Proof Firearms Turned In SoldCal. Super. - 6th Dist.January 5, 2021Proof of Firearms Turned In, Sold,CH 800 or Stored by Superior Court of CA, County of Santa Clara, Protected Fizz" Amt on 2/15/2021 11:30 AMName: y Reviewed By: K. Nguyen Restrained Person case #21 CH009798 a. You: Name MarkKm Envelope: 5839345 Your Lawyer (ifyou have onefor this case): Name; Andrew V. Steams State Ba, No; 164849 Firm Name; Robards & Steams . , . . Fil In court name and shut address: b, Your Address (Ifyou have a lawyer, gwe your lawyer s mformanon. - Ifyou do not have a lawyer and want to keep your home address suwfior con“ °' c'momia' county o' private, you may give a difi'eren! mailing address instead. You do not sama Clara have to give telephone, fax, or e-mail.).' 191 N. First Street Address: Suite 216 San Jose, CA 951 13 City; Los Gatos state; CA Zip; 95032 , Telephone: (408)214‘5432 Fax: ( ) ' Cour: nus in case number when Ion» Is mad. E-Mail Address; Cate Number: 2 lCGOO9798® To the Restrained Person: Ifthe court has ordered you to turn in, sell, or store your firearms, you may use this form to pr0ve to the court that you have obeyed its orders. When you deliver your unloaded weapons, ask the law enforcement ofiicer or the licensed gun dealer to complete item® or© and item ©. Afier the form is siyed, file it with the court clerk. Keep a copy for yourself. For help, read Form CH-800-INFO, How Do I Turn in, Sell, or Storew Firearms? G) To Law Enforcement © To Licensed Gun Dealer Fill out items® and© of this form. Keep a Fill out items© and© of this form. Keep a copy and give the ofiginal to the person who copy and give the original to the person who sold tumcd in the firearms. you the firearms or stored them with you. The firearms listed in© were turned in on: The {Hem mud in© were Date: at: D a_m‘ D pm D sold to me D transferred to me for storage on: To, See attached Date: at: D 1m. D pm. Name and title ofIaw enforcement agent To: Name oflicensedgun dealer Name oflaw erforcement agency License number Telephone ddA e55 AMres: I declare under penalty ofperjury under the laws of the State of California that the information above is Hue and correct. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws ofthe State of California that the information above is true and correct. Signature aflaw en/brcemenl agent Signature ofgun dealer MwWMWC-m-mm‘aw Proof of Firearms Turned In, Sold, or Stored CH 600. Page 1 of:WJW 1,201l,mmndForm _ _> cw- ucmam. 552m. (Civil Harassmem Prevention)Mmsm Case Hunter: 21CH009798 ® Firearms MAL: Modcl MUSLIM a. See attached b. d. c. E Check here ifyou turned in, sold, or stored more/irearms. Attach a sheet ofpaper and write "CH-800, Item 6-Firearms Turned In, Sold, or Stored"for a title. Include make, model, and serial number ofeach firearm. You may use Form MC-025, Attachment. ® Do you have, own, possess, or control any other firearms besides the firearms listed in G)? D Yes E No Ifyou answered yes, have you turned in, sold, or stored those other firearms? D ch D No lfyes, check one ofthe boxes below: ld/ a. E I filed a ProofofFirearms Turned In, Sold, or Stored for those firearms with the court on (date).'2/IlQI/21 b. D I am filing the proof for those firearms along with this proof. c. D Ihave not yet filed the proof for the other firearms. (Explain why not): U Check here ifthere is no! enough space belowforyour answer. Putyour complete answer on the attachedsheet of paper or Form MC-025 and write "Attachment 7c "for a mle. I declare under penalty ofperjury under the laws of the State of California that the information above is true and correct. Date: 2/12/21 ,/ Mark Katz } Type orprimyour name %gn your name w mum, 1.2m Proof of Firearms Turned In, Sold, or Stored CH coo, Page 2 or2 (Civil Harassment Prevention) Avant v. Katz County Superior Court, Case No. 21CH009798 CH-800 Item 6 - Proofof Firearms Turned In, Sold or Stored Los Gatos / Monte Serena Police Department 110 E. Main SL, Los Gatos, CA 95030 (408) 354-5257 CASE NO: zt v out} MATE CASE: PROPERTY REPORT & FIELD RECEIPT I RELEASE mmmma szbflv‘ WLOCATION RDORT TYPEJCHARGESmummy <5RF€ Keep\hjfi' Drilglu loac-o LOCATION OF EVENTiADDRESSl I I ! I I ELD EvmaNm gamma D FOUND D a_uM4mm yuan D Demutmou D omdamum" 9044,.D SEARCHWM D Los'r D NOW-nndom D omCER - , ‘ mt with b claim COBB: F-mn V- VICTN 0' OWNER ‘ Km 3" SUSPECT” STATE -fi6°85 Kan , mpwE+6-II . Emmi; agggg mum MG: _Lo GOD-Cl'l'mfl ' "t? .5! y m PHONE L . . .1 _ [r1 v W fipgsgw‘tammagm Eh}? qmm ???aa (r; 6o >6; q-fi/fl/ mqg) ___ WrraMo connm “0° , ‘J l ELM _ mam“? P05“ WMXSZA nm- qry mmmmmmmconmm W mm” ‘ mmm 61w cumfr “mm P08 KmWss I QTY WMMwmmzsucomrrm m :3 l $13 Skuék P Zalfi Qynn’x 7003 Ancflzuw QT Wham wg amok 0H \mofim “30; mész gew‘s CW/SPECMLNRUCTIONS WWW________’ _Le_ Los Gatos / Monte Serena Police Department CASE N01 110 E. Main s:., Los Gates, CA 95030 ‘ 1‘ , 01A»! (408) 354-5257 3mm) CASE; PROPERTY REPORT 8. FIELD RECEIPT I RELEASE WICMADGE ' . $94.04 swam LOCATION RDORT TYPF/CHARGES m > STDRHJILOCKBI! Smpé Kmfl‘ D‘Az‘)z\ l0,m . D EVIDENCE SAFEKEEHNG D FOUND D CLAIM-Noewfindurm D Desmucnou D OWNER ‘ Wymwm VD smvmmm D Losr D Nom-nmm D omcax m: F'ma V- VICTIM Ml "uh 3-d00$NER X'Om 5-mm 'ECODE [ASLMWDDLE I DOB m ADDRESS CITY STATE HP V r 0 KML- g Mm; co C” ”?EW‘- . CODE ‘ mv ADDRESS , . ‘ CEN PHONE CODE ‘ JUV ms I - cm pm fir" 1f . a7 . cm PHONE :1. a a ' qry mmmmcowksmcomm , Rmovmm‘z-nab \ TWEEmnTm mums .71an ' ' LOCAnoucouscrsp /l 5mma59M (a s G: arr B/w/ US\3‘1R\ K ONMAKaMODmcowx. smconnmom meow3 l U662 . tO/zz - zz LE . ZZ. cm, ~wcxnonooum Po g 7 seam“m4~ 'n 4‘13 : -a Qty mmmmmmom smcommou) mm ‘ "g META ASw DgrrLANoEE . ' LOCATIONCOLLacrED ”£5 I l SERIAL! mu P \ ¢2‘1 9‘2 I QTY WON m CG‘OK 5m. CONDITION) mm"q \ 3&0 \ £09m V&W ow? 9A L . wmnouoouecm) I49 B sm- Ju \M q " 029° . n3: an mmmmkmcomom ' W . I SQUARE {3mm . u Bo-az Cm; -----~~ - Locnnoucmiscrm" p08 ’ smut“ H‘sYS‘3 HI COWIVSPECIAL NSTRUCHONS Los Gatos / Monte Scrcno Police Department C435 "Q l 110 E. Main St, Los Gates, CA 95030 Z /‘ 02/1’ (408)354-5257 mmocm ' OFFICMADGE:PROPERTY REPORT & FIELD RECEIPT I RELEASE 5/;4!’ $075 LOCATION mommycmcss D TE ’ Tm“WW 5/4/73 (E [P/fi 72/2077 .1000 D EvaNa m SWING D FOUND D m-Wfiwym D Dmucnou D OWNERwwwmDWWW D LOST D mm-mm D 0mm: mt erII m claim p KHZ fi/ARIC (L ""7 a p ,./. s- ,m Am, 5‘ {05 6/705 &1/p ‘ "312' q" D MWWMF‘M l'nT’afi rX 2L?m -m0 n ‘Z '4» m 556’ y” ”mi“??? a M u. SfllALI ”233:”? z, 7/ m 11/4WI lillZf MG: 5 0! com-cmun 0mm WNW dD ILUI-PIOPIITY Los Gatos / Monte Serena Police Department CASE "0 110 E. Main s:., Los Gates, CA 95030 Z 1 o 2! ‘4 (408) 354.5257 mama ass. PROPERTY REPORT & FIELD RECEIPT] RELEASE ?mmma‘ 512L511 éfla LOCATION REPORTmamas DA I “ME . STORED/Locxm SHFckew/v) {glé/ /p,.¢Di “T “fi I D Emma WING D FOUND D CLAM-Nomfindn max D Desmucnou D OWNER ' dabndwuhznyomD sancuwuuwrr D Losr D Momm-nmdm D omcax cones: f-mom v-wch ”Wk:1ng x-on-‘ER . s-susracr ‘ - ~ MILFRSI'MDDLE I DOB ADDRESS CITY STATE m 9°” W W0 ’4‘.)le yhpw L, "m CODE IUV I m4 PHONE , an PHONE. _ §§ng . mv ADDRESS H72 cg DacmwucmjMgmksmcongr r Ke//¥ 9”“ [94” M' r Isoovazzm s /5191°Nyocoufo( 6441 f/yf - l7 m7 0385mm mfims? igr/Eo if 30‘”; /15.qun Aviva mm LOCATIONflLEm a (m comm “comm“Ia? 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T,” 30 05 kW; £1: 2’0 of 697g: g/u// "?'z (’7' 0x03 ggaWSE? qufi'o/ l/Vflm ”5'1 Pd? mm .LOCA'HONCOMM p0 B LOCATION COLLECI'mpo 8 "é“é q? mwmé‘kflmwém °°"°'"°"’ mm' mmm/oB m. "3‘7 96 °W3/WWmfifimmm mm”WWW” PaB m' 7 "“4’ 71/ WWWfifim mg: "mm COMMENr/SPEOAL NSTRUCTIONS 0mm Lb Los Gatos / Monte Sereno Police Department 110 E. Main SL, Los Gatos, CA 95030 (408) 354-5257 PROPERTY REPORT & FIELD RECEIPT I RELEASE “fiw a2 fl/ RELATED CASE: C?Hm E:5mg 50 7‘6 Locum»: marmaCHARGEs DA 7 11MB STORED/Locxm 5,51%]: KZZP/A/é ,fg/fln /c¢9p D EVIDENCE w SAFEKEEPING D FOUND D CLAN-Noapfiua Van [j DesrxucnON D OWNERMummmay.D smwuuum D Losr D nom-fwaaba D omcax m: F-mm V- VICIW "a ”Bk g-cgganER xm S- SUSPECT ‘ m MSTLMBHDDLE DOB "JV ADDRBS CITY STATE HP 0A Km, "W" 0-1 flew m»! CW5 JUV ADDRESS V . I m PHONE m lUV mm ‘ cm mom C E IUV ADDRBS I I l qr 7mm 27m, N - finc/ ‘7‘?%2‘;°‘%; 6» >9 s EA/ m“ “ 11m QTY DBCRIYHON(MAKE.MO msmc n1 WW 27 / 5AM” bl]; affflrWfieyj . fiWAWW SHW- - n34! QTY 0N COIDLSE. 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