Request Restraining OrderCal. Super. - 6th Dist.February 10, 2021. CH 100 Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders Read ('mz u ('iri/ Harassment Restraining Order Help Me? (form CH-IOO- INFO) before completing this form. Also fill out Confidential CLETS Information (form CLETS-OOI) with as much information as you know. G) Person Seeking Protection a. Your FullName: I i . H‘oxeswx AbP»Kar (fro styge: 60 Your Lawyer (ifyou have onefor this case) Name: State Bar No.: Firm Name: b. Your Address ((fyou have a lanyer, give your lauyer 's information. Ifyou d0 not have a lawyer and want Io keepyour home address private, you may give a different mailing address instead. You do n01 have t0 give telephone, fax, 0r e-muil.) Address: LEool QiLVCr KWnQH LIAM; Clerk stamps date here when form is filed. FILE FEBl 0 2021K Fill in court name and stree! address: Superior Court of California. County of Santa Clara Civil Division 191 North First Street San Jose, CA 951 l3 Court fills in case number‘when form is filed. City. S a a SD {g State: (a Zip:m Telephone. Fax: Case Number: 8 5 921CH009 E-Mail Address: Person From Whom Protection ls Sought Fun Name: Tn m Q nfmf" I. 11AMMAKR Age= Aw; 4o Address(if‘mW")-' City: .Qf/xn "'1' CL State: Ca Zip: gs 13$1v Additional Protected Persons a. Are you asking for protection for any other family or household members? D Yes D NO Ifyes, list them: Full Name $33 Ag; Lives with V'Qg‘? How are thev related 19 vou? D Xes pho __D YesQNO filws‘ap‘ D Yes D NO D Yes a No w D Check here ifr/zere‘arc more pet sons Attach a cheer ofpaper-and write ”Attachment 3a-Adcliuonal Protected Per50m' f0; u Iitle )ou ma} usejwm MC-025, Attachment. b. Why do these people need protection? (Explain below): Check here iftlzere is not enough spaceforyour answer. Pu! your complete answer 0n the attached sheet 0f paper orform MC-025 and write ”A ttachmcnt 3b-Why Others Need Protection ”for a title. In GcncrfiL v. Tome Wmnf$ ‘fn Prav/OKe me HKFFASS mé ohm] ThrmM-enmn mg «,5 Phqc comm hard me - mu (n \lloLQmuQa (\mmrc r: mar \ nmanac. /.\‘ Tn AL: mgv v v v I) v v ' J y !r‘r v I mq DQCLmro’fiOH Thisis notaCourtOrder. pwmge’.E _ ,__.. M'F‘a‘cw"“‘°'°“'"°m'a' m”"”‘“§5V Request for Civil Harassment Restraining OrdersRensed January 1. 2018. Mandalay Form 006640“ Procedu'ev §§ 5276M 5279 (Civil Harassment Prevention) CH-1 00, Page 1 of 6a Case Number: 21CH009859 Relationship of Parties How do you know the pcrson in® ? (E.\plain below): D Check here {fthere is not enough spaccforyour answer. Put your complete answer 0n the attached sheet 0f paper orform MC-025 and write “Attachmem 4!Relali0nship ofParties "for a tille. r" . \ I . '\ n Venue e“ C 3' J Why are you filing in this county? (Check all that apply): a. E The person in® lives in this county. b.X [was harassed by the person in® in this county. c. D Other (specify).- Other Court Cases a. Have you or any of the persons named in@ been involved in another court case with the person in ®? D Yes W N0 (Ifyes, check each kind ofcase and indicate where and when each wasfiled.) Kind Qf Case Filed in (g; Quntv/Sratez Year Filed Ca§e Number (it anwnz (l) D CivilHarassment (2) D Domestic Violence (3) D Divorce, Nullity, Legal Separation (4) D Paternity, Parentage, Child Custody (5) D Elder 0r Dependent Adult Abuse (6) D Eviction (7) B Guardianship (8) D Workplace Violence (9) D SmallClaims (10) D Criminal (11) D Other (specifi'): b. Are there now any protective 0r restraining orders in effect relating to you or any of the persons in® and the person in®7 w No D Yes (lfycs, attach a copy ifyou have one.) Description of Harassment Harassment means violence or threats of violence against you, or a course of conduct that seriously alarmed, annoyed, 0r harassed you and caused you substantial emotional distress. A course 0f conduct is more than one act. a. Tell the court about the last time the person in® harassed you. (1) When did it happen? (provide date 0r estimated date): Eve f 5"," C a 3 U Ll 1° L0 (2) Who else was there? (AMI uJ’ To FCL b. 201‘ .Tomonwi lmns Lcen Harran . ‘6 6 I 55/6 m1 QecLarMhh .This is not a Court Order. C A :4 (_) M gwo’eace z Note: Re“’°°“““a””°‘8 Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders CH'WO! P8982 0'6 (Civil Harassment Prevention) '9 Show Case Nungirc H 00 98 5 9 ® a. (3) How did the person in® harass you? (Explain below): Check here (fillere is no! enough spuccfbrgvour answer. Put your complete answer 0n the attached sheet ofpaper orform MC-025 and write “.-1!Iuclmzenr 7u(3)-Descrihc Harassment "fora title. «nmonm; mm 9cm“ g Du? rt 36f Worse SMCLfUh.Z t) = -o 4. o .nm v K \r A ‘QNI 3 C 40“ \\ (4) Did the person in® use or threaten to use a gun 0r any other weapon? m r! ¥ o D Yes w N0 (Ifyes, explain below): 'D Check here ifthere is not enough spaceforyour answer. Pu! your complete answer on the attached sheet ofpaper orform MC-025 and write "Altaclmzenr 7a(4)-Use 0f W’apons "for a title. (5) Were you banned or injured because of the harassment? D Yes M No (Ifyes, explain belou): D Check here iftlzere is n0! enough spaceforyour answer. Put your complete answer on the attached sheet ofpaper orform MC-025 and write "Attachment 7(1(5)-Harm 0r Injury "for a title. (6) Did the police come? D Yes D No If yes, did they give you or the person in® an Emergency Protective Order? D Yes D No If yes, the order protects (Check all that apply): D Me D The person in® D The persons in© . (Attach a copy oftlze order ifyou have one.) b. Has the person in® harassed you at other times? Yes D N0 ([fyes, describe prior incidents and provide dares oflmrassment below): E Check here ifthcre is n0! enough spacefor your answer. Pu! your complete answer 0n the attached sheet 0f paper orform MC-O25 and write “Attachment 7b Previous Harassment "for a title. _ MUN Mkn‘l Mann“ "clones $ . u'vfl er OOIIa'n ‘ r.. \ 7 .O. k m: 1‘6 -' .u .. ma» \N -. ‘ - - gksV’H 0+ MU. “ i Thisis notaCourtOrder. Grfu¢<1 M/V ¥4CC/ ramU” -’ R°“‘5°“a"°a'Y‘-2°‘B Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders CH-100- Page3°f6 (Civil Harassment Prevention) 9 Case Nurfibirzc H 00 9 8 59 Check the orders you want. E Personal Conduct Orders I ask the court to order the person in ® not to do any ofthe followmg things t0 me or to any person to be protected listed in@. a. K Harass, intimidate, molest, attack, strike, stalk. threaten, assault (sexually or otherwise), hit, abuse, destroy personal property of, or disturb the peace of the person. hm Contact the person, either directly or indirectly, in any way, including, but not limited to, in person, by telephone, in writing, by public 0r private mail, by interoffice mail, by e-mail, by text message, by fax, or by other electronic means. . C. fl Other (specifi'): Check here {ftlzcre is not enough space for mur answer Pu! your complete answer 0n (he attached Sheer 0f ' .. 3“, ‘5' {.mmxm '2 .ewml¢m .....mm__Jam. a .EogmWVflI‘v5"" - r Thepcrsun m ® nz/l be ordered m)! r0 take anv action t0 get the addresses 0r locations 0 - _ I atec oberM}: ' ’ unless [he courtfimls good cause not t0 make tlze order. ®X Stay-Away Orders a. I ask the court to order the person in® to stay at least w yards away from (check all that apply): (l) m Me‘ (8) My vehicle. (2) D The other persons listed in ® (9) m Other /_\.,,,,Cl~fi,)_.l I __ ’ (3) ‘g My home. ax c epm n. 29 rear Smj (1an (4) D Myjob or workplace. TO%PMNKach pm“ W c\M (5) [1 Myschool. VOW (6) D My children’s school. (7) D My children’s place ofchild care. ‘ 'd .u-‘I_.I-I b If the court orders the person in ® to stay away from all the places listed above, will he or she still be able to get to his or her home, school orjob? E YCS D NO (Ifno explain belon): m Check here iftlzere is n01 enough spaceforyour answer. Putyour complete answer 0n the attached sheet 0f paper orform MC-025 and write "Attachment 9b-Stay-Away Orders, "for a title. Q, u ‘\ ' ' L ' Sher g 1L [Amman ,Pmce v Guns or Other Firearms and Ammunition Does the person in® own or possess any guns or other firearms? K Yes D No D I don’t know Iftlzejudge grants a protective order, the person in® will be prohibitcdfrom owning, possessing, purchasing receiving, 0r attempting 10 purchase 0r receive a gun, otherfirearm, and ammunition while the protective order is in eflect. The person in ® will also be ordered t0 turn in t0 law en/brcement, 0r sell t0 0r store with a licensed gun dealer, (my guns orfircurrm within lzix 0r lm- immediate possession 0r control. This is not a Court Order. R‘“’°‘“‘“”°'V‘-2°‘8 Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders CH-100. Page4 of6 (Civil Harassment Prevention) ‘9 Case NunéberCH009859 ®fl Temporary Restraining Order I request that a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) be issued against the person in® to last until the hearing. I am presenting foml CH-l 10‘ Temporan' Restraining Order, for the court's signature together with this Request. Has the person in® been told that you were going to go t0 court to seek a TRO against him/her? D Yesfl No (lfyou answered n0, explain why below):E Check hcrc iftlzcre 1's no! enough spacefor your answer. Putyour complete answer 0n the attached sheet 0f paper 0rjbrm MC-O25 and urirc “Attachment 1 1-Temporar} Resmn'ning Orwlu "fin a title Kawvgfl ‘5. Jo MOT MLK To Tkmomur‘i Jkanmm(TLp PLrgnn- .is :qnnrc L.; W‘x r rm D Request to Give Less Than Five Days' Notice of Hearing You must have your papers personally served 0n the person in® a! [castfive days bdbre the llearing, unless the court orders a shorter timcjbr service. (Form CH-200-[NFO explains What [s "Proof 0f Personal Service”? Form CH-200, Proof of Personal Service, may be used t0 show the court that the papers have been served.) If you want there to be fewer than five days between service and the hearing, explain why below: D Check here [fillere is not enough spaceforyour answer. Putyour complete answer on the attached sheet 0f paper orform MC-025 and write “Altachment l 2-Request t0 Give Less Than Five Days ' Notice ”for a title. X No Fee for Filing or Service a. E There should be n0 filing fee because the person in ® has used or threatened to use violence against me, has stalked mc, or has acted or spoken in some other way that makes me reasonably fear violence. b. D The sheriff 0r marshal should serve (notify) the person in® about the orders for free because my request for orders is based on unlawful violence, a credible threat ofviolence, 0r stalking. c. D There should be no filing fee and the sheriff or marshal should serve the person in ® for free because I am entitled to a fee waiver. (You must complete andfi/eform FW-OOI, Application for Waiver of Court Fees and Costs .) . D Lawyer's Fees and Costs I ask the court to order payment ofmy D lawyer’s fees D Court costs. The amounts requested are: Item Amount Ltgm Amgunt $ S $ S $ $ D Check here ifthere are more items. Pu! the items am! amounts 0n the attached sheet ofpaper orform MC-025 and write ”Attachment 14‘ [.(mycr '.\' Few um] Costs "for a title. This is not a Court Order. Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders CH-100. Page 5 of6 (Civil Harassment Prevention) 9 Revsed January 1, 2018 Case Number: 210H009859 @ D Possession and Protection of Animals I ask the court t0 order the following: a. D That I be given the sole possession, care. and control of the animals listed below, which I own, possess, lease, keep, or hold, or which reside in my household. (Identify animals by, e.g., type, breed, name, color, sex.) I request sole possession of the animals because (specifi' good causefor granting order): D Check here iftlzere is not enough spaceforyour answer. Putyour complete answer 0n the attached sheet ofpapcr orform MC-025 and wrirc “Attachment 15a-Posscssi0n ofAm'mals ”for a title. b. D That the person in®must stay at least yards away from, and not take, sell, transfer, encumber, conceal, molest, attack, strike, threaten, harm, or otherwise dispose of, the animals listed above. M Additional Orders Requested I ask the court to make the following additional orders (specifi): m Chuck here ifthcrc is not enough spac'c’fbrunzr answer. Putyour complete answer 0n the attached sheet 0f paper 0r farm MC-()25 and write ”~1lruc/unum [6 -1(/(lifi0m1/ ()nlcrs Requcvtcd, " for u n'I/c. '“Q'Z‘T’T‘azfi JIIKWI"“iiwarm«LEPA%AI&W Lawyer 's name (ifany) Lawyer 's signature I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the information above and on all attachments is true and correct. Date: Fahrmrxg 0t, ?o’u I ' 0r \M W Type orprint your name Sign vour name This is not a Court Order. Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders CH-100. Page 6 of6 (Civil Harassment Prevention) Revised January 1‘ 201 8 1O 11 12 13 ‘15 ‘16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 . / CASE NAME: uKk CASE #2 210H009859 as: Nate L251 Name CH-100, Item 78(3) - DESCRIBE HARASSMENT: b) Are you living with the persor’u? D YES $410 c) Has the person D physically abuse youuphysically or verbally threatened you and/or Xharassed you many times? (Please check all that apply.) d) In the past three months, what did the person do or say that made you afraid (please start with the most recent event and explain exactly what happened in detail, include dates and times): T o mo ho; f". ?flmmmK‘h- ‘10“ S Hour me [n Hm Last FEM £5) ‘ICMSA lint: UVL‘I 201° JTomanmr's \4015 ch-f hot ¢n/CVLn an mi 5n? irien/Cuf' \V-ai-Infl Hm, flammgs . (Seem? Tmckt/ [Juts )Ltn *h ca! TLJS forms) ‘ 0U ma+kflf {ocoER b‘cT‘f-er mow OL/‘f” an/ /o,¢+ Come baon’ f ‘\ \1 Persmusui) xx TLLL \IIoL/r F.” M13 jvtsm ‘ro n...” H. CMFS from TIM, S+rc¢i~ \vq iforw g m‘x! MomM'W ()n F659 2102\J‘1’ornonovm' fmc. I break qovr face, L/u mg avg J guy me r 0n OY‘ 0»pr Jam 24 loll +££ yo)“; ht waS-‘rqiin3 -‘r0 CH-100. Item 7a(3)- DESCRIBE HARASSMENT a /: rm +0 Hoe l 0“ +he 0U", L(lr N c~¥ «UH PageA-f a) How do you know the person you want to restrain? 'TB m6 ()bc; \lAma n4 \sU'T TI 30f Ur swat Jvt‘l Lola ur’ To Februui é, 2 92 \. mi car an/jUffi'is Car‘s om/m‘i -fr/'en,/’5 64. FU \hfl a(ace. ['1' (mm Parsian'] 11/53” Wm" ?h4S.Cal/t\] 0v) Mouse. Hc \S NW SMH kn faSSto/ r8? {3 0n r5 Leach o/f E Lftzlc L. “"oLxm/ Mart 0/7 12 1a oz 1m, Le. \3 MC-020 l" SHORT TITLE: I 0A5: Nuuesa- I_ . 59 I AkP‘KW‘ and \WwkuncuKoL I 210mm” Last Name Last Name 1 L0» L o o °{K ' 2 I o/Canr'C A3 foLLak/I 3 L Tononm'i {Ananmkgfiflt ?CrSo-Liné) for +LL Lam. E(fl/L) 4 jurfi I (gnhnugnugl‘j Stng‘ag gr.n1 Barcgsngg mg. s 2. 0mm”: v oLemH Ms Lean Howasmq aq/ swung e mg m3! 396 $55 (4,1 m1 i’cjfingkgz m4 g"?r1 jcl%¢ L7! 7 )fikgha NOTES on Hm” Ciw‘S. c+a+in1 [ML kin/S vj-nrflfi‘ffmlg a GTthfmniJ. such LS: f... qulul [\o no+ come, Amok. 9 ‘\ T \orfak flow Fv-mj gaot Vflrs.’kn fli/I: “\‘ULL 1o $11M flufsm +0 movL «H‘cjr ¥-HM Oars {Wm +LL “MA- 11 1.!) itont ¢ m3] ha hai°”/l 12 3. on ow (LL «1+ jam z um ‘Bmonmi MAS +r4 «J 13 To m‘o Lamb; PH S.CaLH anack me rM/I rm ouww' 14 Mme - 15 0' I C 1 0?. .T-ormhfir. 1e “(Ave gmmt T0 WM Roma (:n/To kmoz +he zone. IfiLt-zfl 17 m4 WUCS’TS To movC Mneir Cars Ah/D -fic m1 SECS 18 MOW "To Cbme EQCK. ‘ 19 5 I Mauve A“? LCAQ‘P (7 0r: 39/ *hLSSeA WLO Q4”, 20 Te&\ ’1‘. ‘k\a“\' \omohfifl \na:-S kho CKCQ/ M4 Door'kb 21 015K m4 (\UES-hs an/ ff/Un/S To Movf “\kbm Carx cya/ 22 Mo’F To 3P ~- M1 Lame Man 1‘ cw. m +0qu wer 23 min wglmgggg 3459 arc wwtiaj +3 Arcsfifwl 24 é. 0n Feb QJDZ| ’BMDnafil §L0Wf/ A+ hit Lydia j‘,“I f... Fltasm M._.F~-EK ¢25 bflqK 4our .nfl 7946&1U l n _ r§WEAR Un/dr PenaLH PLrJMA/ Vn/ér Ht W‘vw 26 {Requtredforle/fie. plea dinc)Th-:-i‘.-=r‘rs n 3p:3:52:51 :ni c. J: on:ndb-=- (5r: ci‘yi?-mnumbsr,isnot/ne ”/6 mf'numbers):? TLQ S}Q‘t( CAL foil)! t1 'fLa‘i‘ 111‘ joriqmnj 'S¢rUt H' 4 27 Whispagemagyb: LstIfianyJJcc13|C~ nc.|fcmoranyot?erpmer '-dw'\ .=‘E’our‘ I Pageflf ‘3QT k I m;:cc ADDITIONAL PAGE fl 7 WW MC-czoiNemear/t 19371 Attach to Judicial Council Form or Other Court Paper Opusnal Form Mart'n Jen's 5:521:15! Poms 7”- ‘lO 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2 1 CHOU 98 5‘ CASE NAME:AbPiK“fa”d Jammy“ CASE #z Last Nams ' Last Name e) Were any guns or other weapons used or threatened to be used during any abuse in the past three months? D YES XNO If “YES". describe: f) Were there any injuries during abuse in the past three months? D YES {NO If ”YES". describe: g) Did the police come to any of these recent events? D YES D NO h) Did they give you an Emergency Protective Order for abuse in the past three i) ls the person you want to restrain in jail right now for violence against you? EYES flNo If‘YEShwhere: j) Has the person you want restrained ever been in jail for violence against you or your children? EYES flNo If“YES",w'nen: Describe what the person did to you or your children that caused them to go to jail:_l CH-100, Item 7a(3) - DESCRIBE HARASSMENT months? YES D NO if“YES", please attach a copy. (82¢ Po Li fig Ecgrg‘) ?oxgts E P \ 4s Ul 1O 11 12 13 20 21 22 23 21cHoo9859 CASE NAME: AbPI‘tCarend flamoxnmm. CASE #: Les: Nara Les: Name k) Do you have a criminal protective order (restraining order from criminal court)? D YES XNO If ”YES", please attach a copy. l) Describe the worst abuse and when it happened: D The most recent abuse i_s_ the worst abuse OR flThe worstabuse wa5(a;promaeca¢e)on Egb L ggzsandthe personlwanta "" P r + a A5! 341‘th 1'0 ma g ‘\ jot) F... mg PCF-Siarn 3 “I Lrtoug \lour ??mcal 1‘. Ovm Wk'tczmng \g.g_ L m) Describe any other previous (past) violence or threats of vidence that you haven’t already wrifien about here (include dates or estimates as to when it happened): restraining order against (describewhameycic :3 yau): Q n Ee 5:51 (a r4 é , Lg 2] l! wk. 10mg c7! 0,0[LL 'To mo n mrf \2 tAmA anM hhs keg“ A&Etlfldmgw[1M Qn/S‘fC‘LKu11 ML “11/ «nu. 5 UM) '4, ears a310, 7’ on/ QML Vzin'M/J emur r t o mesa g‘rzon/L An/or ml ¥5m9. __S:Ia(’t 14$? L U141 34 72020 r‘zmonmri (+5; egg».’- Lv 1L -r w/ [50191-6 “Y I'n Q7] lms readeflg n§* 63 nanvts’r/s cur . [5H irzen/Js Car An/MY jsrtamJé Cor, stung g, bony 7/2.;mj com. ban or- jEuu U W’; 0r U See Ace F..- 1n; earsm Gd ’ A7faphc/ Kafex?Pt zr‘ LL t.--C 10 ltern7a(3-) DESCRIBEHARASSMENTfl.“ a’- at Pa~e 4 cb {\3 210H009859 ‘v‘ Gma || lambeno berglr Your Online Police Report 21 0209506 Has Been Approved 3 messages Wed. Jan 20, 2021 at 1:43 PM Reply-To: To: Your online repon has been approved and the permanent case number is 210209506. $approvalNote Please note in the attached report that sensitive information has been replaced with "" in order to maintain pn‘vacy in emails. Thank you for using our online reporting system and please e-mail us with any suggestions you have for improving our system. Online Officer San Jose Police Department The information contained in this e-mail message is intended only for the personal and confidential use of the recipient(s) named above. This message may be an attomey-client communication and/or work product and as such is privileged and confidential. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient or an agent responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient. you are hereby notified that you have received this document in error and that any review. dissemination, distribution. or copying of this message is strictiy prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by e-mail, and delete the original message. Iamberto bergini _ Tue, Feb 9, 2021 at 11 :22 AM To: To the Police Department : This is Hassan Abpikar and I am adding the following statements to the previously filed report 210209506 that i filed on January 20, 2021 with the San Jose Police department on the phone. 1. Ever since i filed the report, my neighbor Tomonari Yamanaka ( TOMO ) [ who shares the common fence with me has been continuously stalking and harassing me. 2. In the last few months Tomo has been writing notes and place them on my car and my guests cats and states different things : "F... off or | break ur face"; "'U need to move out of here. orl F... u up." ; : "" U Mother F...... Mover your guests car from the street in front of my home. "" "' U and ur guests Need to leave this neighborhood and do NOT come back ""'. 3. Ever since i filed the report . TOMO has been threatening by shouting at me over the house fence or in the front of the home staring : '" l break ur face U Persian animal . "' or " U Persian , u Better move out Do NOT bring any guest(s) to your home. " 4. On February 6 , 2021 he walked by my home, he pointed the finger at me and shouted : ""| break ur face F.... Persian guy, u better leave this neighborhood.... I am watching u. .....See what happens to u "'. 5- ° i '3 I completely ignored him and came inside the house i do NOT say nothing back to him ..... it is his intention to provoke me and aggravate me. 5. TOMO continuously watching me , via his front home cameras. as when i get to my home or when i have guests or ont. IMPORTANT SERIOUS NOTES TO THE POLICE : 6. I have been living in a state of unstoppable FEAR, ANXIETY and EMOTIONAL STRESS because l do NOT know when and how if TOMO decides TO HURT ME OR INFLICT INJURIES ON ME, OR IF HE WANTS TO KILL ME, since TOMO is a violent man and in the past The San Jose Police had come to his home MANY TIMES when he was attacking his wife that resulted in their separation and Domestic violence. 7. In the past . a few times, the San Jose Police had been knocking my door to ask for permission to go inside TOMO home from my backyard because TOMO was NOT opening the door to the San Jose Police for their domestic violence with his Ex-wife ( NOT sure if they are divorced). PLEASE NOTE : A) I have been told that TOMO has guns in his possession and was a " gang member " there are lots of Tattoos on his body and his stocky and built. B) I have NOT talked to TOMO in the last few Months NOR have i said anything to him DESPITE all his THREATS. CONCLUSION : Because of TOMO is continuously stalking. harassing and threatening to hurt me or break my face and disturbing my peace and every guest that comes to my home. i am going to Court to file my paperwork today or tomorrow and i am pmying that i wn get A JUDGE ORDER TO RESTRAIN HIM . I Swear that all the above information is true and correct. /sl -------- Hassan Abpikar [Quoted text hidden] SJPDONLINEREPORTS Tue. Feb 9. 2021 at 11 :22 AM To: Iamberto bergini This email is not monitored. If you have further questions regarding your online police report, please call San Jose Police non-emergency line at (408) 277-8900. Thank you. '3? - (I f I I. vfié‘ “5,; w“ 3‘ “r72" é, NO Airbnb or Short term rental aHOWGd.$250 fine. 1509 Silver Ranch Lane. (Don't Come back again) NLX+ Hmc l sce .flou . I. bchk \{ouv {a ac Warn Ing! NO Airbnb or Short term rental allowed.$250 fine. 1509 Silver Ranch Lane. (Don’t Come back again) $640 MQMER w@KEQSLW m: - gfimim Warning! NO Airbnb or Short term rental allowed.$250 fine. 1509 Silver Ranch Lane. (Don't Come back again) MOVE ‘lour - Comm Now! M01HER Fuckmsu Warning! NO Airbnb or Short term rental allowed.$250 fine. 1509 Silver Ranch Lane. (Don’tCome back agalin) Warning! NO Airbnb or Short term rental allowed.$250 fine. 1509 Silver Ranch Lane. (Don't Come back again) ,1 .1? l ‘ . .34.. N. Airbnbw I 1509 Silver Ranch Lane. (Don’t Come back again) u. ofi :3 1 sec fiou " nu” M'mc ,1 break \louv kn ac Warning! NO Airbnb or Short term rental allowed.$250 nne. 1509 Silver Ranch Lane. (Don’t Come back again) \348