Proof of Service Summons DLR CivilCal. Super. - 6th Dist.April 1, 2021Electronically Filed by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, on 6/1/2021 4:08 PM Reviewed By: System System Case #21CV381458 Envelope: 6556918 21CV381458 Santa Clara - Civil System System Pos-mo ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUI' ATTORNEY (Name. State Bar number. and address): FOR COURT USE ON LY Ya na Henriks S‘BN 250638 McMURRAY HENRIKS LLP 811 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 1640 Los Angeles. CA 90017 TELEPHONE NO.: (323) 931 -6200 FAX NO. (Optional): E-MAIL ADDRESS (Optional): ATTORNEY FOR (Name): Plaintiff SUPERIOR COURT 0F CALIFORNIA, COUNTY 0FSANTA CLARA - CENTRAL (EHLING) STREET ADDRESS: 191 N First St. MAILIN'GADDRESS: 191 N FirstSt‘ V CH’Y ANDZIP CODE San Jose. CA951 13 BRANCH NAME SUPERIOR COU RT OF CALIFORNIA OOUNTY 0F SANTA CLARA - CENTRAL (EFILING) PLAINTIFFIPETITIONER: Tori D Moses CASENUMBm 21OV38’I458DEFEN DANT/RESPON DENT: Hyatt Corporation Ref. No. or FIIe No.:PROOF OF SERVICE SUMMONS Moses v, Hyatt (Separate proof ofservioe is required foreach partysemd.) Atthe time ofservice lwas atleast 18 years ofage and not a partyto this action. Iserved copies of: Civil Case Cover Sheet; Summons; Complaint; .;Alternative Dispute Resolution Information Sheet; Civil Laws ult Notice ; a. Party s erved (specifyname ofparty as shown on documenls served}: Oto Development, LLC, a Corporation b. E Person (otherthan the partyin item Ba) served on behalfofan entityoras an authorized agent(and nota person ‘under item 5b on whom substituted service was m ade) (specify name and relationship (o (he party named in item 3a):CSC Lawyers RegisteredAgent by leaving with Nicole Stauss Person Authorized to A ccept Address where the partywas served: 2710 Gateway Oaks Dr, 150M Sacramento, CA 95833 | served the party (check properb ox) a. E by personal service. I personallydelivered the documents Ilsled In Item 2 to the party orperson authorized to receive nservioe ofprocess forthe party(1 ) on: 5/28/2021 (2) at 03:46 PM b. D bysubstituted service. On: vat lleflthe documents listed In Item 2 with orin the presence of (name and title or relationship (o person Indicated in Item 3): (1) E] (business) a person atleast 18 years ofage apparentlyin charge atthe office or usual piace ofbusinessofthe person to be served. l informed hlm orher ofthe general nature ofthe papers. (2) E (home) a competentmember ofthe household (at least18 years ofage) atthe dweling house orusuaiplace ofabode ofthe party. | Informed him or herofthe general nature ofthe papers. (3) E: (physical address unknown) a person ofat least 18 years of age apparently In charge at the usualmailing address ofthe person to be served. otherthan a United States Postal Service postoffice boxl Informed hlrn orheroflhe general nature ofthe papers. (4) D Ithereaftermalled (by first-class, postage prepaid) copies ofthe documents to the person to be served at the place where the copies were left (Code Clv. Proc., § 415.20). | mailed the documents: on: from: or Ea declaration ofmalllng is attached. powommammm PROOF 0F SERVICE OFSUMMONS Pagan” Invoice fl 4539502-03 PLNNTWWF’ETWCDNER: Tori DMQsM QASE NUMBER: DEEFENDANWRESPONUENT: Hyafi Corporation Z1CV381 458 (£3) [:3 Iattach a daciaraflm 0f diligmme mating muons taken firm ta afiampt panama! MMW‘ fix c; [:3 by mm! and acknowledgment 0f rwelpt of wwice. I maélatj the documfénta 13mm in item 2 ta the; party; {a 1M addmw simwn in item 4, by firstmclassa mail. {9032693 prapaid. : - f .‘ 2%; ob with two copies af 1m Notice sand Acknowladgriag‘EfRewiptand a pwtagemaid rafum anwlapa . addrasymd 1'0 me. (Attach mmplmm Mame anti Acknawledgmanmf Ramipt.) (Coda CM 9:96., é 41 5.30.) (4) [:3 to an address: outaida California with mmm rmaiptmqummd. (Cathie Giv. Pram. § Afififléfi.) d. m by other mea ns (apacffy mama” ofwrviw and aulImr/‘zmg coda motion):m Mdiiimxai paw describing wrxfiw 3a aflachad. 6. The ”Novena {a me Parana aarvad" (0n tha 8mmmons) WM» mmpmmd m failaws: I a, [1:3 .ass 2m mcfividual defendant.m 2m {ha pamon sued mam the fictitious name 0i {spamify):m a3 aacupant On behalf 0f (swam: Ow Dweiapmmat. LLG, a Cormmtion uvmar ma falmwtng (Sada MGM! Prawdwe secfion: 416.1C)(cmpomfisn) ‘ m x13 1 6,2,0 (dafunct aommaiion) {:3 mmo (jointatoakmm pmy/assoaistmn) § V V l I 4‘16&40(a580ciat£0n orparmammp) § m 41B.§O(publé