Default EnteredCal. Super. - 6th Dist.March 17, 2021on 7/8/2021 9:59 AM Reviewed By: D Harris CIV-198 MTORNEY DR ?mrt WIWDUTA'TDRMEY. SfAt’E BAR Na. “Ame; Maria Bradish (288384) Adam Brumage (283180) Don Phan-Huy (309853) Ryota I ak 2NW NW5: (gall 02i3()3 1040) Derrick Uhri (321161) Matthew W. Keim (331020) Enc Marquez WEETMJGRESS The Moore Law Group, APC, PO Box 25145, Santa Ana, CA 92799 cm: 3710 S. Susan Street, Suite 210, Santa Anaswz704 ZIP Gena mastoNE m1: 800_506_2652 ’ m1 No.1 EMAILADQRESS: ATFURNEY FUR mama}: plaintiff SUPERIOR CUHRT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF Santa Clara STREaADaREssz 191 North First Street MAILING mamas: San Jose CA 951 13 CWANDZIPcam Santa Clara County - San Jose Courthouse ERMQCH NAME PlaintirfiPatifionar: Bank of America, N.A. Defendanu‘Respondent: Trung D Pham REQUEST FOR [E Entry of Default Cl Clerk's Judgment CASEWEE“ (Applicatian} [“7 Court Judgment 21CV379024 Rot fur use in actions under the Fair Debt Buying Fracfices Aat (Civ. Code, § 1788.58 et seq.} (see Ctv-msj FOR COURT USE OMS! 1. TO THE CLERK: On the camplairzt or cross-complaint filed a. 0n (#519)? 03/17/2021 33- 'W (name): Bank of America, N.A. g. g X g Enter defaultof defendant (names): Trung D Pham d. -“I request a court judgment under Code of Civil Procedure sections 585(2)) 585(c} 989 etc. against defendant {names} Trung D Pham {Testimony required, Apply {a the clerk for a hearing date. unless the c:cwt wiil enter a judgmen?‘ on an affidavit under Code cm. Prom, § 535(de ‘ e. CE Ema: clerk's judgment 1) m for restitution 0f the premises only and issue a writ ofexecuticn on the judgment. Code of Civil Procedure section 1174(0) does not apply {Code Civ. Pros. § 1169- f}m Include In the judgment all tenants subtenams named claimants, and other occupanfi: cf the premises- The Prejudgment Claim of Right f0 Possession was served m compliance with Code of Civil Procedure section 415.46. (2) 5;} under Code a? Civil Procedure section 585(3)- {Complete the decimation under Code Civ. Prom, § 585.5 on the reverse {item 5).) (3) E3 for defauli previously entered on (date): 2- Judgment ta be entered. Amount Credits acknnw edged ' Balanca a. Demand of complaint _____________ $ 2508.56 3 0.00 $2508.56 h. Statement of damages" ('1) Special .................... $7 S S ’ (2) General .................... 5 s s c- Inierest ........................ 3 S S d. Costs (see rewrs‘e} . . ‘ .. l . . . .. . . ; $290.00 s $290.00 e. Attorney flees ................... $ 3 3 f. TOTALS '. _____________________ 5 2798.56 3 0 00 3279856 g. Daily damages were demanded in complaint at the rate of; S per day beginning {date}: g“ Persona! :Injun/ or wrongfuf death actions; Code Civ. Prom, § 425 1 1 J 3- C] (Check if fifed’1n an unlawrul detainer case.) Legal document assistant or unlawful detainer assistant infermafian is on the reverse (complete item 4}. D ta Maria Bradish Adam Brumage_ Don Phan-Huya 2021 Ryota Isozaki_-Derrick Uhri_ Matthew W. Keimx JUL, 0 7 Eric Maxquez: {PIPE DRMINT NME} (SICNATURz 0F FLAIM‘IFY- OR MTORME‘! FOR 'PLNN‘I’IFF) FOR COURT (1) E Q Default entered as a’equested 0n (date): USEomy ('2) {:3 Default NOT entered as requested {state reason}: > Clark. by 4 ‘ . Deputy Pagu t afz ’ F Ad m Ma t u' cw {cw .d a. "as-agm'ssa JSEmlggfimigmafignzgcif-ma REQUEST FOR ENTRY OF DEFAULT Mu m mp8 m m.mmmgov gamaanuar; 126201 (Application to Enter Default} FILED County of Santa Clara Superior Court of CA Clerk of The Court 21CV379024 By: suy 7/8/2021 x 7/8/2021 SUy cw-{no . CASE NUMBER: PlaintififPefifioner: Bank of America, N.A. 2 1CV379024 Defendantlfiespcndent: Trung D Pham 4- Legal document assistant or unlawful detainer assistant (Bus. & Prof. que, § 6480 et seq.}. A legal do‘cumeni assisiant or unlawful detainer aseistanim did did not ar compensation give advice or assistance with this form. If declarant has received any help Gr advice {or pay from a legal docament assistant er unlawful detainer assistant state: a. Assistant‘s name: c. Telephone no.1 b. Skeet address, city, and zip mode; (i. County of registration: ‘ Registration no; f. Expires on (date): .‘9 8_ m Beclaratiofi under Code Civ. Prom, § 585.5 {for entry of default under Code Civ. Prom, § 585(3)). This actiun a. [:3 is is not on a contract or installment. Gals for gonds car services subject lo Civ. Code, § 1801 m sag- (Unruij Act). _ b. i l is w is nut on a conditional sales cuniract subjact: to Civ. Code. § 2981 et seq. (Rees-Levaring Motor Vehicle Sales and Finance Act). G. m is Z is not cm art obligation far gnods, services, leans, or extensions of’credit subject to Code Civ. Prom, § 385(1)). 6- Declaration of‘ mailing {Code Civ. Prom, § 587}. A copy of this Request for Entry ofDefauIt was 3. m not mailed to the following defendants. whose addresses are unknawn to plaintiff or plaintiff's attemey- (names): V mailed first-class, postage prepaid in a sealed envelope adda'essed to each defendant‘s attorney of record or, if none, to each defendant's last known address as follows: (1) Mailed on (dare): {2) To {specify names and addresses shown on ihe envelcpes}: H Trung D Pham . JUL a 8 2021 2813 Meadowfaire Dr San Jose CA 95 1 1 1-2066 | declare under penalty of peq’un/ underme laws of the State of California that the foregoiEg/itegya 5, and 6 are flue and correct. E33131 D Eloisa Saldana Ricardo Camarillo ' , ' jUL fl 5% Zfifl D Vanessa Luna Victor Ochoa D Maamar Cheranti b “M ‘ ' [mm 052mmmm: V ' v {slammag a; ugeLARANr; 7'- Memorandum of costs {required if maneyjudgment requested}. Costa and disbursements are as follows (Code Civ. Prom, § 1033-5): a. Clerk‘s filing fees ........... ‘......... $ 225.00 b. Pmcess server's fees .................. $ 65.00 c. Other {specify}; 5S d. $ e. TOTAL ............................. $ 290.00 f. i Costs and disbursements are waived- g. l am the attorney; agent, 0r party who claims these costs. To the best of my knowledge and belief this memorandum of costs is correct and {base costs were necessarily incurred in this case- > | declare under penalty of perjury finder the lawsof'the S‘ate of California that the foregcing is true and correct. Maria Bradish Adam Brumage_ Don Phan-Huy_~ D t : . - . u . JULBE ? 2021 gégti/Ilgfguagzx: Demck Uhr1_ Matthew W. Kexm_$ >W {?‘Ifi’fi GR PRINT NAME) {SIGNATUFIEE (3f DECLARANT) 8- Qeclaration of nonmilitary status (required for ajudgment}, No defendant named in iiem 1c of the applicafioh is in the military service as that term is defined by either the Sewicemembers Civil Relief Act, 50 U.S.C. App. § 391 1(2). or California Military and Veterans Code seufions 400 and 402m. | declare under penalty of perjury under m_e laws of'the State of Califamia that. the foregcing is true and correct. gage: Maria Bradish_ Adam Brumage_ Don Phan-Huy__ r Ryota Isozaki_ Derrick Uhri_ Matthew W. Keim_¥= WJUL fl 7 2023 Eric Marquez_ >m“ URmm” ”AME? (Slsnmurze m“: nscmmxm chm“ “‘5‘“ Jam"? 1‘ 952”} ' ‘ REQUEST FOR ENTRY 0F DEFAULT I Page 2 “m (Application to Enter Default)