Court Trial Short CauseCal. Super. - 6th Dist.May 3, 2021SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA DOWNTOWN COURTHOUSE 191 NORTH FIRST STREET SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 951 13 CIVIL DIVISION Farsin Bakhtiari 2050 Gateway Place #1 00-1 82 SAN JOSE CA 95110 RE: Goldman Sachs Bank USA vs Farsin Bakhtiari Case Number: 21 CV381204 NOTICE OF SCHEDULED TRIAL DATE The above entitled case has been set for trial in this Court, and you are directed to appear: Date: May 16, 2022 Time: 8:46 AM Dept: Department1 No further notice will be given by the Court. Notice: Pursuant to Government Code Section 68086, the Courtroom Clerk assigned to your trial department will be collecting a per diem fee (dollar amount to be determined by clerk per statute). Failure to pay said fee may result in the inability of the court to proceed or in the issuance of an Order to Show Cause hearing deemed appropriate by the trial judge. For further information, contact the Calendar Office at (408) 882-2100. For information for cases scheduled at the South County Courthouse, call (408) 695-5000, option 6. If you, a party represented by you, or a witness to be called on behalf of that party need and accommodation under the American with Disabilities Act, please contact the Court Administrator's office at (408) 882-2700, or use the Court's TDD line, (408) 882-2690 or the voice/TDD California Relay Service, (800) 735-2922. DECLARATION OF SERVICE BY MAIL: | declare under penalty of perjury that | served this notice by enclosing a true copy in a sealed envelope, addressed to each person whose name is shown below, and by depositing the envelope with postage fully prepaid, in the U.S. Mail at San Jose, CA on December 23, 2021. CLERK OF THE COURT, by Audrey Nakamoto, Deputy. cc: Janet L Brown Zwicker & Associates PC 1320 Willow Pass Road Suite 730 Concord CA 94520 CV-5070 REV 05/09/16