Declaration CCP 1033Cal. Super. - 6th Dist.April 28, 2021Electronically Filed by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, on 8/26/2021 2:09 PM Reviewed By: A. Villanueva Case #21CV381114 Envelope: 7146551 21CV381114 Santa Clara - Civil A. Villanueva 10 11 13 14 15 l6 l7 18 l9 24 25 26 27 28 Christopher D. Mandarich SB 220693 MANDARICH LAW GROUP, LLP P.O. Box 109032 Chicago, IL 60610 Phone: 877.285.4918 Facsimile: 818.888.1260 Attorneysfor Plaintzffi UHG ILLC SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA ) Case No.2 21CV381114UHG I LLC, ) Plaintiff, g ) DECLARATION PURSUANT TO CODE VS- ) OF CIVIL PROCEDURE §1033 Nicene Marshau, ) Defendant. 3 ) I declare as follows: 1. I am the attorney 0f record for the Plaintiff. I have personal knowledge 0f the fact? set forth herein, and if called as a Witness I would and could so testify competently. 2. Attached as Exhibit “A” is a true and correct copy 0f the letter which was mailed t0 the Defendant advising 0f Plaintiff’s intent t0 file suit in the Superior Court pursuant to CCP § 1033. I declare under penalty 0f perjury that the forgoing is true and correct under the laws 0f the State of California. Executed at Chicago, Illinois 0n August 18, 2021 MANDARICH LAW GROUP, LLP nflx/M [X] Christopher D. Mandarich Attorneysfor Plainnfi’, UHG ILLC DECLARATION PURSUANT TO CCP 1033 EXHIBIT A Please ReglyTo: MANDARICH LAW GROUP, LLP THIS LAW FIRM EMPLOYS ONEOR P.O. BOX 109032 Chicago, |L 60610 MORE ATTORNEYS ADMITTED TO P: 877.285.4918 Attorneys at LOW PRACTICE IN THE FOLLOWING STATES: F: 818.888.1260 Alaska, California, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, You may also contact us via email at Illinois, lowa, Kansas, Michigan, INFO@MAN DARICHLAW.COM Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New February 12, 2021 York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, South Carolina, Virginia, Washington mil: Thomas M. McGreal (CA, HI) Crystal Flynn (UT) Sent Vila US Mail] Nicolle Marshall 7362 RAINBOW DR #3 CUPERTINO CA 95014 Current Creditor: UHG I LLC Our File N0.: 4358482 Original! Creditor: CashNetUSA Original Creditor Account N0.: XXXX5247 Current Balance Due: $5,047.01 Charge OffDate 04/10/2018 NOTHCE 0F INTENTION TO SUE AND INCUR COSTS Dear Nicolle Marshall, We represent UHG I LLC. If we are unable t0 resolve this matter within ten (10) days 0f the date 0f this letter, our client has authorized us t0 file a lawsuit t0 collect the balance owing 0n the above-referenced account. You are hereby notified that pursuant t0 California Code 0f Civil Procedure Section 1033, should legal action result in a judgment against you, you may also be found liable for various court costs, including, but not limited t0, filing fees and service 0f process fees. Please give this matter your prompt attention and contact our office toll-fi‘ee at 877285.49] 8. Sincerely, Mandarich Law Group, LLP THIS COMMUNICATION IS FROM A DEBT COLLECTOR. THES IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT, AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. SEE REVERSE SIDE OR ATTACHED FOR AN IMPORTANT STATEMENT 0F YOUR RIGHTS. WIIIIIHIIIHWWWI“!!!HIIIHHIIINIHHIHIIII! IMPORTANT NOTICE 0F RIGHTS We are required under state and/or federal 1aw(s) t0 notify consumers 0f certain rights. This list does not include a complete list 0f rights you may have under state 0r federal laws or regulations. Federal Law 0r other state laws may also provide you with similar 0r even greater rights. 1n Californfia: The state Rosenthal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act and the federal Fair Debt Collection Practices Act require that, except under unusual circumstances, collectors may not contact you before 8 am. 0r after 9 p.m. They may not harass you by using threats 0f Violence 0r arrest 0r by using Obscene language. Collectors may not use false 0r misleading statements 0r call you at work if they know or have reason to know that you may not receive personal calls at work. For the most part, collectors may not tell another person, other than your attorney 0r spouse, about your debt. Collectors may contact another person t0 confirm your location 0r enforce a judgment. For more information about debt collection activities, you may contact The Federal Trade Commission at 1-877-FTC-HELP 0r www.ftc.g0v. As required by law, you are hereby notified that a negative credit report reflecting 0n your credit record may be submitted by the creditor t0 a credit reporting agency ifyou fail t0 fulfill the terms 0f your credit obligations. Mandarich Law Group, LLP 1 P.O. Box 109032 Chicago, IL 60610, l 877.285.4918