Judgment DefaultCal. Super. - 6th Dist.March 17, 2021on 7/8/2021 9:59 AM Reviewed By: D Harris Envelope: 6802601 JU DT-1 00. ATFQRNEY 0R PARTY WITHOUT-ATTORNEY (Name, stare barnumper, and addle Fog'cmmr ugE.ONLY Maria Bradish (288384) Adam Brumage (283 180) Don Phan-Huy (309853) Ryota Isozaki -(321040) Derrick Uhri (321 161) Matthew W. Keim (33 1020) Eric Maxquez (33 1023) The Moore Law Group, APC, PO Box 25145, Santa Ana, CA 92799, 3710 S. Susan Street, Suite 210, Santa Ana, CA 92704‘ TngpHONE N92: 800_506_2652 FA-x No~ (Oprionei); E-MAIL ADDRESS (Optpnal): AWORNEY-Foa‘wavme); Plaintiff SUPERIOR COURT 0F. CALIFORNIA! COUNTY OF- Santa Clara §TREEr ADDRESS 191 North First Street MA'UNG ADDRESS San Jose CA 951 13 CITYAND ZIP CODE? Santa Clara County - San Jose Courthouse BRANCH NAME: ’ PLAINTIFFi Bank ofAmerica, N.A. DEFENDANT: Trung D Pham , JUDGMENT CASE NUMBER: E By Clerk E By‘Default E After CourtTrjal 21CV379024 By Cou'r't E O‘n Stipulation E Defenc‘ant .Did N°t Appear at Trial JUDGMENT 1. B-Y DEFAULT a‘. Defendant was property'served with‘a copy of'the Summons and complaint. . Defendant failed to answer the complaint‘or appear and defend thevacti'on within'thetime-allowed. by law.b c; Defendant‘sdefault was entered by the clerkupon plaintiff's application. d ‘ E Clerk's Judgment‘(Code Civ; Proc., § 585(a)). Defendant was sued only on’a contract orjudgment of a court- of this: state for the, recovery of mo'ney. Court Judgment~(pode Civ; Proc., § 585(b)):.. The court considered (,1) E plaintiffis-testimonyandaother evidence. (2) E pl'aintiff‘swritten declaration (CodeAC'iv. Proc;, §585(d)).. .0 2 E 0N STIPULATION a. Plaintiff and defendant agreed (stipulated) that a judgment be entered In this case The court approyed the stipulated judg ment and b. E the.signedwrittenzstipulation'was filed in the case. c. E therstipulation 'was stated in-op’en court E the:_stipulati'on was stated on,the record. 3. E AFTER'COURT TRIAL. Thejury-was waived. The courtsconsi‘deredtheevidence. a. The-cas’e was tried on (date and time): before (name ofjudiéial-off/ber): b. Appearances by:D Plaintiff (namezeach): E Plaintiff's attorney (nameeaeh): (1‘) (1) (2) (2)E Continued'on Attachment 3b. E Defendant (name each): D Defendant 'svattomey (name each): (519 .(19' (2)- (2)E Continued on 'AttachmentSb. 'c. E Defendant did riot appear at trial. Defend’antwas- properw seri/ed with notice...of tri'al. d. E ,A‘sfa'te'rnehtAof-deciSiqn (Code‘Ci'v; Proc., § 632) E wasnot E was. requested. P'agefl of2 Formfippro‘ved‘ for Opfiqnal Qse JUDGMENT Judlual .Councnl otCalIfomIa Code of:Civil Procedure, §§ 585. 664:6 _; PLAINTIFF: Bank of America, N.A. DEFENDANT: Trung D Pham CASENUMBER': 21CV379024 JUDGMENT [SENTERED AS FOLEOWS B¥I THE'CQURT E THE CLERK ‘4‘. D stipulated J_ud‘gment. Judgment is;er'1tere.d according to__the stipulation;ofthe-Tpartiesn 5. Parties. Judgment i's .a.. for-plaintifi‘mame each):- Bank ofAmerica'NA. and againstldefendant (names): Trung D Pham c, E for cfoss.-co_mp‘lainant (native each): and against.cross:defendanf (name:each): E Cohtinued' on Attachment 5a b. E fbr defendant (nemaeach')? 6; Amount. 2:: m Defendant namedtin item-=5a aboveszSt pay plai'ntiffiont-the complaint: E Continued en 'Attachme'nt 5c. d. E f'orcross-defendant (néme each): c. E Cross-defendant named in item 5Cabove mustpay' cr'ossrcompl'ainanton the cross-complaint: (1;) Damagesf' $2508.56 (1') E Damages 55 >(2)_ E Prejudgment $1 (2) E Prejudgment. t$ intere'stat'the interest at'the ‘ annual rate of % annual rate-of % (3) E Attorneysf'ees, $ (3): E Attorney fees $ (4) Costs $290.00 (4); E Costs (5) E Other (specifw: $ (5) E Other(specify):' $ (6)4 TOTAL $ 2798.56 (6) TOTAL -'$- coSts $ E_ and attorney'fees $. 7.. E Other (Specify): b. E Plaintiff t‘o receivemothingfrom défendant named'in' item 5b.D Defendant; named; in item'5b t‘o: recover d. E Cfoés-complainaht to receive nothing f'rom crossvdefendant named in item 5d;E Cross-defendant'named in it'em 5d to recovér costs $‘ VE and éttorney fees $1 Date: E ‘ JUDICIAL OFFICER Date? D Clerk; by , Deputy (SEAE) CLERK'S CERTIFICATE (Optional). I certify'fhat,this is astrue copy. of'the original judgrfi‘eritbn file in th‘ecourt: Date: Clerk by . Deputy Page 2 'of 2 JUD-jUU-[New Januaryfl _ 2002] JUDGMENT