Proof of Service PersonalCal. Super. - 6th Dist.February 3, 2021_ Clerk stamps date here when form is filed. CH-ZOO Proof of Personal Servuce Name: Llezl Javner Custodlo ® Person Seeking Protection F l L E n APR l 5 2021® Person From Whom Protection ls Sought Name: Christina Gonzalez ® Notice to Server The server must: ' Be 18 years 0f age 0r Older- {/\:§ 4\ Fill In court name argsrreet address: 0 Not be listed in items® or© .\fliélk/Z: Superior Court of California, County ofof Form CH- l 00. Santa Clara ° Give a copy of all documents checked m@ to the person in®. £91 JN ISICSAt 951 l3(You cannot send them by mail.) Then complete and sign this an ose form and give or mail it to the person in PROOF OF PERSONAL SERVICE Court fills in case number when form is filed. Case Number: Q) I gave the person in®a copy ofthe forms checked below: 2| CH 009843 E CH-109, Notice ofCour! Hearing E CH-l 10. Temporary Restraining Order E CH-lOO, Requestfor Civil Harassment Restraining Orders E CH-IZO, Response Io Requeslfor Civil Harassment Restraining Orders (blank form) E CH- l ZO-INFO, How Can I Respond to a Requeslfor Civil Harassment Restraining Orders? D CH- l 30. Civil Harassment Restraining Order Afier Hearing E CH-800, ProofofFirearms Turned In, Sold, or Stored (blank form) E Other (specifiz):CCCS; CH-5014 ?qorwroppgs» ® I personally gave copies of the documents checked above to the person in®z a. On (date):ABril 14, 2021 b. At (time):7:34 E a_m, D p.m_ c. At this address: 1403 Bretmoor Way City: San Jose State: CA Zip: 95129 ® Server's Information Name: Scott Soto Address: 3] E Julian St City: San Jose State: CA Zip:95| 12 Telephone: 408-297-6070 (Ifyou are a registered process server): County of registration: Santa Clara Registration number: 979 l declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the information above is true and correct. Date: April l4, 2021 Scott Soto ’ Type 0r prml server ’s name Server Ir) signhelp k J Jua Ic lacuna». n . - CH-200,Pa e1ol1 “:3; Jgfizmfiopm;mm°°“ “‘9” Proof of Personal Servuce 9 °°°° °' CW"”WW 5 527 6 (Civil Harassment Prevention)