Request to Continue Reissue TRO HRCal. Super. - 6th Dist.January 28, 2021_ . Clerk stamps date here when form is filed.WV-1 1 5 Request to Continue Court Hearing Instructions: Use this form t0 ask the court t0 reschedule the court date listed on, Notice ofCourt Hearing (form WV-109). Read How to Ask for a New Hearing Date (form WV-l 15-INFO) for more information. ® My Information a. My name is: Momentum For Mental Health b. I am the: (1)E Petitioner (employer) (skip to® ). (2)D Respondent (give your contact information below). Address Where I can receive mail: This address Will be used by the court and other party t0 notify you in this case. If you want to keep your home address private, you can use another address like a post office box or another Electronically Filed by Superior Court of CA, Ciounty of Santa Clara, o’n 5/4/2021 7:13 PM {eviewed By: K. Nguyen Ciase #21 CH009838 Envelope: 6377064 Fill in court name and street address: Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara 191 N. First Street San Jose, CA 95113 Fill in case number: Case Number: person's address, ifyou have their permission. If you have a 21 CH009838 lawyer, give your lawyer's address and contact information. Address: City: State: Zip: My contact information (optional): Telephone: Fax: Email Address: Lawyer's information (Skip ifyou d0 not have one): Name: State Bar No.: Firm Name: ® Information About My Case a. The other party in this case is (full name): Pedro Quinones b. I have a court hearing currently scheduled for (date): May 11, 2021 This is not a Court Order. ?SESLCJZEEZHF§$i§%i"figmfy°fififfg°v Request to Continue Court Hearing WV-115, Page1 of2 Code of Civil Procedure, §§ 527.8(p) and 527.9 (Temporary Restraining Order) (Workplace Violence Prevention) + American LegalNet, Inc. www‘FormsWorkFlowcom Case Number: 21 CH009838 ® ls a Temporary Restraining Order in effect? g Yes. Date the order was made, ifknown: 2/1/2021 and 3/16/2021 Please attach a copy 0f the order if you have one. D N0. D I don't know. Notice: If the court date is rescheduled, the Temporary Restraining Order (form WV-110) Will remain in effect until the end 0f the new court date unless otherwise ordered by the court. ® Why does the court date need to be rescheduled? a. E I need more time to have the respondent personally served. b. D I am the respondent, and this is my first request to reschedule the court date. c. D Other reason: I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the information above is true and correct. Date; May 4, 2021 Adam Fiss, Representing Momentum For Mental Health Fg Type orprint your name Sign your name Date: Max 4, 2021 Adam Fiss, Littler Mendelson Vg Lawyer’s name, ifyou have one Lawyer’s signature This is not a Court Order. Rev‘sedJa"”ar“’2°2° Request to Continue Court Hearing WV-115’ Page 2 0f? (Temporary Restraining Order) (Workplace Violence Prevention) American LegalNet, Inc. www‘FonnsWOrkFlowcom Envelope: 6033866 Clerk stamps date here when form is filed. WV'1 1 6 Order on Request to Continue Hearing FiIed Complete items and only. Mamh 16' 2021® ® Clerk of the Court® Petitioner (Employer): Momentum For Mental Health Superior Court of CA County of Santa Clara ® Respondent: Pedro Quinones 21CH009838 By: knguyen The court will complete the rest of this form Fill in court name and street address:® Next court Date Superior Court of California, County of - - Santa Clara . . rt t d.a D The request to reschedule the cou da e ls deme 1 91 N. First Street Your court date is: San Jose, CA 951 13 (1) Any Temporanv Restraining Order (form WV-l 10) already granted stays in full force and effect until the next court date. (2) Your court date is not rescheduled because: Fill in case number: Case Number: 21 CH009838 b. E The request to reschedule the court date is granted. Your court date is rescheduled for the day and time listed below. See@-. for more information. New _) Date: 05/11/2021 Time: Zioopm Conn Date Dept; 4 Room: ® Temporary Restraining Order Name and address of court, if different from above: a. D There is no Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) in this case until the next court date because: (1) D A TRO was not previously granted by the court. (2) D The court terminates (cancels) the previously granted TRO because: b. E A Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) is still in full force and effect. Warning and Notice (1) E The court extends the TRO previously granted on (date): 02/01/2021 to the Respondent: . _ If b is checked, a It now expires 0n (date). temporary restraining (Ifno date is listed, the TRO expires at the end ofthe court date listed in 3b.) order has been issued against you. You must (2) D The court changes the TRO previously granted and signs a new TRO (form follow the orders until WV~1 10). they expire. c, D Other (specifil): This is a Court Order. Judicial Council of Caf-Ifomia. ReW-seuanuamgozo,MandamFom, Order on Request to Continue Hearing I WV-116. Page 1 °f3 °°“°‘°"""P'°°9°“'e'“273“” (Temporary Restraining Order) (CLETs-TWH) 9 (Workplace Violence Prevention) ./ Case Number: 21 CH009838 ran Court Date ls Rescheduled I Q There is good cause to reschedule the court date (check one): (1) E The petitioner has not served the respondent. (2) D Other: b. D This is the first time that the respondent has asked for more time to prepare. c. D The court reschedules the court date on its own motion. ® Sewing (Giving) Order to Other Party The request to reschedule was made by the: a. a Petitioner (Employer) (1) D You do not have to serve the respondent because they or their lawyer were at the court date or agreed to reschedule the court date. (2) E You must have the respondent personally served with a copy of this order and a copy of all documents listed on form WV-109, item ®, by (date): 5 days before hearing (3) D You must serve the respondent with a copy 0f this order. This can be done by mail. You must serve by (date): (4) D Other: b. E] Respondent ( 1) D You do not have to serve the petitioner because they or their lawyer were at the court date or agreed to reschedule the court date. (2) D You must have the petitioner personally served with a copy of this order by (date): (3) D You must serve the petitioner with a copy 0f this order. This can be done by mail. You must serve by (date): (4) D Other: This is a Court Order. c. D Court (l) D Further noticeis not required. (2) D The court will mail a copy 0f this order to all parties by (date): (3) E] Other: Revised January 1. 2020 Order on Request to Continue Hearing (Temporary Restraining Order) (CLETS-TWH) (Workplace Violence Prevention) WV-1 16, Page 2 of 3 f Case Number: éto Serve (Notify) Respondent Ordered D Not Ordered Sheriff or marshal will serve this order for free because: _ fl The order is based on unlawful violence, a credible threat of violence, or stalking. b, D The person in ®is entitled to a fee waiver. ‘O D Other Orders Signed: 3/16/2021 09:45 AM 3-1 6-2021 Date: “3392' CCMMC CO/wrgm Judicial Officer Carol Overton Request for Accommodations Assistive listening systems, computer-assisted real-time captioning, or sign language interpreter ‘ * services are- available if you ask at least five days before the hearing. Contact the clerk’s office or go to for Requestfor Accommodations by Persons With Disabilities and Response (form MC-410). (Civ. Code, § 54.8.) Instructions to Clerk If the hearing is rescheduled and the court extended, modified, or terminated a temporary restraining order, then the court must enter this order into CLETS 0r send this order to law enforcement to enter into CLETS. This must be done within one business day from the day the order is made. -Clerk's Certificate- Clerk’s Certificate I certify that this Order 0n Request to Continue Hearing (Temporary Restraining [seal] Order) (CLETS-TWH) (form WV-l 16) is a true and correct copy of the original on file in the court. Date: MAR 2 2 282' Clerk, by , Deputy Thisjs. a._Coun_0rder. Rm“““3““ Order on Request to Continue Hearing WV'116’ P399 3 °f3 (Temporary Restraining Order) (CLETS-TWH) (Workplace Violence Prevention) American chalNet, Inc. g b Tsmperary Restrainiag Order Filed ® Fetffianer {Employer} February 1, 2021 a. 5m: amfim fixéémaé H&ffi} - 7 Ctefli 0f the Court Law: {a Patiam fifaaysfir sass gm}: 3399f?“ 30m 9f CA Ram: gm Figs Sim 33fmm i??? County cf Santa Clara rim Ma: Limgrgwczm, PC 21014009833 8 : n . b. Yeti}: Aédrega {Ifyagm :2 War, give gag: fag??? i; :gfgmgggfi}; y k 9933“ AW: 55 W; Sax; Fcrmaéa Sh, ?th F169! anwamwmw 7 82:16: 2am 7 Sfiw: CA ££§2295113 mcimaicgcaamfimui Tag] fie; 4 I ’ Fax: ’ - _ 3mv £3323?hé ( 833%?»4 Si} (483} $84}??? :5} gafih Fifi Sm: E&Réaii rkédress: afimfgzfiifiemm Empiayeg(Pram Persia}; ?&iifima‘; gaifiguyeiz r Sanfifitzfié 9§E33 WfikaWka ® Reswafieat (Reatrained Parana}' Faimmz: mmauim 213368§833mam _ ' $62: {i} 1%.?! 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Hyatt: (3:; m: shay thew mien, yam can he arresteé :35 cargai with a crime. Yarn may hair: ta ga K: gait fa? 3;: ta r3212 year, pay a fine 3f a}: ta $i,fifi§, er both. Pemanal Genduct arders ' {3 Hat Rengested E} aenied Until the Hearing g Granted as thm: a. 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(3’) 5% 91% (swééé: E3 Gihermagi eendgct arders are attaihzgi a: the end cf {Ezis Grier 9r: Attachmem gaff; ‘ H Raspmécai mas: m1 engga in mfiéuci mfiibéiefi by {ht mafia: eréera lime! in swim: 624i H?) zzzwsré M5. ?%gayea 3g 125%: as any agar ?viagnasium fer Meats! Heaifi: mgieyees. ha Emits; writien cemasz: thmgh a lawyer e: a pmccss sewer 6r ather perms fer service {3f legaé paws miatefi {a a war: case: is fiiawed and ages mi viaiaze €313 ardar. Rnwawr, yet: may have: yam gagxm sawed by maii {m zhae {xfitianen @ sfiayrAway arder {3 Hat Reqaafited {:3 Benied Unti! tha Heariag a (§de as Fatim: a. Yam: max: m}? a: 3:235: 3% yarfis away {mm ($32233: 525% 3kg: cgpéy}: {é} fl The emgieyae {‘5} 5.} The zingzéayae’s chiiérea‘s pins: efchad care {2} E 336%: (2:316: gmté $5593; Eistaé in {S} g Th2 emgiegee’s ?cfiiaie {3} {3:3 ”??;z emgzayee’a warkgkce (9) {it} {Rites {ifgecgy}; {4} g mg mgmyaexa figme Rnawgdam mas; 5:33? a: iaast 3&3 fads away {mm ._ I g the macfisfgms Eisiefi in 54:33?) as wet} 35 thg " €53 m “*6 5m9§§¥a¢ S 56m; items Ema 2g ?:axzfis; 22;: eachWm amt; {6} a The empictyaa’s chiiéren‘s stakes}; workfizefi'aefiiry bf“ Petiticnér. h. ’ffiis garaway créeréw mat gravest 3m; fmm gaing tn. 0r fmm yaw ham: at péace sfempieymem‘ his i3 a Caagr't Qrder. WW” Temperary Resaasning enter (cLErsmrwa; mm, means: {??ng Wane; Pmanfiw} é “mffcaea 93 38 e, Na Gama er Other Firearms and Ammunitim a, ”€523 cam: exam, waggss, have: bug; £3: Ky ii: bay, receive 3r try {a retake, <2: in my 0:51;: way gai gags, aim:5W er ammunitim b. You maxi: {i} 3:3 ii; 9r star: with a i'itmsgé gun éwer a: tam it: m a gm enfarcemaa': agmcy 3:31;? gum or ether firearms 2:3 3w; immfiéiaéa mms'éafi e; matmi, This mus: be dam: wézézin 24 imam 3f beirigmag with this Wt (2} ?iée a magi?! wfih the cam within 48 hem 9:7 receéviag tézis é‘géef {hast ?mvzra that :33:gm 3: firearms five hem {amé m, gfié var aims? {?as may sass arm: ???asfié 13:12:53}? Firearms Tamed 1:1, Said Gr Sim f2}: {he recegat.j c. 2:3 Tha csurt has reseiyeé iafamation that yea awn 9r possess a {imam Other Grfiers B fiat Requested {3 Bertied Unfii {ha Hearing a Granted as Fonm (sgesffy): £5 Rzg‘genéen: mess k3mam Fetitime: fer 3:23; teases: aim: than ft}: purposm a? meéiaai Mmzfi, ha: must {in 5:3 threagh ?:ifiiafiefa gimme} cfmm: Littézr germ?5m {Adam F233} a7: {$3} ??%iié C3 Méitéwal arders arr: aitaahed at the end ef this Qréer {m Akiachmem 9‘ fiandataty Entry 6f Grder irate CAR?G$ Thraugh GLETS Thia Gréz: 33.133: be»mimé Esta; fizz {Zafifaméa szaigifig 39.4% ?raxfive {3352? Sygtem (CARM) threugh the Cafifarzfia Law Efifamemefit ?zéacmmmicagiens System {CLE’X‘S}, ffiixesk age}: a. C3 TEE: néefii 92m mm: this Qrdar ared its pmafaflservice farm Ema Clams. h. i3} The sécrk wig tyafimii thifi Graig am its gmfwaélgmica farm {a a 23w enfamment 33m}; ta ha emergd EstaSAWS c, B 8y the aim afhissima art: the daze that this Qtfier is mafia, aha mgieyet <2: the emgieyer‘s igwycr ahauid éefiver a cap)? af $22: figétr aaé ifs; pmaf-efiscrviee; farm {a the iawwfigmami agamics Ema Was»? ts eager ink:CAM: {3 Aééiiiangl E33? w?amgmanf agmées am fiséed a: fig: eaé a§thi5 (hie: are Anaaiémgmg 36}. 3:3vo ta Serve {Notify} Restrafined ?erson g Grdered £3 Not 0:63:25 31% 3:262”? a: matshal wii} sawg {gig Grée: uétiaam charga because: i a. g The arise: is based {rs a crediizie :hrea; ef viazame <2: stalking, b. {3 ”fine gxéitiarier £5 entifieii Ea a fee waivgr. Thia is a Cami Grater. Wmam Tempefary Remaining Gide? (CLETsw-W) WWW:W 3f; (flerkplasa Vimence Pravafitian} ,““WH339333 Sig'sw’: $33G? 32:32 FM ® fimfia 9f pagas attached tn this {Ewan if any; Dam: sggsgsyxizczaazzszw CW [f’