NoticeCal. Super. - 6th Dist.March 15, 2021LAW OFFICES OF KENNETH J. FREED KENNETH J. FREED, ESQ. [State Bar No. 125349] DAVID E. WEEKS, ESQ. [State Bar No. 190542] 14226 Ventura Boulevard Sherman Oaks, California 91423 (818) 990-0888; (818) 990-1047 Facsimile KFREEDISKJFESO.COM / DWEEKS KJFESQ.COM 5 Attorneys for Plaintiff CREDITORS ADJUSTMENT BUREAU, INC. 6 Our File No. 6059751 10 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALII ORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, UNLIMITED JURISDICTION 11 CREDITORS ADJUSTMENT 13UREAU, INC. 12 Plaintiff, 13 14 V. 15 INTARCIA THERAPEUTICS, INC4 and DOES I THROUGH 10, Inclusive, 16 Defendant. 17 18 ) CASE NO. 21CV378966 ) ) AMENDED NOTICE OF CASE ) MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE ) ) ) DATE: 8/10/2021 ) TIME: I:30 p.m. ) DEPT: 2 ) ) ) ) ) 19 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Case Management Conference (CMC) scheduled to 20 occur July 27, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. in Department "2" of the above-captioned court is now 21 scheduled for August 10, 2021at I:30 p.m. in Department "2" before the Honorable Drew C. 22 Takaichi, Judge presiding. Attached hereto as Exhibit "I" is the Amended Notice. 23 2 4 DATED: May 13, 2021 25 26 27 28 J.FREED By Kellr'Idth J. Freed, ESQ. Attbrney for Plaintiff Creditors Adjustment Bureau, Inc. Electronically Filed by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, on 5/17/2021 12:37 PM Reviewed By: A. Rodriguez Case #21CV378966 Envelope: 6456917 21CV378966 Santa Clara - Civil PROOF OF SERVICE BY MAIL 2 STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) 3 ) ss COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) 4 I am employed in the County of Los Angeles, State ofCalifornia. I am over the age of 18 5 and not a party to the within action. My business address is 14226 Ventura Boulevard, Sherman Oaks, California 91423. 6 On May 'I9, 2021, I served the foregoing document described as AMENDED NOTICE OF CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE on the interested parties in this action by placing a true copy thereof enclosed in a sealed envelope with postage thereon fully prepared and deposited in the United States mail at Sherman Oaks, California, addressed as follows: 9 INTARCIA THERAPEUTICS, INC. C/0 C T CORPORATION SYSTEM 10 818 W 7 ST I STE 930 LOS ANGELES, CA 90017 11 12 13 14 I am readily familiar with the firm's practice ofcollection and processing correspondence for mailing. Under that practice it would be deposited with the U.S. postal service on that same day with postage thereon fully prepaid at Sherman Oaks, California in the ordinary course of business. I am aware that on motion of the party served, service is presumed invalid if the postal cancellation date or postage meter date is more than one day after the deposit for mailing in affidavit. 15 16 17 I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that thc foregoing is true and correct. Executed on May l0, 2021, at Sherman Oaks, California. 18 19 Nicole Stein 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 ZXBZSXT "1"E HEBE ‘3“ 1 {1v CIVIL LAWSUIT NOTICE Super/or Court of Ca//fomia, County ofSanta Clara 191 North First SL, San Jose, CA 95113 CASE NUMSER. 21CV378966 PLEASE READ THIS ENTIRE FORM PLAINTIFF (the person suing): Within 60 days atter filing the lawsuit, you must serve each Defendant with the Complaint,Summons, an A/ternal/ve Dispute Resolution (ADR) In/onnat/on Sheet, and a copy of this Civil Lawsu/I Notice, and you must fitswritten proof of such service. DEFENDANT(The person sued): You must do each of the following to protect your rights 1. You must file a written response to the Complaint, using Ihe pmper legal form or Snnaf, in the Clerk's Qffice of theCourt, within 30 days of the date you were served with the Summons and Complaint; 2. You must serve by mail a copy of your written response on the Plaintiffs attorney or on the Plaintiff if Plaintiff has no attorney (to 'serve by mail" means to have an adult other than yourself mail a copy); and3. You must attend the first Case Management Conference. Warning: If you, as the Defendant, do not follow these instructions, you may automatically lose this case. RULES AND FORMS: You must follow the California Rules of Court and the Superior Court of California, County of& CountyName & Local Civil Rules and use proper forms. You can obtain legal information, view the rules and receive forms, freeof charge, from the Self-Kelp Center at 201 North First Street, San Josfi (408-882-2900 x-2926). ~ State Rules and Judicial Council Forms: and Local Rules and Forms: httoy/www.sccsuoeriorcourtora/civil/rulet toe.htm CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE (CMC): You must meet with the other parties and discuss the case, in person or bytelephone at least 30 ca/endar days before the CMC. You must also fill out, file and serve a Case Management Sfatemeni(Judicial Council form CM-110) at least 15 calendar days before the CMC. You or your attorney must appear at the CMC. You may ask to appear by telephone - see Local Civil Ru/e 8. Your Case Management Judge is: Taka1ch1, Drew C Department:. 2 The 1a'MC is scheduled for: (Completed by Clerk of Court), Date: Time: 'n Department: The next CMC is scheduled for. (Comp/efed by party if the 1" CMC was continued or has passed) Date: Time: in Department: ALTERIVA TIVE DISPUTE RESOLUTION (ADRI: lf all parties have appeared and filed a completed ADR Sl/pu/al/on Form (localform CV-5008) at least 15 days before the CMC, the Court will cancel the CMC and mail notice of an ADR Status Conference. Visit the Court's website at www.sccsuoeriorcourt.ora/civil/ADR/ or call the ADR Administrator (408-882-2100 x-2530) for a list ofADR providers and their qualifications, services, and fees. WARNING: Sanctions may be imposed if you do not follow the California Rules of Court or the Local Rules of Court. CV-5012 REV 0$0111 6 CIVIL LAWSUIT NOTICE Page 1 at 1