Notice Hearing TRO Civil HarassmentCal. Super. - 6th Dist.February 23, 2021. . Chit damp: datem when hm is fledC H-1 09 Notice of Court Heanng Filed Person Seeking Protection February 24, 2021 a. Your Full Name: Clerk 0f the Court Trenton Pinister Superior Court of CA Your Lawyer (ifyou have onefor (his cave): county 0f santa Clara Name: State Bar No.2 21 CH009881 Firm Name: By: knguyen b. Your Addrcss (Ifyou have a lawyer. giveyour lawyer’s injbrmation. lfyou do nor have a lawyer and wan! to keep your home address H, ,1 mm"mm w”,m”. private. you may give a different mailing uddresx instead. You do n0! 509“”, Cw" o,cm“. County M have Io give telephone. far. nr c-mail.) san ta c 1 a ra Address: Z“; Wfltrmj Oglv‘e 191 North First Street San Jose C 9S1 1 3 City; Sm m) ft Sane; CA Zip; ‘NNE ’ a Telephone: Fax: E-Mail Address: CourtMs‘ncuo numboeronformIs Nod. Cm Number: ® Person From Whom Protection Is Sought 2 1 C H 0 0 98 8 1 Full Name: Thomas Vernon 77:2 court will comp!“ gha-mtogfglisfonn. ® Nam Hearing A court hearing Is scheduled on the request twining orders against tho person in®z Name and address of coun if difl'crcnt from above: ng DarcflleZEZ/ Timczj'zgmm Dcpt.: H Room: ® Temporary Ramlnlng Orders (Any orders granted are onform CH- l 10. served with (his notice.) a, Tempomry Restraining Orders for personal conduct and stay~away ordas as requested in form CH-IOO. Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders. arc (check only one box below): (l) E All GRANTED until the court baring. (2) D All DENIED until the court hearing. (Spectfl reasonsfor denial in b. below.) (3) D Panly GRANTED and partly DENIED until the court hearing. (Speafi' reasomfor denial in b. below.) m Curd dm ' .Mthuaflw“ Notice of Court Hearing CH 109. Page 1 d 3 °°“°' C“m- ‘ 5" ‘ (Clvll Harassment Prevention) 9Whoa: “”216110098 81 b. Reasons for denial ofsomc or all ofthosc personal conduct and stay-away orders as requested in form CH-100. Reqmlfor Civil Harassment Ralrm’m'ng Orders. are: (l) D The facts as stated in fonn CH-l00 do not sufficiently show acts ofviolcnoc. threats ofviolcncc, on comscofconduct that seriously alarmed, annoyed. orharassed thcpuson in® and awed subsumial emotionaldim (2) D Odncrapecifv): D As set forth on Attachment 4b. ® Confidential Information Regarding Minor a. D A Request to Keep Minor 's Information Confidential (fonn CH-l60) was made and GRANTED. (Seeform CH-l65, Order on Request to Keep Minnr's Information Confidential, served with lhisfom.) b. If tic request was granted, the information described in item® on the order (for- CH-ISS) must be kept CONFIDENTIAL “e disclosure or misuse of lhc information h pulhhlble u a sanction. with a fine of up to $l,000 or other court pennlitics. ® Service of Documenm for the Person In G) At least E five D days before the hearing, someone age l8 or oldcr-not yon or nyone to be protected-mmtmom: (serve) a coun‘s file-smmped copy ofthis fonn CH-IO9 to the pawn in ® along with a copy of all the forms indicated below: a. CH-lm. Requeslfor Civil Harassment Restraining Orders (filc-smmped) b. fl CH-l l0. Temporary Restraining Order (filc-stampod) IF GRANTED c. CH~120, Response to Requestfor Civil Harassmenl Restraining Orders (blank form) d. CH-IZO-INFO. How Can l Resmnd lo a Requestfor Civil Harassment Rmining Orders? c. CH-ZSO. ProofofSerw‘ce ofResponse by Mail (blank fom) f. D CH-l 70. Notice ofOrder Protecting Information ofMinor and CH-l65. Order on Request lo Keep Minor 's Information Confidential (filc-stnmped) IF GRANTED smomaapea/y): (ML (A36 gov“ 9M; Bebop” m (wmod- nm: 2-24-2021 ? CW‘A Wig)“ Judicial Officer CAROL OVERTON ""W "m Notice of Coun Hearing CM... Pn- 2 on (CM! Harassment anooflon) _) CmNumbu: 210H009881 To the Person mo: ' The com cannot makc the mining Olders aflcr thc coun hearing unless the person in @1115 bccn personally y'ven (servedhcopy ofyourrcqucstandmytcmporaryordcrs. Toshowthmdwpcrsonin®hasbecnmvc¢thcpason who served the fonns must fill out a proof of service form. Form CH-200, ProofofPersonal Service. may be used. 0 For information about service, md form CH-ZOO-INFO, Who! ls "ProofofPersonal Service "? . lfyou arc unable to serve the pawn in®in timc. you may ask for more u'mc to save the doanncnts. Use form CH-l l5. Request to Continue Cour! Hearing and lo Reissue Temporary Ratraim'ng Order. To the Person me: . lfyou wmt to rmpond to the requcn for orders in writing. file form CH-l20, Raponse to Rmtfor Civil Harassment Remaining Orders, and have someone age 18 or older~not you or nnyole to be protected-mail it to thcpcrsonin®. . Thepcrsonwhomailcdthcformnmstfillmnapmofofscrviccfonn.FormCH-250,PrwquServiceq'Rmnuby Mail.maybcuscd.Fflclhcwnmlctedfmmwimmecmmbcforethcharingandbringaoopywilhyoutolheco‘m hearing. . thdia’anotyourespondinwritinggotothchadngifyouwantdncjudgcwhwfiomyoubcfmmkingm order. You may tcll thejudgc why you agec or disagree with the ordersmm 0 You may bring wimesscsandomercvidcnce ' AtthehafingthcjudgemymkersminingomtsagainstyouthatcouldMuptofivcymsmdmayudayouto turnintolaw mforccmcngorsclltoorstorcwithalimnsedgtmdalenany firearmsthatyouownorpomcss. Request for Accommodations Assistivc listening systems. compulcr-assistcd ml-timc captioning, or Sig) language interpretct services arc available ifyou ask at Imt fivc days before thc hearing. Contact the clerk‘s office or go to for Requeslfor Accommodations by Persons with Disabilities and Response (form MC-4l0). (Civ. Code. § 54.8.) (Clerk willfill out this pan.) 4km; Certificate- lccttifytlmmisNoriceofCow-rflearingisatmeandooncctcopyofthcorigimlonfileinthccomt ant 's Certificate [seal] Date: Clerk. by - Deputy --mtm Notice of Court Hearing 0H4”. Pao- 3d 3 (CM!W Pmomion)