Declaration Non ServiceCal. Super. - 6th Dist.March 25, 2021Electronically Filed by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, on 6/1/2021 11:33 AM Reviewed By: System System Case #21CV381124 Envelope: 6553018 21CV381124 Santa Clara - Civil System System Aflomyo]M WhamMay: FOR COURT USE ONLY J. Edward Wilson.Esq. SBN: Bar No.246710 REHASTE HARVEY WILSON 8: SALAMOFF. LL 1221 E. Dyer Road. Suite 200 Santa Ana. CA 92705 emu.messmpuom; TELEPHONE No..- (714) 289-7070 Fax No. (apnonNJL- (714) 289-7071 Attorney»: Plainllff(s) Hawmome Holdings. LLC dba White Blos Center Revue. arm No.- 1 507. 121 Inset! name o! Ooufl. andJudas! D‘smcf Ind Blanch hurt Superior Court Of California. County 0f Santa Clara - Downtown Superior Court am Hawthorne Holdings. LLC Respondent.- Pierre Yee-Chow Ying HEARING DATE: TIME: DEPT.: CASE NUMBER: OFDESIE'Amean‘ce 8/10/2021 3:45 PM 19 21cvse1124 After due search, careful inquiry and diligent attempts at the following address(es). I have not been able to effect service of said process on: Sonla So-Hang Ylng aka Sonla So Hang Ylng. an individual Documents: Summons; Complalm; Alternative Dispute (ADR) package; Notlce of Case Management Conference; Date Time Results 5/1 112021 7:23 PM Horne 4715 Malero Place. San Jose, CA 95129 No answer at the door. No activity seen or heard. Camera on front door. Light Green Honda Accord Lid! 7HEE9587 and Lincoln Towncar Lio# 4VHU263 in driveway. 5/14/2021 7:20 AM Home 4715 Malero Place. San Jose. CA 95129 No answer at the door. No activity seen or heard. Same vehicles. 5/18/2021 3:30 PM Home 4715 Malero Place. San Jose. CA 95129 No answer at the door. No activity seen or heard. Packages for the subject by the door. 5119/2021 5:00 PM Home 4715 Malero Place. San Jose, CA 95129 No answer at the door. No activity seen or heard. Same vehicles as before. Fee for Service: s 147.10 County: Santa ClaraN Registration No.: PS1 765 Ideclare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is trueNationwide Legal, LLC and correct and that this declaration was executed on May 1609 James M. Wood blvd. _ 28, 2021. Los Angeles, CA 90015 " ' 2:. (213) 249-9988 Signature: 6! 2 é ;% Rene Melendez DUE DILIG NOE REPORT Orded: LAC1 91 884 Allomey or Pony without Attorney- FORWURT USE ONLY J. Edward Wilson.Esq. SBN: Bar No.246710 REHASTE HARVEY WILSON & SALAMOFF. LL 1221 E. Dyer Road. Suite 200 Santa Ana. CA 92705 emu. ADDRESS (Opnonw. rELEPHONE No..- (714) 289-7070 FAX No. (Optimal).- (71 4) 289-707 1 Atromaytor Plaintiffls) Hawthome Holdings. LLC dba While Bios Cente: Relive.w He No. i 1507.121 inset! namo o! mud, Ind Judah! Gsfnct and Blanch Coun' Superior Court 0f California. County 0f Santa Clara ~ Downtown Superior Coun Palmer Hawthorne Holdings. LLC 2.3mm. Pierre Yee-Chow Ying DECLARATION HEARING DATE mas- oem- casaruuasn: - 19 0F DUE DILIGENCE 8’10’2021 3-45 PM 1 . 21cvs8.1 124 After due search. careful inquiry and diligent attempts at the following address(es). l have not been able to effect service of said process on: Sonia So-Hang Ying aka Sonia So Hang Ying, an individual Documents: Summons; Complaint; Alternative Dispute (ADR) package; Notice of Case Management Conference; Date Tlme Results 5/23/2021 5:19 PM Home 4715 Malero Place, San Jose. CA 95129 Unable to effect service a! given address. No answer at the door. No activity seen or heard. Just the Gray Lincoln in the driveway. Fee for Service: $ 147.1 0 ‘ County: Los Angeles gag Registration No.2 2015085803‘ Nationwide Legal, LLc 1609 James M. Wood blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90015 (21 3) 249-9938 I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct and that this declaration was executed on May 28. 2021. ' Order»: LAc191864