Request Restraining OrderCal. Super. - 6th Dist.February 4, 2021CH 1 00 Request for Civil Harassment 0"““W”mmm"’W '8W Restraining Orders Read Can a Civil Harassment Restraining Order Help Me? (form CH~100- INFO) before completing this form. Also fill out Confldemtal CLEIS I L E Information (form CLETS-OOI) with as much information as you know. FEB - 4 2021 Parson Seeklng Protection Cl [K . erk of the Cou - a' your Fun Name' SJperior Cou ol A ounty l Santa Claw P_ERDINAND CUARESMA Ase: 44 BY X) K X DEPUTY Your Lawyer (ifyou have onefor this case) ~ 4 V V/ \v Nunez SelfRepmmed Sm: Bar No; Hm counMwumd: adam- . , _- Superior Conn of Califomla. County of Firm Name. Santa Clam b. Your Address (lfyou have a lawyer, give your lawyer ’s )9) N, First 5L Information lfyou do nor have a lawyer and wam to keep your San Jose, CA 95' I 3 home address private, you may give a dWrem mailing address instead. You do no! have Io give telephone. fax. or e-mall.) Address: 1624 Yosemite Dr, mun MI: In use numour Mon Ibnn is filed. City: Milpitas State: CA Zip: 95035 3'“ “Em?” H 8 4 5 Telephone: 408.398.2845 Fax: c 0 0 9 E-Mail Addms: Person From Whom Protection Is Sought BY FAX Full Name: VICTOR HAGADA BUNNOL JR. Age: 44 Address (ifkmwn): 1864 Shenandoah Ave. City: MMitas State: CA Zip: 95035 Additional Protected Persons a. Arc you asking for protection for any other family or household members? D Yes D No lfyes. list them: Eulmam Sn A8:WWW EZRA-FLOYD CUARESMA M 5 m Y6 D No son ZIOMARA CUARESMA F 5 a Yes D No Daughter D Yes D No D Yes D No U Check here Ifthere are more persons. Attach a sheer ofpaper and write "Attachment 3a-Addmonal Protected Person: "for a title. You may usefarm MC-025, Attachment b. Why do these people need protection? (Explain below): D Check here (flhere is no! enough spacefor your answer. Putyour complete answer on the attached sheet of paper arform MC-025 and write "Allachmenl 3b--Why Olhers Need Protection "for a title. Victor has brought a knife to my home where the children live with me. The childreure my biological childnn and they live with me approximately 40%-50% of the time. This is not a Court Order. WMUM Mme.””mmtmummm Request for Clvll Harassment Restraining Orders °”"°°» “0° ‘ °'°mummmmnmms (Clvll Harassment Prevention) 9 °"'2'T°C’Hoo 98 45 Relationshlp of Parties How do you know the person in ®7 (Explain below): D Check here ifthere Is not enough spaceforyour answer. Put your complete mwer on (he attached sheet of paper orform MC-025 and write “Auachmem 4-Relauonship ofl’artie: "for a title. l believe Victor is emgloyed by my wife as a nanny, or babysitter, or caregiler. Venue Why are you filing in this county? (Check all that apply): a. E The person in® lives in this county. b. E lm harassed by the person in®in this county. c. D Other (specifir): Other Court Cases a. Have you or any of the persons named in ©been involved in another court case with the person in ®I D Yes E No (lfyes. check each kind ofcase 0M indicate where and when each wasfiled.)W W MMWW (l) D Civil Harassment (2) D Domestic Violence (3) D Divorce,Nullity, Legal Separation (4) D Paternity. Parentage, Child Custody (5) D Elder or Dependent Adult Abuse (6) D Eviction (7) D Guardianship (8) D Workplace Violence (9) D Small Claims (IO) U Criminal (I l) D Other (spemfi): b. Are there now any protective or restraining orders in effect relating to you or any ofthe persons in® and the person in®? E No D Yes (lfyes. attach a copy ifyou have one.) ® Descrlptlon of Harassment Harassment means violence or threats of violence against you, or a course of conduct that seriously alarmed. annoyed, or harassed you and caused you substantial emotional distress. A course of conduct is more than one act. a. Tell the court about the last time the person in® harassed you. (I) When did it happen? (provide dare or estimated dale): on or around l2/27/2020 (2) Who else was there? As set forth in attachment Hap - Describe Hmment This is not a Court Order. Wm "m Request for Clvll Harassment Restraining Orders °"'1°°- P190 2 0'0 (Clvll Harassment anonuon) 9 ““WITHOO 9a a 5 ® L (3) How did the person in ®hmss you? (Explain below).-Q Check here ifthere is no! enough spacefor your answer. Put your complete muwer on the attached sheet afpaper orform MC-025 and write "Attachment 7a(3)-Describe Harassment "for a mle. As set forth in attachment 7(a)3 - Describe Harassment (4) Did the person in® use or threaten to use a gun or any other weapon? m Yes D No ([fyes. explain below): U Check here g’fthere is not enough spacefor your answer. Pu:your complete answer on the attached sheer ofpaper orform MC-025 and write "Attachment 7a(4)-Use of Weapons "for a Illle. Victor used a knife to slash my tires. (5) Wen you harmed or injurcd became of the harassment? E Yes D No (lfyes. explain below): D Check here ifthere is not enough spacefor your answer. Pu!your complete answer on the attached sheet ofpaper orform MC-025 and write ”Anachmenl 7a(5)-Harm or Injury "for a title. As set forth in attachment 7(a)3 - Describe Harassment (6) Did the police come? E Yes U No lfyes, did they give you or \he person in® an Emergency Protective Order? U Yes m No Ifya, the order protects (check all (ha: apply): D Me D The petson in® D The personsin @. (Attach a copy ofthe order ifyou have one.) b. Has the person in® harassed you at other times? D Yes E No (Ifyes, descrlbe prtar incidents andprovide dates ofharassmem below): D Check here Where i: no! enough spacefor your answer. Put your complete answer on the attached sheet of mar orform MC-025 and write “Attachment 7b-Previou: Harassment "for a title. This is not a Court Order. WM ‘-'°" Request for Clvll Harassment Restralnlng Orders CH-m- Pm 3 °'° (CMI Harassment Prevention) 9 Cu. Numb": ?1CH009845 Check tho orders you want. m E PoncnalConduct Orders I ask the court to order the person in® not to do any of the following things to me or to any petson to be protected listed in©z a. m Harass. intimidate, molest, attack, strike, stalk. threaten. assaul: (sexually or otherwise). hit. abuse, destroy personal property of. or disturb the peace of the person. b. m Contact the person, either directly or indirectly, in any way. including, but not limited to, in person, by telephone, in writing, by public or private mail. by interolflcc mail. by e-mail, by text mange. by fax. or by other electronic means. c. U Other (specifi): D Check here Uthere is no: enough spacefor your answer. Pu! your complete answer on the attached sheet afpmer orform MC-025 and write "Allachmem 8c-0ther Personal Conduct Orders. "for a title. 71m person in ® will be ordered no! lo lake any action lo get (he add-esses or location: ofmy protectedperson unless the courtflrw good cause no! lo make the order. E Stay-Away Orders a. l ask the court lo order the person in® to stay at leastm yards away from (check all (ha! apply): (l) E Me. (8) E My vehicle. (2) E The other persons listed in ©. (9) D Other (:pecifi): (3) E My home. (4) E My job or workplace. (5) D My school. (6) E My children‘s school. (7) E My children's place of child care. b. lfthe court orders the person in ® to stay away from all the plncu listed above. will he or she still be able to get to his or her home. school, or job? D YCS E N0 (lfno. explain beloW)-' D Check here lfthere l: no! enough spacefor your answer. Put your complete answer on (he attached sheet of paper orform MC-025 and write “Attachment 9b-SIay-Away Orders. ”for a mle. I am unsure whether Victor will be abletflet to his home. l believe that he is employed by my wife as a caregiver. or babysitter. or nanny. Guns or Other Flrearms and Ammunition Dow the person in® own or possess any guns or other firearms? D Y5 D No E l don‘t know (flhejudge grams a protective order, the person in® will be prohibitedfrom owning. possessing, purchasing, receiving, or ammpling lo purchase or receive a gun, otherflreann, and ammunition while the protective order I: ln eject. Due person in ® will also be ordered Io (urn in ro law enforcement, or sell lo or store with a licensed gun dealer, any guns orflrearms within his 0r her Immediate possession or control. This is not a Court Order. WM ‘~'°" Request for Clvll Harassment Restraining Orders W400. P0904 M6 (Clvll Harassment Provontlon) 9 Cu. Number: g1cH009845 ® E Tomporary Restraining Order l request that a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) be issued against the person in® to last until the hearing. I am presenting form CH-l 10, Temporary Restraining Order, for the court's signature together with this Request. Has the person in®been told that you were going to go to court to seek a TRO against him/her? U Yes m No (lfyou answered no, explain why below).- U Check here lfthere is no! enough spacefor your answer. Put your complete answer on the attached sheet of paper orfarm MC-025 and write "Attachment l l-Temporaly Restraining Order "for a mle. l am afraid that Victor will retaliate ggain§t me or my children and caggg [ugher harm if hg {933d om mg 1 gm ggking a mtminingLOrder against him. ® D Request to Give Less Than Flve Days' Notice of Hoarlng You mus! have yourpapers personally served on the person In® a! leaslfive day: before (he hewing. unless (he court orders a shorter n‘mefor service. (Form CH-200-1NFO explains What Is “Proof of Petsonal Service“? Form CH-200. Proof of Personal Service. may be used lo show the court (hat the papers have been served) lfyou want there to be fewer than five days between service and the hearing, explain why below: D Check here ifrhere i: no! enough spacefor your mswer. Pu! your complete answer on the attached sheel of paper orform MC-025 and write “Allachmen! lZ-Reques! to Give Less Than Five Days ’Notice "for a mic. ® D No Fee for Filing or Service a. D There should be no filing fee because the person in ® has used or threatened to use violence against me, has stalked me, or has acted or spoken in some other way that makm me reasonably fear violence. b. D The sheriff or marshal should serve (notify) the person in® about the orders for free because my reqmt for orders is based on unlawful violence. a credible threat of violence, or stalking. c. D Them should be no filing fee and the sherifi‘o: marshal should serve the person in ®for free because I am entitled to a fee waiver. (You must complete andflleform FW-OOI, Application for Waiver ofCoun Few and Costs .) ® D Lawyer's Fm and Cosh l ask the coun to order payment ofmy D lawyer‘s fees D Court costs. The amounts requated are: mm s Amnum mm s Amman: S S S S D Check here iflhere are more Items. Put (he Items and amounts on (he attached sheet ofpaper orform M0025 mid write “Atlachmenl l4-Lawyer ’s Fees and Costs "for a title. This is not a Court Order. Wm """ Request for Clvll Harassment Restralnlng Orders CH-m. Pm s ole (Clvll Harassment Prevention) -> DocuSlon Envdopo ID: M525097W2OD-9AF7-72A2383941 57 “Wcuoowu D Pounclon and Protection ofAnlmals Ink the com to otdor the following: n. D 11mlbedwnflwwlopomlommmdeonnolofflumlm[WWW.whlchlmpm mkeegorholdmrwhich mldeln my homehold.(WW by. ¢.g., We. brad me. mlor. :a.) lmasuoloMon offlnanlmalshm (MMcmm/orymfirc order): U Mmydmhmmhspaufarmm. Pmpurcampluemandumadnd shalofm alarm M0025ad wrlu ‘Anadumu lSa-Pmmlan dAnlmLI”firamk. b. D mmmm®mwmymlem yuduwayfium.mdnotub.nll.mfa,mbc, Mwamnmhm.mnmwmmbedkmofimcmimklmm D Addlflonnl Odors Requested I uk the com to nuke the following milieu!om(W): U Chcckhm {flhereb mlcmghspxefarwurmer. Pmyowmplcnmcrontlnmshmdmarm m-OZJ aidwrm “Anadmcm lHdlllma! Odor: Reginald "far a (Illa. ® Numberofplaa mhed-to this Tom, lfany: Due: W5m. WM?) Lawyer'ulpnm ldadmmduponnltyofmjwyWhitmofllwsmodeifomi-thfltheMmflmmwm Ill unchmamismnndcom 2 3 2021M: / / Why. FERDINAND CUARBSMA gl le‘Wwmee xnyo This us; um a Court Onlvr “MM" Mu“! for CMI Harassment Ruhlnlng Ordon emu.moo“ (CM! Harassment anonuon) O“\l0M&WN-‘ NNNNNNNNN-I-o-a-n-n-Iu-o-n-n- WQOM‘uNflOONQGM&WN'-‘o ATTACHMENT 7a(3)--Ducribe Harassment l . l, FERDINAND CUARESMA, hereby declare that I am the Petitioner in the aboeve- mentioned matter. l am asking that the coun GRANT a Civil Harassment Restraining Order (“CHRO”) protecting me from the respondent VICTOR HAGADA BUNNOL, JR (“Victor"). 1 offer this declaration in support ofmy request. If called upon to do so, I will truthfully and competently testify to the facts set forth below. I am currently going through a divorce with my Wife, CHARISCIEL CUARESMA (“Charisciel”), in the family law case 18FL000698. ln that case, l am currently protected by a Domestic Violence Restraining Order (“DVRO”) protecting me from Charsiciel. Wife has a friend, boyfriend, or otherwise “live in nanny" who stays with her. I came to learn that this person's name is VICTOR HAGADA BUNNOL, JR., or “Victor” m I refer to him throughout this declaration. Victor has come to my home uninvited and sluhed the tires to my vehicle. I am afiaid of Victor coming back to my home and desu'oying my property and even potentially harming me. Victor oflen comes to my home to drop 0H the kids or otherwise assist with exchanges, and I do not want him near my home anymore for the reasons below. XIQTOR SLASflED MY TIES 0n or around 12/27/2020 at around 6:23am, l observed that my car’s tires were slashed or otherwise cut open with some type of knife. All four of the tires on my vehicle were slashed and cut open, and I reported it to Milpitas Police Department immediately. The case number for Milpitas Police Dept. is 200362043, and Officer Madison Oliver (#337) responded to my call. A copy of the police report is attached to this declaration asW1 where Victor admits to the officer that he slashed my tires. l reviewed the Ring Camera Footage that 1 have installed in my home as part ofmy security system. The footage shows that the person who was assisting with exchanges, whom I later learned was Victor. took a knife and cut the tires to my vehicle. ln this footage, you can hear the air escaping the tires afier Victor punctures the tires with a Attachment ‘7.(3)-5ucrfi>e Hanument Page ll Case Number: \DGQQM#NN- NNNNNNNNN~--~u-nu----- “QGM&UN_°°W\IGM&UNF° knife. Screen shot footage is attached to this declaration asW. and I intend to bring a full copy of the video to any eventual hearing on the merits of this matter. 6. l gave this footage to Officer Madison, who then made contact with Victor and showed this footage to him. Victor, according to the police report, confirmed that he was the one in the video who slashed my tires. Victor apparently dropped ofl' the kids at around 6:05pm the previous day and used the door of his car to “cover” up what he was doing. 7. Ofiicer Madison spoke to Victor on 12/28/2020 at approximately 7:51am. Victor admitted to Ofl'nccr Madison that he slashed the back passenger tire ofmy vehicle with a knife, but he denied slashing any other tires. Victor told Officer Madison that he threw away the other halfofthe knife. Because of this, Oficer Madison could not collect the knife as Victor presumably was successful in hiding/concealing the evidence. 8. Ofl'xcer Madison cited and released Victor for vandalism, but l am still afraid for my safety with Victor constantly coming to my home to drop ofi‘ the children. Aficr what Victor has done to my car, l do not want him near me at all. Moreover, l had to incur the cost to replace the damaged tires due to Victor slashing my tires. CONCL Sl N 9. l am afraid ofVictor, and I do not want him near me or near my home. Victor has admitted to law enforcement that he has come to my home with a knife and slashed at least one of the tires on my vehicle. Victor, as far as I can tell, is probably overly involved and overly interested in the divorce proceedings that I have going on with Charisciel so much so that he has brought a knife to my home and punctured the tires of my vehicle. I ask that the Court restrain Victor from coming near me and my children who also live with me. Please grant my requests. Signature underpenalq ofperjury appears on attached Judicial Council Forms. Attachment 51(3)-53crrbe Hanancut Fags 2 Cue Number: EXHIBIT 1 lhcident Report 200362043 3£?3°"'"° Milpitas Police Dept Roponod Dab 1275 North Milpitas Blvd. 12/27/2020 NlluvoolCIII Milpitas, CA 95035 26300 OM OLIVERJIADIBON PHONE 408-586-2400 FAX 408-586-2488 Administrative Information Agency I Recon No " Supplement No Reported Dale Repomd Titre Slalus Milpitas Police Dept {200362043 ‘ ORIG A12/27/2020 ‘ 06:23_ _REPORT T0 FOLLOW_ ‘ Nature olCall Locabon H ' 7' fl W ‘ 7' ' "m" ' _-- ' U ' City 7 OTHER MALIC MISCH 1624 YOSEMITE DR MILPITAS WOO“ I Rep Dis! Aral Boat From Dam I me TTrm To Dll- ' To'fiino -~-~.- h m -~‘__‘ 95035 E3131 2 2 12/26/2020 [16:00 12/27/2020 06:23m Anbgnmcm Enter“ by i 33 7 /OLIV3R, MADISON DAYBHIFT PATROL . 3 3 7 Fhflgnmom Transit! Appvovhg Officer Appmval Oil? DAYBHIFT PATROL Succefllful 647 , 12/29/2020 J Approval Time h. *V' “-"m r j 10:19:36 -‘ lnmugauons lor Inmmalion g Dame! Anomoy Citation m- M-fl I ‘ J'* «h ‘H' fl I 1 Yes Yes Yes __4 {OOflenses ‘ Oflense 7 TDescnpton- '- ' _ A" “7 "W "‘cfiihifih’fige‘k’ " 7 ' n " A V V = i 1 PC594 (A) (l) VANDALISM DEFACE PRO Person Summary f Inv! lrM No i Type 1 Name MNI 008 V ICIT l I BUNNOL, VICTOR HAGADA JR 534904 F M 01/10/1976 F 1 lnvl lnv1No Type Name Mm Race Sex OCB ‘ “VIC 1 'I CUARESMA,FERDINAND ,406128 F M 01/10/1976 SummaryVehicle Type Licensa No 1 Slate ' Lbc Year I Year \ Make I Modal Sryie 1 Color sos 1 6MPB472 .ch .2021 .20117 _fr_o_mj . A 474D .SILV 7 r Invi _ Type Lbcense Ho Slate L~c Veav Year Make Mcdel Shh! Com “*7 'VIC l 5CGT471 ‘CA ‘2021 12004 TOYT ‘ 4D Summary Narrative An unknown suspect slashed all four tires of Cuaresma's vehicle. The cost of the repairs was estimated to be about $500.00. m: [Pmmm '337/0LIVER,MADISON {12/29/2020 10:20 V_.___]_Page 1 of 3 . - ' A Ki Incident Report 200362043 Z"£’£'3'"'"° Mil itas Police Det N0L,VICT0R HAGADA JR M R “Slnvolvamenl [ IrM No rypo CITED 1 Individual ‘BUNNOL,VICT0R HAGADA JR _ 4+§349o4h Afgprpxno MALgfiW” 7 ’AgT 7 JwammW‘fWWhT-‘fiir-cw "-E’Fc'o‘loi W 7' '-‘ L91/10/1976 .44 j No 5-04" [172# BLACK IBLAcx ‘ I Typo I Adams City Slat. Rom 1864 SWANDOAH AV MILPITAS I CALIFORNIA ZIP cm ' ' ’ “- - 95035 l | m. l u'o No 0L3 ‘l |OPERATOR LICWSB (DRIVERS LICWSE) rY7239158 CALIFORNIA I pm Typo 1 Fm No t l cznn {(510)826-9624 I ' Imdvomom 3 Anal Typo Anon Dan Arm! Tim. T800! Dob I Boot I’m V Sulus Dupe {CITED ~CITATION 112/28/2020 08:11:00 :12/28/2020 109:11:oo _c1rzn MIsnzMBANOR FAN”! Location ; Cw l R09 Dal ‘ C060" No 1 r1864 SHWNDOAH AV MILPITAS ‘3431 M575457 ‘ F3031 I 2 __ 4-,--- __., .A_ ~.__ __ , __.”C-‘h-I-I'Tc-m- ‘7‘ . _“_#“-~_~-‘ 7 Level Charge Luoml > _ PC594 (A) (2) M VANDALISM DAMAGE PRO | VICTIM 1: CUARESMA,FERDINAND I ''lnvoMmom lrM No 'Typo 'VICTIM 1 Individual CUARESMA, FERDINAND 406128 FILIPINO f5; ooe Age .Jumm fierm' Wain?“ ’méowv 'e'ynafi' " _‘* ‘ "- “‘-"-_ I‘MALE 101/10/1976 ‘44 J No 5'10" .1981? ‘BLACK [BLACK J Wyn. gums: 5cm Esm- iRom i1624 Yosmu'rz DR :MILPITAS CALIFORNIA Wood. ““‘*”"' "" ‘ 195035 {Typo :nom !0Ls EOPERATOR LICENSE (DRIVERS LICENSE) DQ474247 :CALIPORNIA Thine‘fype Phone No CELL (403)398-2845 Vehicle: 6MFB472 InvoMmem Typo ananse No 'Smo Llc Year ‘ L:c Typo ' Year I Make l SUSPECT AUTO 6MFB472 CALIFORNIA 2021 ’ PASSENGER CAR ' 2011 TOYOTA JWE Color ”A ’7" vw H ‘ _ m-n' “"‘ ' '7 M" W ' \ SEDAN, 4 DOOR SILVER/ALUMINUM STDYKBDCBBSOIOOO4W“‘Ii"vamfio ‘ N633 " " ’ ‘ ’ ' " 'Raco "éex ’ obs "” ‘ N ‘-_“~'-_‘1 ‘ F ‘M 01/10/1976DRV I CIT l ‘BUNNOL,VICTOR HAGADA JR Vehicle: 5CGT471 Invdvamanl Typo License No ‘ Sme ! Lic Year ‘ Lxc Type Year I Make VICTI} VEHICLE AUTO 5CGT471 ‘ CLLIPORNIA 2021 ‘ PASSENGER CAR 2004 TOYOTA ‘ SMe 7A- A V'Ng- A _- m - i A 7 ”77W 7 7 ,‘SEDAN, 4 DOOR 5TDZA23C148016507 Link 7 ‘ Invoivemenl t1 Inv1 No ‘ Name n V 7 - n ‘ Race Sex l DOE CUARESMA,:rERDINAND \ F \M 01/10/1976 Crime Codcm } VANDAL ISM 1 On 12/27/20. at about 0623 hours. l responded to 1624 Yosemite Drive on the report of slashed tires. Upon my arrival | contacted the RP, Ferdinand Cuaresma. Cuaresma showed me the slashed tires. Cuaresma told me that on 12/26/20. at about 1600 hours, his car was in normal condition. On 12/27/20. at about 0623 hours, Cuaresma returned to his vehicle and saw that all four of his tires were slashed on his 2004 Toyota (CA Lic#5CGT471 ). Cuaresma estimated that the cost of repairs would cost about $500.00. He desired prosecution if the suspect were to be found. I noticed that Cuaresma's car had four flat tires. Half of the blade of a knife was located in the back passenger side tire. The other three tires didn't appear to hav_e evidence of a slash f_rom a knife, but one was missing the cap RoponOfiur PMMAI 337/OLIVKR,MADISON _ r r.__‘12/29__/2770729_]:0A:720 __r Page 2 Of 3 ' ~ ‘ Al (A Incident Report 200362043 3“£"£°3'"'”° Mil itas Police De t to the valve stem. It was difficult to confirm there were cuts in the other tires. Cuaresma was going through a divorce with his wife at the time of this report. He stated that tensions were high and that they didn't get along. The night prior to the report of this incident. Cuaresma said that his ex-wife's nanny dropped the kids off unexpectedly. Cuaresma said that he wasn't supposed to have the children that day. The following morning he noticed that his tires were flat. Cuaresma wasn't able to show me the ring footage of the incident at the time | was there. but believed that it was his ex-wife who slashed the tires. On 12/28/2020! reviewed the surveillance footage that Cuaresma sent me. In the video, the subject later Identified as the nanny, Victor Bunnol Jr. (ClT-1 ). drove into Cuaresma's driveway at approximately 1805 hours. At 1806 hours, Bunnol opened his door to use as cover. walked around his vehicle to let Cuaresma's daughter out of the car. and back around to the driver side door to retrieve a knife to cut the tire. Bunnol then slashed the tire with his knife and drove away. In the video. the knife could be heard breaking as he punctured the tire with it. Cuaresma only knew Bunnol's first name, but was able to provide his address of 1864 Shenandoah Avenue. I arrived at Bunnol's residence on 12/28/2020 at approximately 0751 hours, and made contact with Bunnol at 1864 Shenandoah Avenue. l showed Bunnol the surveillance of him slashing Cuaresma's tire while dropping off Cuaresma's children. Bunnol admitted that it was him in the video, but said he didn't slash the tires. He refused to say that he slashed the tires, so I arrested Bunnol for felony vandalism. l placed Bunnol in the backseat of my patrol car. l read Bunnol his Miranda Rights from a printed MPD card and aske him if he understood his rights. Bunnol said. "Yes." Bunnol refused to speak with me and due to COVlD-19 restrictions. I released Bunnol from handcuffs and cited (Cite #M575457) him instead. While l cited Bunnol. he stood by with an MPD Officer and decided to waive his rights and talk about the incident. Bunnol admitted to slashing the back passenger tire with a knife. Bunno! said that he didn't slash the other three tires. He said that he threw away the other half of the knife. so I wasn't able to collect that at the time of this repo r1. The video only captured Bunnol slashing the tire I found a knife in so I cited him for misdemeanor Vandalism instead. Bunnol believed that Cuaresma could've possibly let air out, or damaged the other three tires because the video had captured Bunnol already damaging one tire. After | cited and released Bunnol from the scene. I contacted Cuaresma. l told Cuaresma that Bunnol was cited and released for vandalism. and asked if he had more surveillance footage of the incident. Cuaresma said that he did. Cuaresma said that his car had four new tires put on the vehicle, and that he would send me a copy of the receipt as well as surveillance footage. I collected the blade. surveillance footage. and receipt and later booked them inm MPD Property as Evidence. Bunnol was cited and released on the charge of 594(a)(2)PC. SEE: Surveillance footage BEEER: INVESTIGATIONS FOR INFORMATION BEFEB: DISTRICT ATTORNEY I fiwmfififi’ rpmmfii ‘Page 3 of 3£337/OLIVER,MADISON 512/29/2020 10:20 EXHIBIT 2 O .. I020v] 2-26 1806.50 PS $ 3