Judgment DefaultCal. Super. - 6th Dist.April 30, 2021on 8/16/2021 12:23 PM Reviewed By: D Harris Envelope: 7068530 mmmuvM WW.QUAIMBSHOIWKJIUMHQIMMMJMMWW: Qua! CUM LLPMW: 205 E. RivorPlIkChdo, M3110 cm; Fm "ATE: CA arcane 93720mm; (559)-418-0333 mun: (550)-418” ammo: ammu-m). PW, CAVALRY SPV I. LLC1mm countersummer SANTACLAfiAmm: 191 N. FhlsmuMM”. ' ' WMDU’OODE: San Jon. CA. 95113mm: Civil Division M _ pwnnmpsrmmen: CAVALRY SPV I. LLc ”CV3" ‘390690mm: GERALD R REYES. anham mm omn- lzmucvonpmvwmcomtmm: ITAHMMO: PROPOOED “OER (COVER MEET) NOTE: MthbuwbmmmwumbmmawmnThoptopooodomoroom hmmmuhmmwmumbtflommhnddiflonmvonionofmpmpoudmhmdmmmmuunbhmmhmmuwmmmhmpmpoud udothDann-tmflod. 1. mummmmmm CAVALRYSPVI.LLC 2- WdhmmWT 3. mmmmmmmmm I. WdMNM b. Dabmtlmmum c. Phoo: MIA 4. mmmmouMmholnrpufluhhm. MKQWMAM ~11: m w u- nions» am“mu omen (coves stem _mmmM. Funny 1.mm (Emc Flam) mmm CASE MAE: CASE MMER: CAVALRY st I. LLc. v. GERALD R REYES. an human 213V3M139 PROOF 0F ELECTRONIC amusemen0mm 1. imdhflflmddlidMIMhum l- wm«mmb(m: MMMPfim.MHOFl-Im.m03m b. mmmm-nhlmmm 2, lemWW(mmm-mmmfimfl.m-MWhmed-mmumz I. Onlmalpononoomdulfmpulonurwdhanm“Mummwdmhflfl: GERALDRREYES 1504¢L|FFWOOODR SANJOBE.CA95122-2032 b. Tummmdmm: NIA c. GM”): NIA DWdewmlmmmandMMhmquMWduWWhm-MWWM-dmmmwmmw lmMMdmmhhmdusudeNMhmmm Dab: PSALMOCAMPOmmmmum mam MInM-Hmn PROPOOE OMER (COVER SPEET) "0"“ (Blockade Flllng) JUD-1mAWWMPWWAWM*UW.WMK "muuy Mnmew w. Quail. Esq. «183759/ ijea K. am. Esq. #297142 SEN:- Timmy A Pack. Esq. #3231 59/ Claudia Yvene Case. Esq. uszszlzlmgrid v. Cm. Bq. ~3|7349 QUALL CARDOT LLP 205 Em River Park Circle. Suile HO. FRESNO, CA 93720mm N0.4(888) 289-1231 FAX NO. w:(559) 418-0330 E-MNLmaW: mower Fan rum):CAVALRY SPV I, LLC80m00WWW COUNTY OF Sm Olrlmsrm: I91 N. First Streetmm: WANDUPOODE: San Jose CA 95] l3MM: CIVIL PLAINTIFF: CAVALRY SPV l, LLC DEFENDANT: GERALD R REYES , an individual a m wmw E M I By cm: Bv Dom" “3' cw“ 7"” zlcvaummm ma No1m By coon D 0n emulation D aTm 4mm 1. av DEFAULT u Delendant was properly served Mm a copy of {he summons and complaint. b. Ddandant railed to answer the comm! or appear and defend the action within tho time nllowod by law. c. Odendant'a detault was entered by the clerk upon plalnmfa applicaflon. d D Clem: Judgmont (Code Civ. Proc.. § 685(5)). Detendantwas sued only on I oontraotorpdament of a court of this sme lor the recovery of money. a. m Com Judgment (Code cw. Pm, § 585m). m mun consumed (1) E plahfiff‘s testimony and other evidence. (2) m pawn written declaration (Code cw. Pm, g 585(6)). 2. D on snpuunon a. PlalmManddeferdantmreed(mmmmmatapdgmentbeenmndlnmbcm. Thoeounwwedmmmed pdamentand b. D thesignedwflttensbulaflonwufltedhflum. c. D thasflpulanonwasstatedlnopancoun Ethesflpulabnwumbdonthomd. 3. D AFTER COURT TRIAL The jury wa waived. The court considered tho ovldome. a Thecasewasmedon (dabandfima): before (name ofjudUaloflbor): h Appearances by:D Plalnmf (name each): D Plaintifs ammoy (name cad»): (1) U) (2) (2)D Conflnued on Anachment 8b. E Defundant (name each): E Dufondant 'sm (me each): (1) (1) (2) (2)E Continued on Amhmant 3b. a D DefeMantdldnotappoarattflal. WemntwasptoperlyaewedMnotbadm. d. DAmmadecbbn(codecw.Pm.§saz) Dwasnot Ewes requested. ”Ida mewh'ww V c fl I. JUDGMENT muwmumw~01me Lam HW‘M‘“ ___ PLNNT'FFICAVALRY SPV L LLC DEFENDANT: GERALD R REYES , an individual 2|CV381139 JMENT l5 ENTERED A3 FOLLOWS BY: m THE count D THE CLERK 4. E scapumu mama“. Judgment is enteredmung to me stipulation or me parties. 5. Panto. Judgment ls a. m for plaintiff (name aach): CAVALRY SPV l. LLC and aaalnst defendant (names): GERALD R REYES . an individual E Confirmed on Attachment 5a. b. D for defendant (name each): c. E forcrosa-oomplalnmt (mm each): and against cross-delondam (name sad»: D Continued on Anachmem 5c. d. D loraou-defendant (name saw: 6. Amt. a. mmmlywhmsamm c. D Crou-dafandantnamadlnltamScabovaMpayMWm m, oomph“; cmmnplnlnant on mo crou-onmplalnt: (1) m Damages $3,429.21 (1) D Dames s (2) m Prejudgmem So‘oo (2) E Pram! s Interest at me interest at the annual tats of 0 $6 annual rate of $6 (3) [fl Attorney tees $0.00 (3) D Attorney fees S (4) m Com $292.00 (4) E Coon S (5) E Other (specify; s (5) D Other (wow 8 (6) TOTAL s 3.721 .21 (6) TOTAL s b.D Plum b mcelve noting horn delendam named ln Item 5b.D Defendsant naned in item 5b to recon!mD anduttomeyfnes S 7. Dommapealy): d. D Cross-oomplalnun b receive nothing lrom cross-detandant named In ham 6¢E Croes-gefendant named In hem 5d m mauve: costsD ammmeyfees s Due: 1-] m0F“ Dam: D Clem. by . Deputy nun CLERK'S CERflFICATE (Opfioaal) Ioenlythxthhh atweoopyonm orlahaljudgmentonma In thaoourt. Dam: Clem by . DOM! VIIId! .104anmm JUDGMBIT