Proof of Service Summons DLR CivilCal. Super. - 6th Dist.March 29, 2021Electronically Filed by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, on 11/10/2021 2:02 PM Reviewed By: R. Fleming Case #21CV381441 Envelope: 7643593 21CV381441 Santa Clara - Civil R. Fleming Allmey or Party without Attorney: For Court Use Only Dawn C. Sweatt ' Berliner, Cohen Ten Almaden Blvd. 1 1th Floor San Jose, CA 95113 |mephm Na.- 408 285-5800 mx Na.- 4os 993-5388 Ref No. or File No.. Atromeyfar: Plainfifi = 23423-001 Insert name 0fCaurt, andJudicial District and Branch Court: __ Santa Clara Countv Superior Court Plammt- Harpel Associates, LLC, a California limited liability company Defindanl: thsical Culture Snenght and Conditioning. etc, et a1. PROOF 0F SERVICE Hearing Date: Time: DepI/Div: Case Number: AMENDED SUMMONS ZICVB 8 1441 I. Ar the time ofservice Iwas at least I8 years ofage and not a party ta this action. 2. I served copies of the Amended Summons; Complaint for Breach ofLease Agreements and Breach ofGuaranty Agreements; First Amended Complaint; Civil Lawsuit Notice; Alternative Dispute Resolution Information Sheet 3. a. Parry served: Pam'cia Kathleen Lynch, an individual b. Person served: Panicia Kathleen Lynch, an individual r 4. Address where Iheparty was served: 2330 Northwwt Floyd Lane Bend, OR 97701-6990 5. 1 served thepara): a. by personal service. I personally delivered the documents listed in item 2 to the party or person authorized t0 receive process for the party (1) on: Thu., Oct. 28, 2021 (2) at: 6:55PM 6. The "Notice to the Person Served" (on the Summons) was completed asfollaws: a. as an individual defendant 7. Person Who Served Papers: Recoverame Cost Per CCP 1033.5(ax4x3) a Linda C. Abbay d. The Feefor Service was: $ 100.00 b. Bender's Legal Service, Inc. e. l am: (3) registered California process server 1625 The Alameda (i) Independent Contractor Suite 511 (ii) Registration No. : 44 San Jose, CA 95126 (iii) County: Siskiyou c. 408 286-4182, FAX 408 298-4484 8. I declare underpenalty ofperjury under the laws ofthe State afCahfornia that theforegaing is true and correct. Date: Thu, Nov. 04, 2021 .- Rulé’ffififflmcgg’fi'nfi93112007 M§E&F3Wg§s , berli 11278331