Notice Entry of Dismissal w POSCal. Super. - 6th Dist.April 1, 202121 CV381452 Santa Clara - Civil gaérflmstem ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, Stare Bar number, and address): FOR COURT USE ONLY- Sarahann Shapiro 157122 . . Pahl 5C McCay Electronically FIled 225 West Santa Clara Street, Suite 1500 by Superior Court 0f CA, San Jose, CA 95113 County of Santa Clara, TELEPHONEN0.; (408) 286-5100 FAXN0.-.(408) 286-5722 on 9/15/2021 12:08 PM E.MAILAooness; s shapiro@pahl -mccay. com Reviewed By: system System ATTORNEY FOR (Name): Plainti f f CAMDEN PARK LLC case #21 cv381 452 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA. COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA STREET ADDRESS: l 9 l NORTH FIRST STREET MAILING ADDRESS; CITYAND ZIP CODESAN JOSE, CA 95113 BRANCH NAME. PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: CAMDEN PARK LLC Envelope: 7270404 DEFENDANTIRESPONDENT: ADVANCE AMERICA NOTICE OF ENTRY OF DISMISSAL AND PROOF OF SERVICED Personal Injury, Property Damage, or Wrongful DeathD Motor Vehicle D OtherD Family LawD Eminent Domainm Other (specify): Breach Of Lease TO ATTORNEYS AND PARTIES WITHOUT ATTORNEYS: A dismissal was entered in thi action by the clerk as shown on the Request for Dismissal. (Attac a copy completed by the clerk.) Date: September , 2021 ' Sarahann Shapiro ’ v (TYPE 0R PRINT NAME 0F ATTORNEY D PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY) (SIGNATURE) PROOF OF SERVICE 1. I am over the age of 18 and not a party to this cause. My residence or business address is: 225 W . Santa Clara Street, Suite 1500 , San Jose , CA 95113 2. l am a resident of or employed in the county where the mailing occurred. l served a copy of the Notice ofEntry of Dismissal and Request for Dismissal by mailing them, in a sealed envelope with postage fully prepaid, as follows: a. D I deposited the envelope with the United States Postal Service. b. m I placed the envelope for collection and processing for mailing following this business's ordinary practice with which I am readily familiar. On the same day correspondence is placed for collection and mailing, it is deposited in the ordinary course of business with the United States Postal Service. c. Date of deposit: September m5 2021 d. Place of deposit (city and state): San Jose , CA e. Addressed as follows (name and address): Nicole scauss 2710 Gateway Oaks Drive, Ste 150 N, Sacramento CA, 95833 3. D l served a copy of the Notice of Entry ofDismissaI and Request for Dismissal by personally delivering copies as shown below: a. Name of person served: b. Address at which person served: c. On (date): d. At (time): 4. m | served a copy of the Notice of Entry of Dismissal and Request for Dismissal by electronically serving copies as shown below (complete if electronic service is used based on a court order or agreement of the parties): a. Name of person served: Jeff Newman b. Electronic service address of person served: jwnewman©teampurpose . com c. On (date):$oplomb¢r 15, Qoul d. At (time): Il.‘ IO am e. Electronic service address from which | served the documents: akelleher@pahl -mccay . comD Proof of electronic service is attached. 5. D Proof of service on additional parties is attached. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Date: September Ii, 2021 Allie Kelleher ’Mam CASE NUMBER; 21CV381452 (TYPE OR PRINT NAME) (SIGNATURE OF DECLARANT) Page1 of1 F AdtdfMdt U CdfC"|P d ,581t .-, mggzofgflmjfgom (TB, Emma! NOTICE 0F ENTRY 0F DISMISSAL ° ”c2... évu‘ms'fifcxaiéeafis‘gzq - 3V. anuary . w www.COU scagov L . 21CV381 452 Santa Ciara -~ Civil CIV-‘MO ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name. State Bar number. and address): Sarahann Shapiro 157122 Pahl & McCay 225 West Santa Clara Street, Suite 1500 San Jose, CA 95113 EMAIL ADDRESS rcpmnao; s shapiro©pahl -mc c ay. com ATVORNEY FOR (Name): Plaint i f f CAMDEN PARK LLC FOR COURT USE ONLY Electronically Filed on 9/7/2021 12:38 PM SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA STREETADDRESS l9]. NORTH FIRST STREET MAIUNG ADDRESS: cmmozspcooe; SAN JOSE, CA 95113 BRANCH NAME; Case #21 CV381 452 Envelope: 721 3209 company CALIFORNIA, et a1. PLAINTIFFIPETWIONER: CAMDEN PARK LLC, a Delaware limited liability DEFENDANTIRESPONDENT:ADVANCE AMERICA, CASH ADVANCE CENTERS OF by Superior Court of CA, TELEPHONE No: (408) 286-5100 FAxuo.{0pu0nao.- (408) 286*5722 County of Santa C|ara’ Reviewed By: M. Scrum M. Soru REQUEST FOR DISMISSAL , CASE NUMBER; 2 1CV3 8 l4 52 A conformed copy wilt not be returned by the clerk unless a method of return is provided with the document. class action. (Cal. Rules of Court, rules 3.760 and 3.770.) This form may not be used for dismissal of a derivative action or a class action or of any party or cause of action in a "L . TO THE CLERK: Please dismiss :his action as follows: a. (1) m With prejudice (2) [j Withoutprejudice b. (1)m Compzaint (2)D Petition (3) E] Cross~compla§nt filed by (name): (4) D Cross-complaint filed by (name): (5) E] Entire action of ali parties and all causes of action (mm Other(specify):* Each party to bear its own attorneys costs and fees. 2. (Complete in aH cases except family raw cases.) cm (date): on (date): The court [:Jdid Ddid not waive court fees and costs for a party in this case. {This information may be obtained from the clerk. h“ court fees and costs were waived, the declaration on the back of {his form m Qinbe comp! £699. x" ‘~< (4/; Date28eptember 1 ,. 2021 Saxahann..8hapi3:o............................... . .................. g‘ fl , (TYPE 0R 9mm NAME OF m ATTORNEY D PARTY wirHouT ATTORNEY} V V hf{srteéxruas} " If dismissai requested is of specified parties onlra. of specified causes of_action Attorney 0r party wi£h0ut attorney for: only. or of specified cross-compialnls only. sq s 1e and identify {he parties‘ causes of action. or crosscomplalms to be dismissed. m PlaintiffiPetitionerD Cross-Compiainant E] DefendantiRespondent 3. TO THE CLERK: Consent to the above dismissal is hereby given.“ Date: g (TYPE cm 22mm NAME 0F D ATTORNEYD FARTY wm-Iour ATTORNEY} (SIGNATURE *' Ir a cross-complainl- or Response {Family Law) sgekin affirmative Attorney 0r party without attorney for: relief ~ Is on file, the atlo‘rne for lhe cross-compiamant ?fesmndent) must aggjthis consent if reqmre by Code of Chm P{ocedure section 5810] a Plaintiffz’Petitioner or . a Cross-Complainant a DefendanURespondent (To be compieted by clerk) _ 4. m Dismissaé entered as requested on (dare): 9’732021 12'38 PM 5. a Dismissal emered on (date): as to only (name): 6. a Dismissal not entered as requested for the foilowing reasons (specify): 7. a. K] Attorney 0r party without attorney notified on (date): 9’7’2021 12538 PM b. D Attorney or party without a2torney not notified. Filing party failed to provideD a copy to be conformed D means to return conformed copy M. Scrum Da e“ . Clerk. b . De uti 9:712021 12.38 PM Y Page 1g”? Form Ado ted for Mandala Use Code o! Civil Procedure, § 581 at seq; JudicialFéounci:createmgia Cr'B' Essential REQUEST FOR DISMISSAL Gov. Code. geaeanq; Cal. RutesoI00urz.ruIa 3.1390 CIv-nomav Jantzmal whim @Forms- muucounscagov I finW SO30. 003 ClV-‘i 1 0 PLAINTIFFIPETITIONER: CAMDEN PARK LLc CASE NUMBER; DEFENDANT/RESF’ONDENT: ADVANCE AMERICA 2 1CV3 8 3-4 5 2 COURT'S RECOVERY 0F WAIVED COURT FEES AND COSTS éf a party whose court fees and costs were initialty waived has recovered or wil! recover $1 0.000 or more in value by way of settlement. compromise, arbitration award, mediaiion settlement. or other means, the court has a statutory iien on that recovery. The court may refuse lo dismiss the case until the lien is satisfied. (Gov. Code. § 68637.) Declaration Concerning Waived Court Fees 1. The court waived fees and costs in this action for (name): 2. The person in item 1 is (check one below): a. D not recovering anyihing of value by this action. b. a recovering less than $10,000 in value by this action. c. D recovering $10,000 or more in value by this action. {If item 2r: is checked, item 3 must be compieted.) 3. D NI court fees and costs that were waived En this action have been paid to the court (check one): D Yes a No I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the information above is true and correct. Date: (TYPE OR PRINT NAME 0F C] ATTORNEY [:3 swan! mamas oscmmrzom (SIGNATURE; .. Page 2 of 2 CN“°‘R°"'J3”“3?"-2°”' REQUEST FOR DISMISSAL CEB' Essential cabmm EM' 5 0 3 G