Proof of Service PersonalCal. Super. - 6th Dist.February 4, 2021POS-020 ATTORNEY OR PARTY VWTHOUT ATTORNEY (Mm, $3 BU Dante, and address) FOR COURTWE ONLY Valerie Lynn Taylor 1478 Calabazas Boulevard Santa Clara CA 95051 TEEPHONE NO 41 5.5724 277 FAX NO (Optond) EMAIL ADDRESS (Ophonal) ATTORNEV FOR (Name) SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF Santa Clara I L E DSTREET ADDRESS 191 North First Street MNUNGADDRESS SanJose CA95113 FEB 1 6 2021 C cm AND ZIP cooe n. . t the 0UBRANCH NAME leltgd C'er o a Sum Gm DEPUTYPETITIONER/PLAINTIFF: Valerie Lynn Taylor BY RESPONDENT/DEFENDANT: Hala Fauzi CASE NUMBE PROOF 0F PERSONAL SERVIce-CIVIL 21CH009849 LEVYING OFFICER FILE NUMBER 21 892300 (Do not use mis Proof of Service to show service of a Summons and Complaint.) | am over 18 years of age and not a party to this action. 2- | sewed the following documents (specify): -I m The documents are listed in the Attachment to Proof of Personal Service-Civil (Documents Served) (form POS-020(D)). 3. l personally served the following persons at the address, date, and time stated: a. Namei Hala Fauzi b~ Address 55 West YoungerAvenue San Jose CA 95110 0- Deter 02/10/2021 Remarks: d- Time: 11:50 amD The persons are listed in the Attachment to Proof of Personal Service-Civil (Persons Served) (form POS~O20(P)). Remarks: Hearing date: 03/30/2021 Time: 9:00 am Fee for service was: $40.00 Bill to Court 5. My name, address. telephone number, and, if applicable, county of registration and number are (spedfy): Name: M. Flores Address 55 W YoungerAve San Jose. CA 95110 Telephone numbefi (408) 8084800 6. D l declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. 7. m | am a California sheriff or marshal and certify that the foregoing is true and correct. Laurie Smith. Sheriff Data Wednesday. February 10, 2021 County of Santa Clara D Signatu f Sheriff‘s Authorized Agent izmu‘fi'n’c‘lggxmu“ PROOF 0F PERSONAL SERVICE-cwu. macmmgagg PO$O2OINcmanuary 1‘ 2m Court Copy Pos-ozo(o) SHORT TITLE: Valerie Lynn Taylor vs. Hala Fauzi CASE NUMBER 21CH009849 ATTACHMENT TO PROOF OF PERSONAL SERVICE-CIVIL (DOCUMENTS SERVED) (This Attachment is for use with form POS-020) The documents that were personally served are as follows (describe each document specifically): CH-110 TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER, CH-100 REQUEST FOR CIVIL HARASSMENT RESTRAINING ORDERS. CH-109 NOTICE OF COURT HEARING, CH-120 RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR CIVIL HARASSMENT RESTRAINING ORDERS, CH-120-INFO HOW CAN | RESPOND TO A REQUEST FOR CIVIL HARASSMENT RESTRAINING ORDERS?, CM-010 CIVIL CASE COVER SHEET, CV-5014 DECLARATION IN SUPPORT OF EX PARTE APPLICATION FOR CIVIL RESTRAINING ORDERS. CH-250 PROOF OF SERVICE OF RESPONSE BY MAIL (CIVIL HARASSMENT), CH-800-INFO HOW DO l TURN IN. SELL OR STORE MY FIREARMS?. CH-800 PROOF OF FIREARMS TURNED IN. SOLD. OR STORED. FW-OO1-INFO, FW-003 FEE WAIVER FWJM”%?.,WW°” ATTACHMENT To PROOF 0F PERSONAL SERVIce-cwIL m1_..;WWMW 1. 2006i (Documenm Served)