Proof of Service Summons DLR CivilCal. Super. - 6th Dist.March 29, 202121CV381418 Santa Clara - Civil System System Attorney or Party without Attorney: ' 0n! Pom J. Parker, Esq, Bar #179256 Elecjron'fiaflycpfléla y Parker Law Group Attorneys by S' perlor court 0f CA, 555 Capitol Man, Suite 1230 County of Santa Clara, sacramenm’ CA 95814 on 6/1 0/2021 9:14 AM Telephone Na: 91 6-996-0400 FAX No; 91 6-668-5760 Rafi wed By_ System Syste m Rafi Na. or File Na: Case #21 CV381 41 8 Envelope: 6621447 Aflomeyfor: mainliff Insert name of Court. um! Judicial Disn-icl and Branch Court: Santa Clara County s_ugerior Coun Plaiuufl: Bryan Carrera Defendagz: John Noori. ct a1. PROOF 0F SERVICE Hearing Date: Time: epr/Div: Case Number: Summons & Complaint 21CV381418 At the time ofservice I was at least l8 years ofage and not a party to this action.N . I served copies of the Summons & Complaint; ADR Information Package; Civil Lawsuit Notice.N 3. a. Party served: 16hr} Noori. an individual b. Person served: John Noori, Personally 4. Address where the party was served: 1295 E. Dunne Avenue, Suite 230 Morgan Hill, CA 95037 5. I served the party: a. by personal service. I personally delivered the documents listed in item 2 t0 the party or person authorized to receive process for the party (l) on: Tue.. Jun. 08. 2021 (2) at: 11:47AM 6. The "Notice lo Ihe Person Served" (on the Summons) was completed asfollows: a. as an individual defendant 7. Person Who Served Papers: Recovcrablc Cost Per CCP 1033.5(a)(4)(B) a. Rosa Alma Chavez d. The Fee for Service was: c. 1am: (3) registered California process server (i) Independent Contractor (ii) Registration No.: PSI743 (iii) County: Santa Clara 1500 W. El Camino Avenue, #510 Sacramento, CA 95833 . .. '. 855-SVALPR0, Fax (866) 900-4665 Pro‘I.’ :'~l".v.-'| h ‘ 8. I declare under penalty ofperjury under the laws ofthe State of California that thefor oing is true and correct. Date: Tue, Jun. 08, 2021 lRosa Mi" popar.37526nméfi’ffilfllfifl‘lfif‘hfé’flufigsy‘lflom §§n990§9£ $5.}; 95