Declaration Non ServiceCal. Super. - 6th Dist.May 4, 202121 CV381 371 Santa Clara - Civil ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY (Name, State, Bar number, and address): FOR COURT USE ONLY System Sy stem Kristy Gabrielova (274827), Jack H. Pogosian (305741), Nichol Alan De Guzman (314989), Hyo Jin Julia Jung (31 6090), Meline Grigoryan (321133), Jonathan Kom (320369), Christina Arnold (297590), Manasi Tahiliani (272821), Shana J Metzger (292368), Carolina Pineheiro (259875), Abril Saglio-Ruiz (299586), ICamryn Berk (317565) Electronically Filed Midland Funding LLC - 350 Camino de Ia Reina Suite 1oo lay SUper'or court 0f CA! San DiegféLcEgjozlltEmNO FAX NO (O D bounty of Santa Clara, .: 866-626-5053 . ptiona : _ E-MAIL ADDRESS (Optional): 0n 5/26/2021 6'58 PM ATTORNEY FOR (Name): Midland Funding LLc RGVIGWGd By: SYStem SYStem SUPERIOR COURT 0F CALIFORNIA, COUNTY 0F SANTA CLARA Jase #21 CV331 371 STREET ADDRESS: 191 N. First Street Envelope: 6529637 MAILING ADDRESS: 191 N. First Street CITY AND ZIP CODE: San Jose 951 1 3 BRANCH NAME: Downtown Superior Court PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: Midland Funding LLc CASE NUMBER; DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT: ASHLEY ADKINS 21 CV381 371 Ref. No. or File No.: DECLARATION OF NON SERVICE 18_277447 | declare that | am and was on the dates herein mentioned, over the age of 18 years, not a party to nor interested in the above entitled action, and competent to be a witness therein. | received the following documents for service: Summons; Complaint; Civil Case Cover Sheet; Civil Lawsuit Notice; Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Packet | attempted to serve ASHLEY ADKINS w at the address of 249 WASHINGTON ST, SAN JOSE, CA 951 12 j and was unable to effect service for the following reasons: 5/1 0/2021 11:35 AM: No answer at door. I don’t hear any noise from i dude. No Mazda here. Home is up for sale 5I1 6/2021 11:14 AM: No answer at door. The home is up for sale. I don’t see the black Mazda here 5/20/2021 1:51 PM: No answer at door. No sound 5/26/2021 6:47 PM: Vacant property: empty inside, real estate lockbox, per neighbor. Residency uncertain: neighbor says not resident. This home is up for sale and nobody lives in it Fee for service: $ 65.00 | am a registered California process server; my name, address, phone number, and county of registration and number are: Tasia Stone For: ABC Legal Services, Inc. 2021 Fillmore St #2084, San Francisco, CA 94115 Registration #: 6779 530-635-41 37 County: Los Angeles Placer County, #1 8-003 | declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California the foregoing is true and correct. Date: 05/26/2021 Tasia Stone l j (PRINTED NAME OF DECLARANT) (SIGNATURE OF DECLARANT) Page 1 of1 Tracking #: 0070754663 ME DECLARATDN °F “°N SERV'CE |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| REF: 18-277447