Judgment DefaultCal. Super. - 6th Dist.April 26, 2021on 8/23/2021 7:16 AM Reviewed By: A. Villanueva Envelope: 7112639 21CV380957 Santa Clara - Civil A. Villanueva JUD7400. ATFORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT'ATI’ORNEY- (Name, stefefiarnumb'eg eng‘ add}ess): FORCOURT USEONLY Maria Bradish (288384.) Adam Brumage (283180) Don Phan-Huy (309853) Ryota Iso'zaki -(321040) Derrick Uhri (321 161) Matthew W. Keim (33 1020) En'c Marquez (33 1023) The Moore Law Group, APC, PO Box 25145, Santa Ana, CA 92799, - 3710 S. Susan Street, Suite 210, Santa Ana, CA 92704 Tfit. flan (7 77¢; 9V)EL . E ~.: 0,01: I; . H. T ?”ON ,N‘? . 800-506-2652 FAX” ( p ° 5’ EMAIL ADDRESS (.Optnnai); ATTORNEV-‘Fommamex Plaintiff SUPERloR‘coURT 0F1CAL1F0RNIA,vcouuw-0F Santa Clara STREETADDRESSE 191 North First Street MAILINGIADDRESSS San Jose CA 951 13 CITY-AND ZIP CODE: Santa Clara County - San Jose Courthouse BRANCH'NAME; PLAINTIFF: JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. DEFENDANT: ALAN FONG JUD‘GMENT CASE NUMBER: E; By Clerk E By Default E After CourtTriaI 21CV380957 By Cour‘t E 0n stipulation E Defendant Did Not Appear at Trial JUDGMENT 1. BY DEFAULT a. Defendant was property'served with a copy of'the summons and complaint. Defendant failed to answer the complaint or appear and defend theaoti‘on within the time- allowed by law. Defendant‘s default wasentered'by the clerkupon plaintiff‘s application. ' ~ - V E Clerk‘s Judg‘ment'(Code Civ.-; Proc., § 585(a)). Defendant was sued only on a contract'orjudgment of a- courtvof this state for the, recnvery of money: . Court.Judgment;(Code Cilv: Proa, §‘585(b))... The court considered .(1) E plaintiffs‘testimony andaother evidence. (2) pl'aintiff'swritten declaration (Code Civ. Proc;, § 585(d))v. 0-957 (D 2. E 0N STIPULATION _ a. Plaintiff‘and defendant agreed (Stipulated) that a judgment be‘ventered in this case; Thercourt'approved the'stipulatejd judgment and . V b. E thevsigned‘written'stipulation'was filed in the case. c. D thestipulation was stated in? open court E the-stipulation was stated on:the record. 3.. E AFTERCOURI TRIAL. Thejurywas waived. The‘court‘consideredthe‘evjdence. a. Thercase was tried on (date and fime): before (name ofjudicial-officer): b. Appearances by;E Plaintiff (name'each): E Plaintiff‘s attorney (namere’ach): (~13 ' (1) .(2), S (2) E Continued. on Attachment 3b. E Defendant (namereach‘): E Defendant's‘attomey (name each): m)- ‘ ‘ m" (2) (.2)E Cbntinued'on Attachmentsb. c. E Defendant did not-appear‘atfc'ri'al. DefendantWas-properly se‘rv'edrwith‘noticezof trial. d. E A.étatemeht,of-decision '(Cod'e Civ. Pro'c.. .§ 632) E was:- not E Was requested. P3931 of 2 Form Approvedfor-Obfional Use . ' ’ , . Judicia| comic“ of‘Canfomia JUDGMENT dee ofi'CMl Procedure. §§ 585. 664.6 _ PLAINTlFFI JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. DEFENDANT: ALAN FONG CASENUMBER': 21CV380957 JUDGMENT lS‘ENTEREDAS' FOLLOWS BY: '4. D Stipul’atefi Jgdgment. Judgment iS'entered‘iéccording tqthe stipulatipnzofthe'parties; 5. Parties. Judgment is a., for‘pla'iritifi (name e'a'cfi): JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. and againstkdefendant (names): ALAN FONG E Cofitinuedion Attachment 5a. b. E for defendant (nameveech): 6‘. Amount. 3.: m Defendént namedfin item 5a above; must pay plaintiff on-the complaint: -‘ THECOURT E THE CLERK. c. D: fOr cro_Ss.-<_:omplaihar1t (peme'each): and against crésszd'efendant" (namereach): D Continued on Attachment 5'0. d. E f'orcross-defendant (name each): c. E Cross-defendant named in' item Soabove must~pay' crossrcompl'ainantzon the cross-complaint: (1‘) Damages; $7266.83 (1) E Damages $ (2) E Pre‘jgdgment‘ $' (2) E_ Prejudgment, A$ interestiat‘the interest at'the annual'rate of' % annual rate‘of- %. ('3) E Attorney-fee’s, $ (3) E Attorney fees *$ (4) E Costs $’ (4), E Costs (5) E OIheMspeciW): $ (5) E Other(specif}/): i$ (6) TOTAL $. 7266.83 (6) TOTAL :$, ‘bm E Plaintiff t‘O'receh/e‘no'thing from d'efenda'ht namedvinVitem 5b.E Defendant: named in’ item15b to: recover 'costs $VD and attorney'fees $5. 7. E Other (Specify).- d. E Cfoss-complaihént to receive nothing from ' crosssdefendant named. in item 5dE Cross-d’efendantnam‘ed in item5d to-recovér costs $ AE and attorney fees $' Date: ’ E ‘ < JUDICIAL OFFICER Date}: > E Clerk, by. , Deputy (55AM CLERK'S CERTIFICATE (Optional? l Certify'thatihis is astrue copy: of th'e Original judgment-On firle in thézcourt; Date: ~ Clerk, by . Deputy 4 Pagez‘éfz 110-100: [New-Januaryfl .2002] JUDGMENT