUNDING LLC By: “a ’2/ E] JACK H. POG'OSIAN D MANASI TAHILIANI Y0 JIN JULIA JUNG D MELINE GRIGORYAN D CHRISTINA ARNOLD D MICHAEL D. KAHN D NICHOL ALAN DE GUZMAN DCAMRYN P. BERK 4 COMPLAINT CA_0132G File N0.: 19-176243 EXHIBIT A AA_0125 File No.2 19476243 synchrony BANK 4125 Windward Plaza Alpharetta, Ga. 30005-8378 BILL of SALE Midland - .NLS --PLCC Fresh -'- Ju ' 20178 For value received and in filrther consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth in the Farward-Flow Accounts Purchase Agfeement (the “Agreement”), dated as of the 9‘“ day of February; 20] 8 by and between Synchrsny Bank fannétly known as GE Capital Retail Bank; RPS Holding, L.L.C,;. and Retail Finance Credit Services, LLC (collectively “Seller") and Midland Funding LLC (“Buyer”), Seller hereby transfers, sells, conveys, grants, and delivers to Buyer, its successors and assigns, without recourse except as set forth in the Agreement, the Accounts as set forth in the Notification Files, delivered by Seller to Buyer on July l9, 2018, and as further described in the Agreement. Capitalized terms not defined herein shall have the definition ascribed in the Agreement. With respect to information for the Accounts summarized in the Notification Files, the Seller represents and warrants to Buyer that (i) the Account information constitutes the Seller’s own business records and accurately reflects in all material respects the information in the Seller’s database; (ii) the Account information was kept in the regular course of business; (iii) the Account information was made at or near the time by, or from information transmitted by, a person with knowledge of the data entered into and maintained in the Accounl's database; and (iv) it is the regular practice of the Seller’s business to maintain and compile such data. Byrwflk , 7» Ken Wojifl §- -‘ Reta‘il Fin". cg ngitServices, LLC j Title: Attorney In Fact Midland Eggnding LLC I yum 1 k Ermine; .igfélfl Exim Title: Attorney In Fact Title: lfcg ?‘fflaéémfi ”Ea.$av~s€§£-'D§§e@mb+ Purchase Price Reconciliation/Funding Instructions July 23, 20] 8 T0: Midland This FORWARD FLOW ACCOUNTS PURCHASE AGREEMENT, is made this 9m day 0f February, 2018 (lhe “Effective Date"), hy and between Synchrony Bank fomlerly known as GE Capltal Retail Bank; RFS Holding, L.L.C.; and Retail Finance Credit Services, LLC (collectively, “Seller") and Midland Funding LLC (“Buyer”) with reference lo the following facts and circumstances: Portfolio RMS NG Document l Document 2 Total Agcy_Atty Code ENLS ENLS Total Number of Accounts E E E Outstanding Balances on Transfer Date: E E E Cut-OffDate July I9, 2018 July 19, 201‘8 Transfer Date July l9, 2018 July l9, 2018 Purchase Price Factor E E PurchascPricc E E E 0% Holdout E E Amount ofWire transfer E fl E Date ofFunding: July 30, 201 3 July 30, 2018 Bank: ABA No. E E Account N0: E E Account Holder: I 1r l I Location: E :2 AFFIDAVIT OF SALE OF ACCOUNT BY ORIGINAL CREDITOR State of Florida County of Seminole Paola N. Medina being duly sworn, deposes and says: I am over 18 and not a party ofthis acu'on. I am a Media Representative of Synchrony Bani: formerly known as GE Capital Retail Bank. [n that position, I have access to creditor’s books and records, and am aware of the process ofthe sale and assignment of electronically stored business records. 0n or about 07/19/2018 Synchrony Bank formerly known as GE Capital Retail Bank sold a pool of charge-off accounts (the Accounts) by a Purchase: and Sale Ageement and a Bill of Sale to Midland Funding LLC. As part of the sale of the Accounts, electronic records and other records were transferred on individual Accounts to the debt buyer. These records were kept in the ordinary course of business of Synchrony Bank formerly known as GE Capital Retail Bank. The Creditor has a process to detect and correct errors on these accounts. The above statements are trug to the best ofmy knowledge. Signed this 27th day of September, 2018 fgé/m Eula N. Medina Signed and sworn to before me this 27th day of September, 2018 (Notary Stamp) A F I ,, Asuug 7 9 State of FIorida-Notaryiéublic V C&rflasfion a GG 134412 mmission Ex ‘r V um 14.. 2Q?!“ es NY AOS l.3 2/1/2017 - St. Paul CERTIFICATE 0F CONFORMITY UNDER NYS w c WM 2_-a The undersiglaed‘does heréby ceflifi that he/shc is. an attoméy-at-law duly admitted to practice in the Sta£e éf Florida and residing ih the State of Florida; that he/she is a. person duly qualified to make this certificate ofconfennity pursuant to Section 299-a ofthe Réal Prfiperty Law _of the State of Nefiv' Yorkmhat he/she is fully acquainted With the laws of the State of Florida pertaining to the ackhowledginent or proof of afiidavits‘; that theacknowledgement or prgqf upon Ithe foregoing Afiidafit of Paola N. Medina was taken 'by‘ Ashlie Gaggia, a notary public; in the State of Flofidag in the manner prescribed by the iaws of the State bf Florida, being the State in 'which the Affidavit was taken; and, based 0n hjs/her review thereof that the notarized Affidavit I ' confonns to the laws of the State of Florida m all respects. Witness my signature this 27th day of September, 2018 Alexandria Gordon Attemey-at-law, State of Florida _ AFFIDAVIT 0F SALE 0F ACCOUNT . BY ORIGINAL CREDITOR State of Florida County of Seminole Paola N. Medina being duly swom, deposes and says. I am over 18 and net a party of this action. I am a Media Representative of Synchrony Bank formerly known as GE Capital Retail Bank. In that position, I have access to creditor’s books and records and am aware ofthe process ofihe Sale and assignment ofelcctmzfically stared business records . - On or about 07/19/2018'Sync’hrony Bank fofinerly known as GE Capital Retail Bank sold a pool ofchargeofi‘ accounts (the Accounts) by a Purchaseand Sale Agreement and a Bill of Sale to Midland Funding LLC. As pan of the sale of the Accounts, electronic retards and other - ‘ records were transferred on individual Accounts to the debt buyer These records were kept 1n ‘ the ordinary course 9fbusiness of Synchrony Bank formerly kncwn as GE Capital Retail Bank. . The Creditor has a process to detect and correct errors en these accounts The above statements _ .a‘re true to the best ofmy knowledge. Signed this 27th day of September, 2018 ‘jW/m Fauna N. Medina Signed and sworn t6 beforc me this 27th day of September, 201 8 (NotaryStainp) ’ ' ASHUE GAR x State af Ptarida-Nu'xagjéub" ‘ Commission a GG 134412 MY Commission Expires Au um 14 2021 r NY Aos 1.3 211/2017 - s: Paul CEancmE 0F CONFORMITY UNDER v NYS CLS CPLR § 3699:} AND NYS CLS RPL § 299-a .The undersigned does hereby certify that he/she is m attomey-atalaw duly admitted t9 praCticc-in the State Of VFlori-darand residing in the State of Florida; that he/she is a person duly V I qualified to make this certificate ofconformity pursuant to Section 299-a ofthe Real Preperty Law of the State. of New Yark; that he/she is fully acquainted wzth the laws of the. State of Florida pertaining to the acknowledgment or proof of affidavits; that the'acknowledgcment or proofupon I the foregoing Affidavit of Paola N. Medium was taken by Ashlie Garcia, a notary public in the State of Flonda, 1n the manner prescribed by the laws of the State of Florida, bemg the state in which the Affidavit was taken; and, based on his/her review thereof, that the notanzbd Affidavit conforms to the laws of the State of Florida m all respects. - r Witness my signature this 27th day of September, 2018 Alexandria Gordan Attomey-at-law, Staterof Florida FieEd Field Data Account_Number 'ESIOS First_Name JUANA Last__Name PADRON SSN *****6100 B‘irth_Date E AccOunt_Address_1 372 S 18TH ST City SAN JOSE State CA Zip_Code 95116-2703 Contract_Date 5/6/2012 La.st_Payment_D‘ate 10/8/2017 ChargeOff_Date 5/14/2018 Current_Balance 1973.71 Last_Pay_Amount 160 ChargeOff_Amount 1973.71 Lending_0ffice_Code ,JCPENNE’Y Last_Purchase_Date 11/6/2017 Account information provided by SYNCHRONY BANK pursuant to the Bill of Sale / Assignment of Accounts transferred on or about 07/30/2018 in connection with the sale of accounts from SYNCHRONY BANK'to Midland Funding, LLC. EXHIBIT B AA70126 File No.: 19476243 JUANA F PADRON Consults y pague su factura en Cuenta Que Termina En: "* "“ 910 31 Servicio al Clienle: 1-800-527-3369 PO Box 965009 Orlando FL 32896-5009 Resumen de Actividad de Cuenta Informacién de Pago Saldo (Balance) Anlerior $1 .438.83 Nuevo Saldo (Balance) $1 ,55246 + Compraleebitos $42.79 Monto Vencido $50.00 + Cargos/Cuotas Cobrados $38.00 Page Minimo Total a Veneer $137.00 + lmerés cobrado $3284 Fecha de Vencnmlento de Pago 1210812017 Tquevo Saldo (Balance) $1 1552.46 Advertencia de Pago Atrasadofii no recibimos su Pago Minimo Total A Veneer a més tardar en la Fecha de Vencimienlo de Pago indicada arriba, es posibte que lenga lene de cremto $1 ‘620‘00 que pagar un cargo per pages atrasados de hasta $38.00. Crédito Disponible $6?.00 Fecha de Cierre de Estado de Cuenta 11/1 5/201 7 Advertencia de Pago animo: Si solamente realiza eI Dias en el Ciclo de Facturacio'n 30 pago minimo cada periodo, usted pagaré mas interés y Ie tomara’ ma’s tiempo quuidar su saldo (balance). Por ejemplo: Solamente el pago 6 afios $3,01 9.00 minimo Si desea informacién sobre servicios de asesoria crediticia, Ilame al 1-877-302-8775. gestatus Ac‘ual: Titu'ar de [a Taffeta Jcpenney Alcanza el estatus JCPenney Gold y reelbe Inbretas de i - cupones durante el afio. Ademés continfia disfrutando de iTotal de compras del ano en curso $169.27 . _ . . . - fabulosos benehcms todo el ano, Incluyendo mas de 150 dias de ahorro, ofenas exclusivas, 1 . . A §Compras adICIonales requendas para un regalo de cumpleafios iy mucho més! Mas detalles en jcpcom/rewards. galcanzan'mantener: g-La Categoria JCPenney Gold 3330-73 g-La Categorl’a JCPenney Platinum 3830-73 FOR FAVOR TOME EN CUENTA QUE SU PAGO ENVIADO POR CORREO DEBE RECIBIRSE A MA'S TARDAR A LAS 5 PM. (HOHA DEL ESTE) O SU PAGO REALIZADO EN LA TIENDA DEBE RECIBIRSE DURANTE EL HORAHIO DE LA TIENDA EN LA FECHA DE VENCIMIENTO. AVISO: Su pago puede convenlrse en un débito electrénico. Consulte el dorso para los detalles. Informacién sobre Derechos de Facturacic’m y otra informacién importante. POR FAVOR DESPRENDA Y DEVUELVA ESTE TALON CON SU CHEQUE PAGADERO A SYNCHRONY BANK. _ _ Cuenta Que Termina Enz'” 910 31 Pago Minimo Fecha de Nuevo Saldo Total a Veneer Vencimiemo (Balance) de Pago ‘ $137.00 ; $50.00 % 12/08/2017 $1552.46 nulllmunnuIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII $DDED D. DD LDireccién o correo electrénico nuevo? [mprimalo al dorsoA JUANA F PADRON 372 S 18TH ST SAN JOSE CA 951 16-2703 Synchrony Bank/JCP P.O. Box 960090 Orlando FL 32896-0090 55.33 HE‘H 2 '.' 13 171315 DPAGE _ sf 5- 9119 590$) MLB’I OlHDb‘Ud Resumen dc Transacciones Fecha de Namero de Tipo de Transaccién Referencia Saldo Descripcién de Transaccio’n o Crédito Monto 11/05 P91 19009NOOYKNNWS R EASTHIDGE SHOP CTR SAN JOSE CA $42.79 SKECHERS, TOALLAS CARGOS 11/08 CARGO POR PAGO ATRASADO $38.00 TOTAL DE CARGOS Y CUOTAS PARA ESTE PERIODO $38.00 INTEHIE’s coanADo 11/15 INTERES COBHADO EN COMPRAS $32.84 TOTAL DE INTERES PARA ESTE PERiODO $32.84 Totales del Afio en Curso 2017 Totai de cargos y cuotas cobrados en 2017 $21 3.00 Total de interés cobrado en 201 7 $372.74 Total d9 interés pagado en 2017 $337.95 Calculacién de Interés Cobrado Su Tasa de Porcentaje Anual (APR)es la tasa de interés anual en su cuenta. Tasa de Saldo (Balance) Fecha de Porcentaie Sujeto a Interés Método de Tipo de Saldo (Balance) Vencimiento Anual Tasa de Inlerés Cobrado Saldo REGULAR NA 26.99% $1 ,480.26 $32.84 E Nuevos Planes de Financiamiento Promocional Las compras con tarjeta que reL'men Ios requisitos se facturarén de acuerdo con una de Ias siguientes promociones: Sin lnterés por 6‘ 12, 24, 36 o 48 meses. Para cada promocién, después de que termine Ia promocién, una tasa de porcentaie anual (APR) de 26.99% aplicara’. Se requieren pages minimos mensuales. Consulte el anuncio promocional para obtener més detailes. Las compras con tarjeta que reunen Ios requisites se facturarén de acuerdo con una de Ias siguientes promociones: Sin Imerés si se Paga en su Totalidad Dentro de 6. 12. 18. 24‘ 30. 36 o 48 meses. Para cada promoclén. si el saldo (balance) promocional no se paga en su totalidad dentro del periodo promocional, se impondré interés a partir de Ia fecha de la compra a Ia Tasa de Porcentaje Anual (APR) que aplica a su cuema cuando Ia compra promocional se realiza. Para cada promocién, después de que [ermine Ia promocién, una tasa de porcentaje anual (APR) de 26.99% aplicaré. Se requieren pages minimos mensuares. Consulte el anuncio promocional para obtener mas detalles. Noticias e Informacién para e! Titular de Tarjeia SU CUENTA EST VENGIDA. POR FAVOR, PAGUE EL MONTO MINIMO O LLAME A ESTA OFICINA. AL NUMERO INDICADO EN SU ESTADO DE CUENTA. Toda comunicacién posterior puede n0 estar disponible en Espafiot. Synchrony Bank puede continuar obteniendo informacién de usted, incluida su informacién laboral y de sus ingresos por medic de otros (incluso solicitar informes de agencias de informes crediticios y otras fuentes) para revisar. mantener o -§ cobrar su cuenta. Beneficios de Titular de Tarjeta e Informacién iEvite el papeleolNunca fue tan sencillo administrar su cuenta. lnscribase en para ver su actividad. realizar un pago, configurar alenas, actualizar su informacién personal y mas. 543.3 H9H N ,_ L 171115 DPAC-E 2 of b 9118' 59100 F1134 GlHL‘5433 h .5‘ 2 0 uH.4 vm n. _ . H, 4 lJH3 1 4 EXHIBIT C AA_0]27 File No.2 19-176243 JUANA F PADRON Consults y pague su factura en Cuenta Que Termina En: ‘" 910 31 Sarvicio al Cliente: 1-800-527-3369 PO Box 965009 Orlando FL 32896-5009 Resumen de Actividad de Cuenta lnformacic‘m de Pago Saldo (Balance) Anterior $1 £55.87 Nuevo Saldo (Balance) $1 ,935.71 + Cargos/Cuotas Cobrados $38.00 Monto Vencido $512.00 + Interés Conrado $4134 Pago Minimo Total a Veneer $61 2.00 Fecha de Vencimiento de Pago 05/08/2018 Nuevo Saldo (Balance) $1 335.71 Advertencia de Pago Atrasadofii no recibimos su Pago ”mite de Crédito $1 ‘520‘00 Mlnm'wo'Tolal A Veneer a_més tarqar en la Fe'cha de Venolmlento de Page Indicada arnba. es postble que tenga crew“) Dismmble nguno que pagar un cargo por pagos atrasados de hasta $38.00. Fecha de Cierre de Estado de Cuenta 04/1 5/2018 Dias en el CicIo de Facturacién 30 Advertencia de Pago Mlnimo: Si solamente realiza el pago minimo cada periodo, usted pagaré més interés y le tomaré ma’s tiempo quuidar su saldo (balance). Por ejemplo: Solamente el pago 6 afins $321 1 .00 mfnimo Si desea informacién sobre servicios de asesoria crediticia, llame al 1-877-302=8775. Resumen de Transacciones Fecha de Numero de Tipo Transaccién Referencia Saldo Descripcién de Transaccién o Crédilo Monto CARGOS 04108 CARGO FOR PAGO ATRASADO $35.00 TOTAL DE CARGOS Y CUOTAS PARA ESTE PERIODO $38.00 INTERIES COBRADO 04/15 INTERES COBRADO EN COMPRAS $41.84 (Continuado en la pro'xima pégina) POR FAVOR TOME EN CUENTA QUE SU PAGO ENVIADO POR CORREO DEBE RECIBIRSE A MAS TARDAR A LAS 5 P.M. (HORA DEL ESTE) O SU PAGO REALIZADO EN LA TIENDA DEBE HECIBIRSE DURANTE EL HORARIO DE LA TIENDA EN LA FECHA DE VENCIMIENTO. AVISQ Su pago puede convertlrse en un débilo electrénico. Consulxe eI dorso para Ios detalles, Informacién sabre Derechos do Facturacic’m y okra informacién imponanle. POR FAVOR DESPRENDA Y DEVUELVA ESTE TALON CON SU CHEOUE PAGADERO A SYNCHRONY BANK. 7 r W r W Cuenta Que Termina En:“' 910 31 Pago Minimo Fecha de Nuevo Saldo Totai a Vencer Vencimiento (Balance) de Pago $612.00 i $512.00 E 05/08/2013 $1,935.71 IIIIIIIIIIunnnlmmuunnull $DDDDD . DD (‘Direccién o correo electrénico nuevo? Imprlmalo a| dorso. JUANA F PADRON 372 S 18TH ST SAN JOSE CA 951 16’2703 Synchrony Bank/JCP P.O. Box 960090 Orlando FL 32896~0090 5’33} H9“ 2 '.-' ’13 180415 EXPAGE E c-f b 9119 590‘.) P1134 OlHDbI‘AJ‘J ' ' EBWW Fecha de Numero de Tipo’de Transaccién Referencia Saldor Descripcic’m de Transaccién o Crédito Monto TOTAL DE INTEREs PARA EsTE PERIouo $41.84mmmmmm Total de‘cargos ycuotas cobrados en 2018‘ $152.00 Total de inte(és cobrado en 201 8 $158.21 Total de-interés pagado en 201 8 $0.00 Glam Su Tasa de Porcentaje Anual (APR) es Ia tasa de interés anual en su cuenta. Tasa de Saldo (Balance) V _ Fecha de Percentaje Sujeto a Ihtere's Méto’do de fiho'de Saldo (Balance) Vencimiemo A_nual Tasa de Interés Cobrado Saldo‘ REGULAR NA 25.99% $1 £36.05 $41 .84 E Noticias ©Informaci'on el Tiiular de Ta-rjeta ° SU CUENTA ESTA VENCIDA. POR FAVOR. PAGUE EL MONTO MfNIMO O LLAME A ESTA OFICINA, AL NUMEHO INDICADO EN SU ESTADO DE CUENTA. iEvite el papeleolNunca fue tansencillo administrar su cuenta. Inscrfbase en jcpgom/credit para ver-su actividad. realizar un page. conflgurar alenas. actualizar su Informacibn personal y mas. 5%33 H9H 2 7 13 183415 E XPEGE L of b 9119 5900 M134 01H05433 «ma:02mmmammn . NO1 n“DimxmN < 7 " r . - r 4 c w s fX PAG E ' 4 ' I E C \mm umqmnxivvaEo:unmane0:923