Stipulation and OrderCal. Super. - 6th Dist.February 4, 2021“J {a KDOOHOLDAUJNH NNNNNNNNNv-b-h-p-HH-‘n-‘u-H oo~JONm-I=~mw~.oxooo~40\m-¢-wto~o Jeralyn K. Spradlin, Esq. [SBN: 121850] 500 E. Calaveras Blvd., Suite 203 Milpitas, CA 95035 Tel: (1-408) 262-0136 Fax: (1-408) 262-3402 Attorney for Petitioner THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TI-m STATE 0F CALIFORNIA FOR THE COUNTY 0F SANTA CLARA Valerie Taylor } } Case N0. 21CH009849 (Petitioner) } } Stipulation and Order } Hala Fauzi } } (Respondent) } } } The parties stipulate as follows: 1. Petitioner Valerie Taylor agrees to a dismissal of the Civil Harassment case encaptioncd above and requests an immediate termination of the temporary restraining order. 2. The Parties Mutually agree to a one yearNon-CLETS stay away order as follows: NEITHER party shall Contact, Harass, Threaten, Assault, Hit, Follow, Stalk, or Motest the other party. 3. The parties agree that the forgoing shall be enforceable pursuant to further order of this court. 4. This stipulation may be signed in counterparts and fax or email signatures shall P6 treated as original. Date 4/7/21 \[azébflg- Datewm \03 Valerie Taflor “ ' Jeral radlin Petitioner Attornc r Petitioner Date Date Hala Fauzi Elizabeth Erhardt Respondent Attorney for Respondent \DmQGNthuJN-a ‘ Mmma-ar-oh-au-DHn-‘mh- Bflgfififi‘ifigomm‘ummawwmo Jemlyn K. Spmdlfin, Esq. [SBNz 125850} 500 E. Cafiavems Bind, Suite 203 Milpim, CA 95035 Tel: (1-403) 262-0E36 Fax: (MOS) 262-3402 Attorney for Petitioner 'II‘IBDE SUPERIIQIR CQIURT 0F THEE STATE 0F CALWEDRNIIA IFGR THE COUNTY 0F SANTA CLARA Vnflerfie Tayflar g C N . 211 8°“849 ' (Peflfiflfiaueu‘) age o CH W < g Stipuflation and Order Ham Fauzi (Remndwt) l a The parties stipulate as foilows: i. Petitioner Valerie Tayloram to a dismissél of the Civil Harassment case encaptioned above 11nd requests an immediate terminatinm of the tempcrary restraining order. 2. The Paxties Mutually agree to a one year Non-CLETS stay away order as follows: I NEHHEKfiW3W Ca, , Ham, firearm, Awawk, Hi3, Fafiaw, Swift, a?Maia? Elsa arise? r m. 3. Tim pmies agree that the forgoing shall be enforceable paxsuaut to fimher order ofthis court. 4. This cfipnfiation may be signed in counterpms and fax or enmifl signatures shall beMed us ofig‘ml. ‘ Bate Date Vulme ?I‘n-Ear Jemima sprawling Petfigrfimea'y Afiomw £235- Petitioner Dace!" I" g 9' jC-‘f 7'" 7 k em mfimfi’t Attemsy fon- Rcwnmcat 00~J©LII$UJN \D 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 13 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ORDER Good Cause Appearing the above stipulation shall be the order 0f this coun. me of the Superior Court COMMISSIONER ERIK S. JOHNSON -2-