Order Temporary Restraining OrderCal. Super. - 6th Dist.February 4, 2021CH-1 10 Temporary Restraining Order O‘HW'mmmnmnm Filed l’cnun in 6) mus! cnmplclc ilwm® , ®, and© (ml): February 4’ 2021 ® Protected Person Clerk of the Court a. Your Full Name: FERDINAND CUARESMA Superior Court of CA Your Lawyer ([fyuu hurc uncfur Ihix case): County of Santa Clara Nnmc: selflkcpmscmcd Slalc Dar No.: 21 CH009845 Firm Namc: By; knguyen b. Your Address (Ifynu hurc u /uu;rw; gireynur Imrjrr‘x lIg/m-mminn. lfyrm do uul haw u Imrycr um! u'unl Ia keepynnr 11mm.- uxldrcss Fa m coon name Mdmm prirulc. you may gm.- u (Iifli-rcm mailing address imrcm/ Tm: zlu mu supgnor Court ol Callomh, County of haw r0 give Ielephom'. far. nr c-muil.): Santa Clam Addm$53 I624 Yoscmilc Dr. fl '9' N- Hm 55mm City: Milpims 8mm: 9A- Zip: 95035 Santa Clnru. CA 95| |3 Telephone: 403.398.2845 Fax: E-Mail Address: Ooun Ms m cue number «hm roan is Iuod ® Restrained Person c‘" "“m‘m: FU“ NamCi VICTOR HAGADA BUNNOL. JR. 2 1 c H 00 98 A 5 Description: Sex: E M D F Height: 5‘4 Weight: I72 Dale of Birth: Unknown Hair Color: mack |~ch Color: Black Age: 44 Racc: [filipino Home Address (ifknuwn): |864 Shenandoah Ave. _fl_ _ City: Milpilas Slate: CA Zip: 95035 Relalionsmp m PTO‘CC'Cd PWSOW Friend. Boyfriend. "livc-in Nanny” of Protected Pam's Wife ® E Additional Protected Persons In addition lo the person named in ®. lhc following family or household members ol'lluu person arc protected by lhc temporary orders indicalcd below: Full Name S_c._\ Age Household Member? Relalion lo Protected Person EzrmFloyd Cuarcsma M 5 E ch D No Son Ziomara Cuamma F 5 E Yes D No Daughlcr D ch D No D Chock here iflherc arc additional persons. List Ihcm nn un ulluclwd Jhec! quupcr uml write "Allachmenl 3- .4ddiliunul l’rulcclcd Pcrmns " m a ville. You may :waurm AK '-()25. Allaclmu'm The courl will cnmplclr Ilu' rm! q] Ihisfarm. ® Expiration Date This Order expires at III: em! ofme halting schedulerlfor Ihc (late and lime below: Date: MAR - 3 2021 Time; _ 1o;oo m a.m. [j p.m. This is a Court Order. mmflm“ "'I “3:” Temporary Restraining Order(CLETS-TCH) CH'110-Pm‘°'°muonum unnwwo (Civil Harassment Prevenuon) '9wnw) Cau Numb»: 210H009845 To the Person inO: The court has granted the temporary orders checked u granted below. If you do no! obey (hue orders, you can be "rated ud charged with a crime. You mny bc sent lo jall for up to onc year. pay a flne ofup to $1.000." bah. ® PcrsonalConductOrdars D NotRequostod D Donlod Untllthe Heating E GrantoduFollows: a. You must not do the following things to the person named in® and lo lhe other protected pcmns listed in © (l) m Hamss. inlimidalc. molest. allack. s1rikc. stalk. threaten. assault (sexually or mhcrwise). hit. abuse. destroy personal property of. or disturb the peace of lhe person. (2) m Contact the person. either directly or indirectly, in nny way. including. but not limited lo. in person, by telephone. in writing. by public or private mall. by interofficc mail. by e-mail, by text message. by fax. or by other electronic means. (3) m Take any action Io obtain the person‘s Iddms or location. lfthis item (3) is not checked. the court has found good cause not lo make this order. (4) m Other (:pecifi'): m Other personal conduct orders are attached It the end of this Order on Attachment 5a(4). To the extent there are any Family Court orders issued after the date of this Order concerning custody. vusutatlon, and/or exchange ofthe minor childrenTisted as Additional Protected Persons--which Family Court orders conflict wnh the Personalmnduct Orders In thus section, the Fafnlly Court orders shall control. b. Peaceful written contact through a lawyer or a process server or other person for semcc of legnl papers related Io a court case is nllowed and does not violate this order. However. you may have your papers served by mlil on the person in ®. ® suy-Away OrderD NotRoquested D Denied Untllthe Hearing m Granted as Follows: a. You must slay at least OO yards away from (check alllhara 1y):I’P (l) E The person in ® (7) E The place ofchlld care oflhc children of (2) E] Each person in@ the person in® (3) E The home of the person in® (8) B 11w vehicle of lhe person in ® (4) B Thcjob or workplace ofthc person (9) a omel- (mam).- ‘n ® To the enemmemWamilLCauumdeszsumaner the date (S) D 'n‘c school oflhe person in ® of this Order concerninq custody. visitation, and/or exchange of the . minor children listed as Additional Protected Persons--which Family (6) a The “hiooaoonhe Ch'ldren 0mm Court orders conflict with the Stay-Away Orders in this section, theperson n Family Court orders shSIT control. b. This stay-awny order does not prevent you from going to or from your home 0r place of employment. ® No Gum or Other Flrunns and Ammunition a. You cannot own. possas, have, buy or try lo buy. receive or lry to receive. or in any other way get guns. other firearms, or ammunition. b. You must: ( l) Sell to or store with I licensed gun dealer. or tum in to a lnw cnl‘oreemem agency. any guns or other firearms in your immediate possession or control. This must be done wilhin 24 hours of being served with this Order. This is a Court Order.WM " "'-m‘” Temporary Restraining Order (CLETS-TCH) CM"-W 1 9' ° (Clvll Harassment Prevention) 9 Cau Number: 21CH009845 (2) File a receipt with 1h: coon within 48 hours ofrecciving this Order that proves lhal you: guns or firearms have been turned in. sold. or stored. (You may mefom CH-800. Proofof Firearms Turned In. Soid. or Storchor the receipt.) c. D The coun has rcccived inl'ormalion that you own or possess a fimrm. Possession and Protection of Animals E Not Requested D Denied Until tho Hearing D Granted u Follows (specify): a. U The person in®is given the sole possession. arc. and conlml ofthe animals lislcd below. whichm owned. possessed. leased. kepl. or held by him or hcr. or reside in his or her household. (Idenlw animal: by. e.g.. Iype. breed, name, color. sex.) b. U The pemn in®musl slay u least yards away from. Ind not take. sell. transfet. encumbct, conceal. molest. attack. strike. threaten. harm. or otherwise dispose of. the animals listed above. ® Other Orders E Not Requested D Denied Until tho Hearing D Granbd u Follows (specify): D Additional Oder:m unwind It the end of this Order on Attachment 9. To the Person ino: Mandatory Entry of Order Into CARPOS Through CLETS This Order must be entered imo lhc California Restraining and Protective Ordet System (CARPOS) through the California Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (CLETS). (Check one): a. D The clerk will enter this Order and its proof-of-servicc form into CARPOS. b.inc clerk will transmit this Order and its proof-of-scrvicc form to a law enforcement Igency to be entered into CARPOS. c. D By the close of business on lhe dale lhat this Order is made. the person in® or his or her lawyer should deliver a copy of lhe Order and ils proof-of-servioc form Io the lnw enforcement agency listed below to mm into CARPOS:WWW WW U Additional llw enforcement agencies arc listed nl lhc end ofthis Order on Allnchmenl IO. This is a Court OrderWm ‘- "’-w'” Temporary Restraining Otder (CLETS-TCH) 03-110. Pou- 8°“ (Clvll Harassment Prevention) ‘9 uoNumhu: [T ZICHOO 98 45 ® No Fee to Serve (Notify) Restralned Person m Ordered D Not Ordered The sherifl'or marshal will serve lhis Order without charge because: a. m The Order is based on unlawful violence. a credible threat of violence. or stalking. b. D The person in @s entitled lo a fee waiver. Signed 2 4 2021 03 55 PM ® Number ofplges attached to this Order. if any:m 2-242 _ Cawc CQN/rém Judicial Oflicer Carol Overton Warnings and Notices to the Restrained Person m 0 You Cannot Have Guns or Firearms You cannot own. have, possess. buy or try to buy. rcccivc or try to receive, or otherwise gel guns. other firearms. or ammunition while this Order is in effect. lfyou do. you can go to jail and pay a Sl.000 fine. You must sell to or slorc with a licensed un dealer, or tum in lo a law enforcement agency. any guns or other firearms lhnl you have or control u stated in item above. The court will require you to prove that you did so. Notice Regarding Nonappoaranco at Hearing and Sorvlce of Order Ifyou have been personally served wilh this Temporary Restraining Order and form CH-l09. Notice ofCourt Hearing. but you do nol appear at 1h: hearing either in person or by a lawyer, and a rcsmining order thnl is the same as this Temporary Restraining Order except for the expiration dale is issued at the hearing. a copy oflhe order will be served on you by mail I! lhe address in itcm®. lflhis address is not correct or you wish to verify lhal the Temporary Restraining Order was convened into a mmining order at Ihc hearing without subsumive change. o: lo find oul the duration of the order. conlact Ihe clerk of the eoun. After You Have Been Served Wlth a Restrainlng Order - Obey all the orders. ' Read form CH-l20-INFO, How Can I Respond Io a Requmfor Clvll Harassment Reslralnlng Orderx?. to leam how lo respond to Ihis Order. ' lfyou want to respond. fill out form CH- l 20. Response Io Requwfor Civil Harassment Restraining Orders. Ind file it with the court clerk. You do not have to pay any fee to file your tesponsc if the Request claims that you inflicted or threatened violence against or stalked the person in . ° You musl have form CH-IZO served by mail on lhe person in ®or llml person‘s attorney. You cannot do this yourself. The person who does the mailing should complete and sign form CH-250. ProofofSeI-vice ofRespome by Mall. File lhe completed proof of service with thc court clerk before Ihc hearing date or bring i! with you to the hearing. - In addition lo the response. you may file and have declarations served. signed by you and other petsons who have personal knowledge of the facts. You may use form MC-030. Declaration. for this purpose. It is available from the clerk's office It the coun shown on pace l of this form or at wwwcourI:.cagov/fornu. H' you do nol know how to ptepue I declaration, you should see a lawyer. This is a Court Order.Wm ‘-’°"-"""""" Temporary Rastralning Order (CLETS-TCH) °"'"°- "0' ‘ °‘° (Clvll Harassment anontlon) '9 CuoNuEITrcHoo 98 1‘ 5 ' Whether or not you file a response. you should attend the hearing. lfyou have any witnesses. they mus! also go lo lhc hating. ° At lhe hearing. lhcjudge can make restraining orders against you :hal Ins! for up to five yeats. Tell the judge why you disagree with the orders requested. Instructions for Law Enforcmncnt Enforclng the Restraining Order 111i: order is enforceable by any law enforcement agency that has received the order. is shown a copy of the order. or has verified its existence on the California Restraining and Protective Orders System (CARPOS). If the law enforcement agency has not received proof of service on lhc restrained person, the agency musl advise the restrained person of the terms of the order and then must enforce iL Violations of this order nre subjeu lo criminal penalties. Start Data and End Dam of Orders This order start: on the date next lo the judge‘s signature on page 4. The order end: on the expiration dale in item © on page l. Arrest Required If Order ls Violatw Iran officer bu probable came to believe that the restrained person had noficc ofthe order and ms disobeyed the order. lhc officer must mes! the mmined person. (Pen. Code, §§ 836(c)( l). l370l(b).) A violuion ofthe ocder may be I violation of Penal Code section 166 or 273.6. Agenciesm encouraged lo entcr violation messages into CARPOS. NoticeIProof of Service The law enforcement agency must first delcrmine if Ihe restrained person had notice of the order. Consider the restrained person “served” (given notice) if (Pen. Code. § 836(c)(2)): o 11x: officer sees a copy of lhe Proofof Service or confirms that the Proof of Service is on file; or ° 111: mmincd person was informed of lhc order by an officer. An officer can obtain information about lhc comenls of the order and proofof service in CARPOS. lfpmofofservice on the rcsmined petson cannm be verified. the agency must advise lhe restrained person ofthc terms of'lhe order and then enforce it. If the Protected Person Contacts the Restrained Person Even if the protected person inviles or consents to contact with the restrained person. this order remains in effect md must be enforced. The protected person mnnol bc arrested for inviting or consenting to contact wim the resmined person. The order can be dungcd only by another coun order. (Pen. Code. § 1371001).) This is a Court Order. “N*M '- ”"-W'“ Temporary Restraining Order (CLETs-TCH) CH-"o- P090 5 °' ° (Clvll Harassment Prevention) ‘9 Cu. Number: 21CH009845 Conflicting Orders-Prlormes for Enforcement If more than one rutnlnlng order has boon Issued, the orders must be enforced according to the following priorities (see Pen. Code. § I362; Pam. Code. §§ 6383(h)(2). 64050)): l. EPO: If one of the ordets is an Emmgcncy Protective Order (form EPO-OOI) and Is more restrictive man othet restraining or protective orders. it has precedence in enforcement over all other orders. 2. No Comacl Order: If there is no EPO. a no-comacl order that is included in a restraining or protective order has precedence over any other restraining or prolective order. 3. Criminal Order: If none of the orders includes a no contact order, a domestic violence protective order issued in I criminal case takes prccedcnce in enforcement over any conflicting civil coun order. Any nonconflicting terms of the civil mslmining order remain in effect ind enfomcablc. 4. Family Juvenile. or CM! Order: If more Khan one family, juvenile. or omer civil restraining or protective order has been issued, the one thal was issued lasl must be enforced. (Clerk willfill our this part.) Clerk 's CcrIVicale -Clerk's Certificate- [JWU l cenil'y that this Temporary Restraining Order is n true and correct copy of the original on me in the coun. Dale: Clerk. by , Deputy This is a Court Order.mm m".M'W Tomponry Restraining Order (CLETS-TC H) °"‘"°- "0° 5°" (CM! Harassment Prevention)