DeclarationCal. Super. - 6th Dist.April 30, 2021Electronically Filed by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, on 7/2/2021 2:40 PM Reviewed By: D Harris Case #21CV381172 Envelope: 6777256 21CV381172 Santa Clara - Civil D Harris 10 ll 12 l3 l4 15 16 l7 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Christopher D. Mandarich SB 220693 Mandarich Law Group, LLP P.O. Box 109032 Chicago, 1L 60610 Telephone: 877.285.4918 Facsimile: 818.888.1260 Attorneysfor Plaintiffi Midland Credit Management, Inc SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY 0F SANTA CLARA Midland Credit Management, Inc, ) plaintiff, g Case No. 21CV381 172 ) DECLARATION IN SUPPORT 0F vs. ) CALCULATION OF ACCRUED ) INTEREST AND ATTORNEYS FEES PATRICIA C ACEVEDO, ) Defendant. ) ) Ideclare as follows: 1. I am an attorney at law duly licensed t0 practice before all courts in the State of California, and before this honorable Court. I am the attorney for the law firm Mandarich Law Group, LLP, attorneys of record for Plaintiff, Midland Credit Management, Inc. I have personal knowledge of the facts set forth therein and if called to testify, I could and would do so competently under oath. 2. Plaintiff is not seeking to recover pre-judgment interest. 3. Plaintiffwaives attorney's fees. I declare under penalty ofpexjury that the forgoing is true and correct under the laws of the State of California. Executed at Chicago, Illinois on June 22, 2021. Mandarich Law Group, LLP nflx/M [X'] Christopher D. Mandarich Attorneysfor Plaintijj’ DECLARATION IN SUPPORT OF CALCULATION 0F ACCRUED INTEREST