Proof of Service ElectronicCal. Super. - 6th Dist.March 29, 2021Electronically Filed by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, on 12/23/2021 10:54 AM Reviewed By: V. Castaneda Case #21CV381417 Envelope: 7926631 21CV381417 Santa Clara - Civil V. Castaneda POS-05OIEFS-050 ArronNEY on PARTY WITHOUT Arronnev: snare Ban N0: NAME: Anthony D. Giles 178876 FIRM NAME: Law Office of Anthony Giles smssrmoaess One Sansome Street Ste 3500 crrv: San Francisco STATE: CA ZIPCODE: 94104 TELEPHONE N0; (415) 839-2099 FAX No.: (415) 901-0454 E.MNLAooness: AnonNEY Fon (name): Plaintiff Michael MiSkOVSkY supenlon counT 0F CALIFORNIA, COUNTY 0F Sa nta Clara County smeauooness: 191 N. First Street MAILING ADDRESS: crrv AND ZIP 0005: San JOSE, CA 95113 BRANCH NAME: Civil Division Santa Clara FOR COURT USE ONLY PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: Michael Miskovsky DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT: John Doe CASE NUMBER: 21CV381417 PROOF OF ELECTRONIC SERVICE JUDICIAL OFFICER: DEPARTMENT: 20 1. | am at least 18 years old. a. My residence or business address is (specify): One Sansome Street, Ste 3500 San Francisco, CA 94104 b. My electronic sewice address is (specify): anthony@anthonygi| 2. I electronically served the following documents (exact titles): m The documents served are listed in an attachment. (Form POS-050(D)/EFS-050(D) may be used for this purpose.) 3. I electronically served the documents listed in 2 as follows: a. Name of person served: ShaRayne Jackson On behalf of (name or names of parties represented, ifperson served is an attorney): Charter Communications, Inc. b. Electronic service address of person served: ShaRayneJackson@chartencom c. On (date): 12/23/2021 D The documents listed in item 2 were served electronically on the persons and in the manner described in an attachment. (Form POS-050(P)/EFS-050(P) may be used for this purpose.) Date: 12/23/2021 l declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that e for Anthony D Giles ’ (TYPE OR PRINT NAME OF DECLAHANT) Judldal uncil o! Calilomia POMSOIEFS-OSO [Rev. February 1. 201 7] FormAp edtorOplional Use PROOF OF ELECTRONIC SERVICE (Proof of ServicelElectronic Filing and Service) (SlGNATURE JP DECLARANT) Page 1 of 1 Cal. Rules of Conn. rule 2.251 www.cmmsmgov POS-050(D)/EFS-050(D) _ CASE NAME: CASE NUMBER: Miskovsky v. Doe 21CV381417 ATTACHMENT TO PROOF OF ELECTRONIC SERVICE (DOCUMENTS SERVED) (This attachment is for use with form POS-050/EFS-050.) The documents that were served are as follows (describe each document specifically): PLAINTIFF MICHAEL MISKOVSKY'S NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION FOR ORDER DIRECTING CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS, INC TO PRODUCE INFORMATION PURSUANT TO THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS ACT MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFF MISKOVSKY'S MOTION FOR ORDER DIRECTING CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS, INC TO PRODUCE INFORMATION PURSUANT TO THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS ACT DECLARATION OF ANTHONY D. GILES IN SUPPORT OF PLAINTIFF MISKOVSKY'S MOTION FOR ORDER FOR ORDER DIRECTING CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS, INC TO PRODUCE INFORMATION PURSUANT TO THE FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS ACT Form ApprovedforOptional Use ATTACHMENT To PROOF OF ELECTRONIC SERVICE (DOCUMENTS SERVED) Judicial Council ofCaIifornia . . _ _ . Pos-oso(D)/EFs-oso(o) (Proof of Servuce/Electronlc FIIIng and Servuce) [New January 1, 2°10] C'EB. Page of Essential E Forms-