Civil Lawsuit NoticeCal. Super. - 6th Dist.April 1, 2021ATTACHMENT CV-5012 CIVIL LAVBUIT NOTICE Swerior Cantofwlifomia, CountyofSanm data CASE NUMBER 21 CV378979 191 AbrthHrstSt, SanJosé, CA 95113 PLEASE READ THIS ENTIRE FORM PLAIN11H= (the person suing): Wthin 60 days after filing the lamsljt, you rmst serve each Defendant with the Corrplaint, Summns, an Alternative D'soute Resolution (ADQ) Infonmtion Sheet, and a copy of this O'vil Lawsuit Alotioe, and you rrust file wn'tten proof of such service. DEEDANTO'hepersonsued): Ywnustdoeachofthefollowingtoprotectyourrights: Yw rmstfileaw‘ittenrespa'lsetomeCanlaint, usingtheprqoerlegalfbrmorfan’at intheOerks Offioeofthe Court,vfifl1n30daysofthedateywmeresewedvfiththe&lnnnnsand Carplaint, Younustsewebyrrail aoopyofywrwitten responseonthe PIainfiffsattomeyoronthePlaintiffifPlaintifihasno attorney (to “serve by rrail” rreans to have an addt other than yourself rrail a copy); and You n'ust attend the first Case Nhnagermnt Conference. Vbrring: lfyou, as the Defendant, do not followflme imtructions, you rray autorratimlly lose this me. RlLES AAD FOHm: You rmst follow the California Rules of Court and the SJpen'or Court of Califom'a, Ownty d <_Oountyi\brre_> Lowl Ovil Mae and use properforrrs. Yw can obtain legal information, viaNthe rules and receive foms, free 0f charge, fromthe Self-Help Center at 201 North First Street, San José (408-882-2900 x-2926). - Statemm and Judicial Council Foms: wwoourtinfo.caqov/foms and wmowrtinfomqov/mles I Lowl RJlae and Foms: http://\MMMSO$uperioroourt.orq/civillrule1toc.htm Mmmcmm(m: Younustrreetvdththedherpartiesanddiswssflwemse, inpersonorby teleplwreatleastBmedardaysbeforetheGVIC. Younustalsofill out,fi|eandserveaCaseA/bnagenent&atem1t (Judicial Council form CM-1 10) at least 15 wendardays beforethe CNC. Youoryowattomeynustmpearatthedm Youneyasktoappearbytelephone-seeLoca/O‘WIRJeB. YourCaseNhnagenentJudgeis: Hon- PatriCia M- Lucas Departrmnt:3 The15tClVCis scheduled for: (QJT'pIetedbyOerkofOourt) Date: 07/28/21 Tlrm:2330 pm in Depa‘hmrt:3 menextCNBisscheduledfor: (Cbrrpletedbypartyifthe1stClVK3masoontinuedorhaspassed) Date: Tim: in Depa‘hmrt: ALTEWATWEUSPU1EESQUWGV(Am: If all partias have wpeared and filed a oonpleted AD? Sipulation Form (low formCV-5008)atlew 15daysbeforetheClVK3, theOourtwill cancel theCMCandrrail notioeofanADRStatusConferenoe. \fisit the Court’s website at wsocsupefioroourtorq/civiI/ADR/ or wll the ADRAdm'nistrator (408882-2100 x-2530) for a list d ADR providers and their qualifications, services, and fees. WAG: Sanctions rmy be imposed ifyou do notfdlowthe Cdifom'a RJles ofOourt orthe Loml Wes of Court. Reset Form; cv-5o12 REV 08/01/16 CIVIL LAWSUIT NOTICE Page1 of1