Affidavit VenueCal. Super. - 6th Dist.April 30, 2021\OOOflQUl-PUJNr-t NNNNNNNNNHHHHb-h-h-r-HH OONONMJ>WNHO©OONONMLUJNHO 21 CV381 1 67 Santa Clara - Civil Electronically Filed by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, Christopher D. Mandarich SB 220693 Hayk Stambultsyan SB320973 Amber Swearingen-Ojuri SB324653 on 4/30/2021 11:35 AM AJay 500d 53325294 Reviewed By: R. GuillermMANDARICH LAW GROUP, LLP case #21 cv331 1 67 P.O. Box 109032Chlcag0, IL 60610 Envelope: 6352778 Phone: 877.285.4918 Facsimile: 818.888.1260 Attorneysfor Plaintifi”; Midland Credit Management, Inc SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA Midland Credit Management, Inc, ) Case N0.: 21 CV381 167 Plaintiff, ) vs. ) ) PORTIA OVISO, an individual; ) DECLARATION OF VENUE and DOES 1 through 10 inclusive. ) Defendant ) ) I, the undersigned attorney 0f record, hereby declare as follows: 1. I am an attorney licensed t0 practice before all courts 0f the State 0f California, and I am one of the attorneys of record for the Plaintiff. The declaration is made 0fmy own knowledge and if sworn as a Witness, Iwould and could testify thereto. 2. This is the proper venue, superior court and court location for this action because a defendant herein resides in this court’s jurisdiction. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed 0n April 26, 2021 in Los Angeles, California. MANDARICH LAW GROUP, LLP QMM [X] Christopher D. Mandarich, Esq. DECLARATION OF VENUE O R. Guillermo