Request Restraining OrderCal. Super. - 6th Dist.January 7, 2021Request for CiV" Harassment Clerk stamps dare here when form is flied Restraining Orders Read Can a Civil Harassment Restraining Order Help Axle? O'orm CH-I 00- INFO) before completing this form. Also fill out Confidential CLETS Ffig L EInformation (fort): CLETS-OOI) with as much information as you know. g i -7 2021 Person Seeking Protection JAN MS the Court 0’9a. Your Flialjfinsfa 2 mj A Z } Superimm Santa Clara 61/” ge: nvh DEPUTY Your Lawyer (fyou have onefor this case) - Fm in coun name and street address: Name: State Bar No.:-_ Superior Court of California, County of F' N ‘jalflflepteaenled____- santa Clara”m ame' 191 N. First Street b. Your Address (Ifyou have a lmvyer, give your lawyer’s 191 N. First Street . . . . San Jose, CA 95113 ngformatzon. Ifyou d0 nor have a lawyer and want to keep your Civil couhhouse_ DTS home address private, you may give a different mailing address instead. You d0 not have f0 give telephone, fax, 0r e-mail.) Coun‘ fills in case number when fonn is filed Address: ’ZJH E famafia’fonn 5f HEH14ufipfl U [j 9 8 U b City: SIM JmSL State: (11’ Zip: fi" [(6 Telephone: Fax: E-Mail Address: Person From Whom Protection ls Sought FunName ’YDScfvu/l HUM“ Age:L Address (fknown). l 00 I < Mm v1 $Heid- City: Mr‘(34(6) State: l A Zip: fzgags ® Additional Protected Persons a. Are you asking for protection for any other family 0r household members? DYes $ No Ifyes, list them: Full Name fl Age Lives with you? How are hey related t0 you? a Yes D No D Yes a No D Yes D N0 D Yes D No D Check here ifthere are more persons. Attach a sheet ofpaper and write "Attachment 3a-Addirional Protected Persons”f0r a title. You may useform MC-025, Attachment. b. Why do these people need protection? (Explain below): a Check here ifthere is not enough spacefor your answer. Put your complete answer 0n the attached sheet 0f paper orform MC-025 and write “Attachment 3b-Why Others Need Protection ”for a title. This is not a Court Order. Eggaé@3313;gle‘tjzagfiggaségagégfgfi9°“ Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders CH-1oo, Page1 ofe NI u . . . Essemlai (Clwl Harassment Prevention) ROHCI H PVERN9 aFOfl'flS‘ Case Number: ® Relationship of Parties How d0 you know the person in ®‘2 (Explain below): D Check here ifthere is nor enough spacefor your answer. Put your complete answer 0n the attached sheet 0f paper orform MC-025 and write “Attachment 4-Relationship ofParries ”for a title. SM. ‘K’Hru why o4 JAM; {WM 0¥ awe»! ham o¥ MM C5) Venue U Why are yen filing in this county? (Check all that apply): a. Z The person in® lives in this county. b. Z1 was harassed by the person in® in this county. c. D Other (specxfiz): ® Other Court Cases a. Have you or any ofthe persons named in® been involved in another court case with the person in®? a Yes D No (Ifyes, check each kind ofcase and indicate where and when each wasfiled.) Kind 0f Case HQ Filed in (Cozmw/Stare) Year Filed Case Number (ifknown) (1) D Civil Harassment (2) D Demestic Violence (3) D Divorce, Nullity, Legal Separatiorl (4) D Paternity, Parentage, Child Custody (5) D Elder or Dependent Adult Abuse (6) D Eviction / (7) D Guardianship (8) D Workplace Violence. (9) D Small Claims (10)D Criminal (1 Um Other (specify): #4446141 b. Are there now any profective or festraining orders in effect relating to you 0r any ofthe persons in ©and the person in®7 ZNO DYes (Eyes, altach a copy ifyou have one.) ® Description of Harassment Harassment means violence 0r threats ofviolence against you, 0r a course 0f conduci that seriously alarmed, annoyed, or harassed y0u and caused you substantial emotional distress. A course of conduct is more than one act. a. Tell the court about the last time the person in ®llarassed you. (1) When did it happen? (provide date 0r estimafed date): I 7- /21 [20 30 2 Wh 1 t1 ?( ) O e sewas 1m [See attached declaration for a Description of Harrassment] This is not a Court Order. Revised January 1. 2018 _ E m] I Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders CH-1oo, Pagez ofe Efirmg. (Civil Harassment Prevention) .9cahcnm ' Case Number: ® a. (3) How did the person in® harass you? (Explain below):D Check here ifthere is not enough Spaceforyour answer. Put your complete answer 0n the attached sheer ofpaper orform MC-025 and write “Attachment 7a(3)-Describe Harassment"'for a title. jfioflmm r1 rnv'td OLJ- Wm 7)er ruff r/Lm Ce m: ‘‘ V4 LmA W} SM-kZ/w; ré. MM {34% ck b‘m :Wi SmoesU $5 14M 59/1“ . AJIS o (Emmi {LLWMW U of a’a [[a/é 0w I401 J0”? diamdr' 1% M 4/26! mj MfamahyS ‘ProWinfi/A a (4) Did the person in® use 0r threaten t0 use a gun 0r any other weapon? D Yes a No (Ifyes, explain below):D Check here lffhere is not enough Spacefor your answer. Pu! your complete answer 0n the attached sheet ofpaper orform MC-025 and write "Attachment 7a(4)-Use 0f Weapons "for a title. (5) Were you hamled or injured because ofthe harassment? ZYes D N0 (Ifyes, explain below): D Check here ifthere is nor enough spacefor your answer. Put your complete answer 0n the attached sheet ofpaper orform MC-025 and wrire “Attachment 7a(5)-Harm 0r Injury"f0r a title. cum mo Hrple [ac em-{vcrh 149 ow ka . fC/qga and bM/WI amm/ av: {lbows (numb aux I419. ‘7 (6) Did the police come? Yes D N0 If yes, did they give you or the person in ®an Emergency Protective Order?D Yes Q/No If yes, the order protects (check all lizat apply). DMe D The person in ® D The persons in @. (Attach a copy offhe order ifyoz) have one.) b. Has the person in ® harassed you at other times? m Yes D No (Ifyes, describe prior incidents andprovide dates ofharassment below):D Check here ifrhere 1's not enough spacefar your answer Put your complete answer 0n the attached sheet 0f aper orform MC-025 and wrire “Attachment 7b-Prew'ous Harassment”for a title ”Tim 15am 94 Mm MW mm bud rmrmdm 4W4 ELL nun, Am WM Ems D444 1‘ v1 9.761 moi 7o W (MLmraua‘m myMW mob U This is not a Court Order. Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders CH-1oo, Page 3 ofe (Civil Harassment Prevention) ,9 Revised January 1, 201B - ' E&entlal Case Number: ® Check the orders you want. E E Personal Conduct Orders 1 ask the court to order the person in ®uot to d0 any 0fthe following things to me or to any person to be protected listed 1n ©2 a. a Harass, intimidate, molest, attack, strike, stalk, threaten, assault (sexually or otherwise), hit, abuse, destroy personal property 0f, or disturb the peace 0fthe person. b. Contact the person, either directly 0r indirectly, 1n any way, including, but not limited to, in person, by telephone, in writing, by public 0r private mail, by interoffice mail, by e-mail, by text message, by fax, 0r by other electronic means. c. D Other (speCIfi): D Check here {fthere is not enough spaceforyour answer. Put your complete answer on the attached sheet ofpapgr orform MC-025 and wrife ”Attachment 8c-OI/rer Personal Conduct Orders, ”for a title. The peison in ®will be ordered not (0 take any action Io get the addresses 01 locations ofany protectedperson unless the comtfinds good cause nor to make the or der Stay-Away Orders a. I ask the court to'order the person in ® t6 stay at least Wswms away ffom (check all that apply): (1) m Me. (8) m My ve ucle (2) D The other persons listed in©. (9) D Other (specify: (3) m My home. (4) m Myjob or werkplace. (5) D My school. (6) m My children’s school. (7) m My children’s place 0f child care. b. Ifthe court orders the person in ®to stay away from all the places listed above, will he or she still be able to get to his or her home, school, orjob? Yes DNO (Ifno, explain below: D Check here [fthere is not enough spacefor your answer. Put your complete answer 0n the attached Sheer 0f paper orform MC-025 and write ‘Mtrachment 9b-SIay-Away Orders, ”for a title. 0 Guns or Other Firearms and Ammunition Does the person in @own 0r possess any guns or other firearms? DYes DNO m1 don’tknow [filtejudge grants aprotecrive alder, the person in @ will be prohibitedfi 0m owning, possessing, purchasing, receiving, 0r attempting r0 purchase 0r I eceive a gun, otherfir}earm, and ammunition while the prorective aide] is in eflect. The person in ®will also be ordered t0 turn in Io law enforcement, 0r sell to or store with a licensed gun dealer. any guns orfirearms within his 0r her immediate possession 0r control. This is not a Court Order. Revised January‘l 2018 Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders CH-1oo, Page 4 ore Essential (Civil Harassment Prevention) 9 Case Number: @ Q Temporary Restraining Order I request that a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) be issued against the person in ® t0 last qntil the hearing. I am presenting form CH-l 10, Temporary Restraining Order, for the court’s signature together w1th this Request. Has the person in ® been told that you were going t0 go to court to seek a TRO against him/her? DYes g No {Ifyou answered no, explain why below:D Check here {fthere 1's not enough spacefor your answer. Put your complete answer on the attached sheer 0f paper orform MC-025 and write "Attachment II-Temporwy Reslraining Order ”for a title. Mow. mo wag a8 Naomw; (31/56; 4h F2) ‘ ® D Request to Give Less Than Five Days' Notice of Hearing You must have your papers personally served 0n (he person in ® at leasrfive days before the hearing, unless the court orders a shorter timefor service. (Form CH-200-1NFO explains What Is “Proof 0f Personal Service”? Form CH-200, Proof of Personal Service, may be used to show the cow‘r (hat the papers have been served.) Ifyou want there to be fewer than five days between service and the hearing, explain why below: D Check here {fthere is not enough spacefor your answer. Put your complete answer 0n the atrached sheet 0f paper orform MC-025 and write “Attachment 12-Reques! t0 Give Less Than Five Days'Notice "for a title. ® No Fee for Filing or Service a. dThere should be n0 filing fee because the person in®has used or threatened to use violence against me, has stalked me, or has acted 0r spoken in some other way that makes me reasonably fear violence. b. The sheriff or marshal should serve (notify) the person in ®ab0ut the orders for free because my request for orders is based on unlawful violence, a credible threat 0f Violence, or stalking. c. D There should be n0 filing fee and the sheriff or marshal should serve the person in ®f0r free because I am entitled to a fee waiver. (You must complete andfileform FW-OOJ, Application for Waiver of Court Fees and Costs.) E Lawyer's Fees and Costs I ask the court to order payment ofmy D lawyer's fees E Court costs. The amounts requested are:m Amount ML Amount Filing Fee g 435 $ ' ’ $ $ 5E $ D Check here {fthere are more items. Put the items and amounts 0n the attached sheet ofpaper orform M0025 and write "Attachment I4-Lawyer’s Fees and Cost5"f0r a title. This is not a Court Order. Revised January 1, 2018 . mm Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders CH-1oo. Page 5 ore DESSEFoms. (Civil Harassment Prevention) 9mhmm Case Number: @ D Possession and Protection of Animals I ask the court to order the following: a. DThatI be given the sole possession, care, and control of the animals listed below, which I own, possess, lease, keep, 0r hold, or which reside in my hOUSehold. (Identifii animals by, e.g., type. breed, name, color, sex.) I request sole possession 0f the animals because (specifi good causefor granting order): D Check here ifthere is not enough spacefor your answer. Put your complete answer on the artached sheet ofpaper orform MC-025 and write ”Allaclzmen! I5a-Possessi0n ofAnimals "for a title. b. D That the person in® must stay at least yards away from, and not take, sell, transfer, encumber, conceal, molest, attack, strike, threaten, harm, 0r otherwise dispose 0f, the animals listed above. aAdditional Orders Requested I ask the court to make the following additional orders (specifil): D Check here ifIhere is not enough spacefor your answer. Put your complete answer 0n the (machea‘ sheer 0f paper orform MC-025 and write Miraclmzenl 16-Addiii0nal Orders Requested, ”for a title. © Number ofpages attached to this form, if any: Date: SelfiBepmsented- Lawyer ’s name (ifany) Lawyer ’s signature I declare under penalty ofperjury under the laws 0fthe State ofCalifomia that the information above and on all attachments is true and correct. Date: ['5-22H___H - % ‘ M&hss a Darn ‘ ) Type 0r print your nm’ze Sign yozfi/er This is not a Court Order. Revised January 1. 2013 _ _ [ma] Request for Ciyi! Harassment Restraining Orders CH-1oo, page 6 ore Egg" DissethT (C1v1l Harassment Prevention) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ' CAéE NAME: 1201‘“ “d HUM- CASE #: L-ast Na-me Last Name CH-1 00, Item 7a(3) - DESCRIBE HARASSMENT: a)How do you knowthe person you wanttorestrain? {N [/1118 a Cl/le UUH’W rm 6K bofinwd 05; MM b)Are youliving withthe person? DYES ?NO c) Has the person D physically abuse you, D physically or verbally threatened you and/or D harassed you many times? (Please check a” that apply.) d) In the past three months, what did the person do or say that made you afraid (please start with the most recent event and explain exactly what happened in detail, include dates and times): rhéptjm JAumr mm 40 m4 'priucqae rdsfolmfle/ a4- _2013 EIEM 7501’lbt/IH'O 5+ gm *1/24/2020 SAL ?Ma'ca/lq d(Cn/Jmf M ru/SIM fcrmm lb :qu $.02 Mam 0f Me 0v; fiWMl/S MqHDk Strmlcws 1‘7: (1/114 l’wmd 6/5041 a5 Ml! g a break M MD I MM; é mew dear I Ah! amt Wat 4v €61qu M Q (410+ 014401ng m1“ m 3mm Amway rm moms D045 am? knocking}: om an mfidbor AM? ‘H/Lmjr Madam! hm walnborr Mr (uKIVM “Hwaswwlfi DJ M16115 OWL dotmwb O I Lid am {m Wm w wing Lemme ‘H/lotjr kofiolum W #614er mm "Draufle (‘65!de {‘14 701$? {mi £14 .L mm oMSUN, o; Jflu 0&465 Jilue Lamina; Mosm- Marla CH40QkmnTaB)-DESCNBEHARASSMENT Page 10 11 12 ‘13 14 15 18 17 18 19 2O 21 22 23 24 25 ' CAéENAMEfPB‘W and HUVH” CASE#: Lakt Name Last Name e) Were any guns or other weapons used or threatened t0 be used during any abus‘e in the past three months? D YES Q'No If “YES”, describe: f) Were there any injuries during abuse in the past three months?lfiYES D NO If “YES", describe: [w {M74 S&rwtu y ’{p m3 flu; aao/ mat a5 ml/ as M m4 mud; cud mp g) Did the police come to any ofthese recent events? fiYES U NO h) Did they give you an Emergency Protective Order for abuse in the past three months? D YES w NO If “YES", please attach a copy. i) ls the person you want to restrain in jail right now for violence against you? EYES pfiNo If“YE3",where: j) Has the person you want restrained ever been in jail for violence against you or your children? EYES )szo Ir"YES",when: Describe what the person did to you or your children that caused them to go to jail: CH-100, Item 73(3) - DESCRIBE HARASSMENT Pane 10 ‘11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ' CAéE NAME: pom and ‘HUM' CASE #: Lasf Name Last Name k) Do you have a criminal protective order (restraining order from criminal court)? D YES fl NO If “YES", please attach a copy. l) Describe the worst abuse and when it happened: FThe most recent abuse i_s the worst abuse OR D The worst abuse was (approximatedate) and the person l want a restraining orderagainst(describewhatmeydidtoyou): ‘H/u. 5'ch ‘6 1M3 (Ewe .uhw 5m bum abused w. m) Describe any other previous (past) violence or threats of violence that you haven't already written about here (include dates or estimates as to when it happened): CH-1 00, Item 73(3) -- DESCRIBE HARASSMENT Page_ SAN JOSE POLICE DEPT PUBLIC HARDCOPY DO NOT DUPLICATE ***0FFICIAL USE 0NLY*** GO# SJ 2020-203620405 ‘ 242-1 242 PC BATTERY DO NOT DUPLICATE ***OFFICIAL USE ONLY*** Purpose: REPORT COUNTER Date released: Jan-06-2021 (\Ved.) 1243 Authorized by: 1053N ' Released by: 1053N RELEASED TO Surname: ROJAS MELISSA .***DISCLAIMER*** This is a system generated report. It is not authorized for third party release. Do not duplicate. Printed On: Jan-06-2021 (Wed) r }k w % 0umWmm; ( ) flM m i. fl4W , 7 L . 3 W m ; { T . rfl zm fl H fl W 5 4 d 9 w tr x . K é L p ICU :3. (f, ‘ A u-fi-rm},_=‘xfi\‘\‘" ‘5' ?\T‘m- SA M” xiv.. W .‘nyr‘A ._ xx. . $0, ‘ \'= ~ A ’ F" Mix" ‘1»!'4'} -‘ A0th L‘ ‘1' ' ' I \ i \ i ‘ 7 ' a _ __‘ H Hf“ fl/g 551/146 MdH/DW /F/DID¢/{y diam aw wgfl as um phgggmfl damage Musegfl )7? )D/{i/j ’4.» MaHypk ggmwim, 1/2; mj .fiw (mg! mu: r afid a $5qu 0m m/ ' g(bmu, Pémmmfmg dd [0W .(0 ,{fii $19“ a 43 M IU’JIW} CLLN; gfgvycbhgp Wflggg fi x ‘ Q.9 . x.OO __ .- k... _;'_;_-1-....-u_ fla 5cm bj 4m omega- Hem mg 2m ?wwy (Zawya: (mrca by j‘o/e/fz, TM, Wick“ amd b/Mmkf “’“r M‘ “re my WM am! HM W Mags vb Wj mgmbfl FR ???rodcébi 0% W 7m wow mmmé w zflofl SAN JOSE POLICE DEPT PUBLIC HARDCOPY D0 NOT DUPLICATE ***OFFICIAL USE 0NLY*** GO# SJ 2020-203620405 242-1 242 PC BATTERY m END 0F HARDCOPY *** 2020-203 620405 Page of SAN JOSE POLICE DEPT PUBLIC HARDCOPY DO NOT DUPLICATE ***0FFICIAL USE ONLY*** GO# SJ 2020-203620405 242-1 242 PC BATTERY Related Text Page(s) Document: PHYSICAL EVIDENCE Author: 4628 - OROZCO-ESQUIVEL,CHRISTOPHER Related date/time: Dec-27-2020 (Sum) 1621 Ofc Degrave took pictures of (V) Rojas' injuries, and the damage to the vehicle. He uploaded the pictures into SJPD's AXON Capture app. I provided the neighbor a link to upload the images of the altercation to SJPD's AXON Capture app. 2020-203620405 Page 0f SAN JOSE POLICE DEPT PUBLIC HARDCOPY DO NOT DUPLICATE ***0FFICIAL USE ONLY*** GO# SJ 2020-203620405 242-1 242 PC BATTERY Related Text Paggs) Document: INJURIES Author: 4628 - OROZCO-ESQUIVEL,CHRISTOPHER Related date/time: Dec-27-2020 (Sun.) 1622 (V) Rojas had multiple lacerations to her face and neck. She also had an abrasion to her right elbow. \‘ 2020-203620405 Page 'of SAN JOSE POLICE DEPT PUBLKIHARDCOPY D0 NOT DUPLICATE ***OFFICIAL USE ONLY*** GO# SJ 2020-203620405 242-1 242 PC BATTERY Related Text Page(s) Document: STATEMENT Author: 4628 - OROZCO-ESQUIVEL,CHRISTOPHER Subject: ROJAS, MELISSA Related date/time: Dec-27-2020 (Sum) 1621 She was in her residence and heard a knock on the door. She opened the door and saw (S) Hunt. She recognized (S) Hunt from pictures her ex-boyfriend (Santiago) showed her of (S) Hunt. (V) Rojas broke up with Santiago in August and she had not contacted him since. (S) Hunt and Santiago had a child in common. She believed Santiago and (S) Hunt were dating again. (S) Hunt told her, "I'm not here to play games”. (S) Hunt said something about (V) Rojas spending time with (S) Hunt's four year old son. (S) Hunt grabbed (V) Rojas by the hair and pulled her out of the doorway. (V) Rojas believed this was when she was scratched. (V) Rojas pinned (S) Hunt on the ground. (S) Hunt told her to stop and she needed to show her messages and pictures. (V) Rojas sat down in a chair and attempted to de-escalate the situation. (S) Hunt showed her some pictures and messages. (V) Rojas asked her what she was looking at. (S) Hunt became agitated and told (V) Rojas she was stupid and she knew what she was looking at. (S) Hunt pushed (V) Rojas backwards from the chair. This caused (V) Rojas to knock over a piece of furniture holding plants onto her neighbor's vehicle. They fought again but stopped after (V) Rojas told her that there was damage to the neighbor's vehicle. (S) Hunt looked at the damage to the vehicle and walked away. (S) Hunt entered a black Jeep Cherokee and drove away. 2020-203620405 Page 0f SAN JOSE POLICE DEPT PUBLKIHARDCOPY D0 NOT DUPLICATE ***OFFICIAL USE ONLY*** GO# SJ 2020-203620405 242-1 242 PC BATTERY Related Text Page(s) Document: NARRATIVE - Author: 4628 - 0R02CO-ESQUIVEL,CHRISTOPHE Related date/time: Dec-27-2020 (Sum) 1621 On 12/27/2020 at approximately 1401 hours, I was in full police uniform driving a marked patrol vehicle in District Mary. I was dispatched to 2013 E San Antonio St on the report of a physical fight between a known female and the reporting party. The reporting party was later identified as (V) Rojas. The known female was later identified as (S) Hunt. I arrived on scene and activated my department issued AXON body worn camera. (V) Rojas approached me and I observed multiple lacerations to her face and neck. The lacerations were consistent with scratch marks from a person's nails. (V) Rojas initially declined medical attention but Ofc Degrave #4635 requested EMS as a precaution due to the severity of her injuries. (V) Rojas declined transportation to a hospital. I spoke to (V) Rojas and obtained her statement. Refer to her statement text document for further details. (V) Rojas observed (S) Hunt leave in a Black Jeep Cherokee license plate 7XWF8 81 . (V) Rojas' neighbor's vehicle was damage during the altercation. Ofc. Degrave spoke to the neighbor and the neighbor declined to press Charges for the damage. The neighbor stated he would follow up with his insurance. The-neighbor took pictures of (V) Rojas and (S) Hunt during the altercation. Communications conducted a records check on the-registered owner of the vehicle (S) Hunt was driving. The vehicle was registered t0 (S) Hunt. I checked SJPD records and found (S) Hunt from a previous report. The address on her driver license, vehicle registration, and previous report matched. (V) Rojas was given a case card. She wanted to press charges and could identify (S) Hunt. 2020-203620405 Page 0f SAN JOSE POLICE DEPT PUBLHIHARDCOPY D0 NOT DUPLICATE ***OFFICIAL USE ONLY*** GO# SJ 2020-203620405 242-1 242 PC BATTERY Related Text Page(s) Document: SYNOPSIS Author: 4628 - OROZCO-ESQUIVEL,CHRISTOPHER Related date/time: Dec-27-2020 (Sum) 1620 On 12/27/2020 at approximately 1353 hours, a battery occurred at 2013 E San Antonio St in San Jose. The victim and the suspect were known to each other. The suspect arrived at the victim's residence. The suspect grabbed the victim by the hair and scratched her face multiple times. The suspect fled the scene prior to police arrival. The victim wanted to press charges. The suspect was identified and remains at large. 2020-203620405 Page 0f SAN JOSE POLICE DEPT PUBLIC HARDCOPY DO NOT DUPLICATE ***OFFICIAL USE ONLY*** G0# SJ 2020403620405 242-1 242 PC BATTERY Related Persongs) 1. Victim # 1‘ - ROJAS, MELISSA (Case Specific Information) Sex: FEMALE Race: HISPANIC/LATIN/MEXICAN Date ofbirth: Sep-25-1993 Address: 2013 E SAN ANTONIO ST Municipality: SAN JOSE , California District: M Beat: Grid: 81 Phone Numbers Cellular: (408) 621-8875 Particulars Driver's license: Y2801553 California Ethnicity: HISPANIC/LATIN/MEXICAN Language(s) spoken: English Height: 5'04 Weight: 110 lbs. I Eye color: BROWN Hair color: BROWN 2. Suspect # 1 ~ HUNT, JOSELYN (Case Specific Information) Sex: FEMALE Race: SAMOAN Date of binh: Mar-16-1993 Address: 560 COYOTE RD Municipality: SAN JOSE , California 95111 District: X Beat: Grid: 282 Phone Numbers . Business: (408) 735-8800 Cellular: (408) 614-3647 Email: AYEELUSILA@GMAIL.COM Particulars Employer: SOFI SUNNYVALE 963 EAST EL CAMINO REAL , SU Driver's license: F2838804 _ Ethnicity: SAMOAN 2020-203620405 Page 0f SAN JOSE POLICE DEPT PUBLIC HARDCOPY DO NOT DUPLICATE ***OFFICIAL USE ONLY*** G0# SJ 2020-203620405 242-1 242 PC BATTERY General Offense Information Reported on: Dec-27-2020 (Sum) 1607 Occurred on: Dec-27-2020 (Sun.) 1353 Report submitted by: 4628 Address: 2013 E SAN ANTONIO ST Municipality: SAN JOSE District: M Beat: M4 Grid: 81 Felony/Misdemeanor: MISDEMEANOR Offenses (Completed/Attempted) Offense; # 1 242-1 242 PC BATTERY - COMPLETED 2020-203620405 Page of