Judgment DefaultCal. Super. - 6th Dist.March 17, 2021ATTORNEY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORI I Y (Name, state bar number and address/. Hunt & Henriques, Attorneys at Law Donald Shernll, ¹266038 Anthony DiPiero ¹268246 7017 Realm Dr., San Jose, CA 95119 TELEPHONE NO (800) 680-2426 FAx No (opfionab (408) 362-2299 E-MAIL ADDRESS(optioneb InfO@hunthennqueS.COm ATTORNEY FOR iName) Plain'tiff SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA sTREETADDREss 191 North First Street MAILING ADDRESS cITYANDzIPGDDE San Jose CA 951 13 BRANGH NAME Downtown Superior Court PLAINTIFF. Bank of America, N.A. DEFENDANT: CHRISTINE S DAVIS JUD-100 FOR COURT USE OIVL T By Clerk By Court JUDGMENT By Default ~ After Court Trial On Stipulation ~ Defendant Did Not Appear at Trial JUDGMENT CASE NUMBER 21CV378961 3. ~ AFTER COURT TRIAL. The jury was waived. The court considered the evidence. a. The case was tried on (dale and time): before (name oiiudiciai officer): b. Appearances by:~ Plaintiff (name each): (1) ~ Plaintiff's attorney (name each): (I) (2)(2)~ Continued on Attachment 3b. 1. ~ BY DEFAULT a. Defendant was properly served with a copy of the summons and complaint. b. Defendant failed to answer the complaint or appear and defend the action within the time allowed by law. c. Defendant's default was entered by the clerk upon plaintiff's application. d. ~X Clerk's Judgment (Code Civ. proc., 9 585(a)). Defendant was sued only on a contract or judgment of a court of tibia state lor the recovery of money e. ~ Court Judgment (Code Civ. Proc., 8 585(b)). The court considered (1) ~ plaintiff's testimony and other evidence. (2) ~ plaintiff's written declaration (Code Civ. Proc., 9 585(d)). ON STiPUl ATiON a. Platntiff and defendant agreed {stipulated) that a )udgment be entered in lhis case. The court approved the stipulated judgment and b. ~ the signed wntten stipulation was filed in the case. c. ~ the stipulation was stated in open court H the stipulation was stated on the record. ~ Defendant (name each); (1) (2)~ Continued on Attachment 3b. Defendant 's attorney (name each): U) (2) c. C3 Defendant did not appear at trial. Defendant was properly served with notice of trial. d. M A statement of decision (Code Civ. Proc., 9 632) M was not W was requested Form Approved fo Optional Use Judiaaf Counal of Califom a JUD-100 [Re January I, 2002] DD0002CG JUDGMENT Page I of 2 Code of Ctva Procedure, gg 565, 664 6 1420486.001 on 9/15/2021 11:42 AM Reviewed By: D Harris Envelope: 7270025 P'lley"ipp Bank -f Amenca, ihA, r)EPEBiDAHT'HRIS: lfVE 9 DAVIS CASE BOMSEE 2i C'! 9769FJ I tLIDGIyIEIBT i$ EtBTERED AB FQf LGWS By: i I THiE COORT I X j THE CLERK s. ' Stipufated Judgmerlb J 'cgment is e,terse ac* o ding lo "."'8 spi iabcn cf '.I'e ps i'.:es. 5. Parties. 'udgment:= a. ~X'o plBinii,i (iiaiii88acn). 8 i lnp 88 Bncl BgBinst d8fendani (names) CHRISTISIE 5 DAViS I ~ Continued on Attachment 5a. b. ~for defendant (name each). Bid agalnS CI'OSS-rfefe"idBnl (flan'C BBC!l): L Ccnlinued Or, AttaChment 5C d ~ for cross-defendant (name each): 6. Amount. a ~ Defendant named i,: item 5a above must pay plaintN on the complains c. ~ Cross-defendant named in iten; 5c above must pay cross-complainant on the cross-complaint: DainBges Prejudgn'ent Interest at the Annus! rate ot 1, $ 22,192.97 (2) M P eiudgment Interest at the Annuai rate of (5) (rf) ~X (5) (6) Attorneys fees Costs Other (specify) I $ 22,629.97 I Plainsff to recewe nothing from defendant named in item 5b.~ Defendant named ln cern 5b to .ecover COStS $ Bnd 8'ltolner ees $ i (3) (5) M Attom Cosis (6) TOTAL c. ~ Cross-complamant to receive noihing from cross-defendant named in item 5d~ Cross-defendant usmnd in item Sd to recover costs $~ ar.o atlcrr.ey fees $ 7, i i Other (specify). .li'OICIr..., ICEB : ate: C let'K, , Deputy CLERKEB CERTIFICATE (Gptior,af) I cattlv liial 6:s is 8 ri28 cocr oi".;te 0 glcB Iucgmen'n file .", Ehe coJB.Dale'sv " vl 2