Minute Order AttachmentCal. Super. - 5th Dist.May 19, 2021SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA - COUNTY 0F FRESNO Eme'ed bY: Civil Department TITLE OF CASE: Jenica Villalvazo vs. Danielle Kitahara Case Number: CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE MlNUTES/ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE 21CECGOI426 Hearing Date: Coufl Clerk: Leal, Jessica Wednesday, September 15, 2021 I , , I Deponmem: Judge/Temp. Judge. Bnckey, Gabriel Department 402 Repofler/Tape/None: Not Recorded Appearing Parties: Plaintiff: [ ]Appearing£ Counsel: B. Cufione [X]Appearing'via-CC Defendant: D. Kiiahara; J. Kiiahara [X]Appearing Counsel: M. Owdom [X]Appearing [ ]Con1inued 10 at o.m./p.m. in Department for: [ ]Service on oll defendants. [ ]Nofice of Sefilemen’r 10 be filed. [ ]PIoinfiff/Cross-complcinom‘ states he/she will dismiss forthwith. [X]ther At Plaintiff's reguesi defendant, Fresno Indoor Soccer is DISMISSED without Preiudice. Coufl WAIVES ADR stipulation as Defendants, Danielle and Justin Kitahara qre in ProPer. [ ]DefoulT/Judgmenf To be filed. [ ]Personol Injury case. Limited Civil only. [ ]Designofed as Uninsured Motorist case. [ ]Porfies present sfipulofe that case will Toke [ ]12-18 [118-24 months Todispose of. [X]Jury Trial requested by [X]Plainfiff [X]Defendanf. [ ]CourT Trial: appearing parties waive Their rights to o jury Trial. Non-appeoring pafiies are‘deemed f0 have waived Their righfs to a jury trial and 1‘0 have consented to The date set for Trial. [ ]Courf Reporter fees musf'be pdidifotthe clerk's office prior 1‘0 commencement of Trial. " [x15stimated time tor trial is 3-5 days. [X]Tria| is set for 04124z2023 at 9:00 a.m. in Degaflment 503. [X]Trial Readiness is sef for 04121 [2023 at 9:30 a.m. in Department 503. [X]Mandaiory Sefilement Conference‘ is set for 0312912023 at 1-:30 9m. in Room 575. [ ]The Settlement Conference Statement is due 10 days prior to The Settlement Conference. [ ]Service of wrifien notice of the orders mode herein is waived by: [ ]AII parties [ ] [ ]The court orders oll parties to engage in some'form of Alternative Dispute Resolution, such as mediation. This Alternative Dispute Resolution mus’r be completed by (within 180 days offer The Case Management Conference, or prior to The Mondofory‘Sefilemem‘ Conference, whichever is earlier). Failure 10 do so mcy resuh‘ In the court Imposing sanctions, unless excused by the cour1 upon o Timely showing of good cause by written declaration. If you hove ony questions you may contacf the ADR Department CIT 457-1 909. _A IisT of the mediators 0nd stipulation forms ore available on The Court‘s website: hfio://www.fresno.coun‘s.ca.qov/0Hernofive dispute resolution/ CV48” “"20 CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE MINUTES/ORDER To $How CAUSE C‘V“ C°de 0* meme 63‘ Mandatory Form Local Rule 3 TITLE OF CASE: » CASE NUMBER: Jenica Villalvazo vs. Danielle Kitahara 21CECGOI426 Order 10 Show Cause TO: You are hereby ordered 10 appear in person on 01 0.m./p.m. In Department 402 of the above court located 01 1 130 'O' Street, Fresno, California, to show cause why you should no’r be sanctioned for: [ ]foi|ure To appear 01 the Case Management Conference by [ ]Ploinfiff [ ]Defendon1 [ ]Both [ ]foilure to serve all defendonfls) within 60 days. Plaintiff is required 10 diligently attempt service of all defendonfls). Failure to serve oll defendonfls) by The order 10 show cause hearing dcn‘e will result in additional sanctions unless diligent effort ’ro serve all defendants is shown. [ ]foilure To request entry of defoul’r/judgmenf. If defendonfls) answer and The case is 01 issue prior to The Order To Show CaUse Hearing, plaintiff mus’r immediately contact the clerk's office 01 (559) 457-1 900 10 reschedule the Cose Management Conference and vacate the Order 10 Show Cause Hearing. [ ]f0ilure to file on ADR Stipulation 01 least 10 days priorjo ’rhe Case Management Conference. [ ]foi|ure To file on ADR Report of least 1O days prior to The Mandatory Sefilemenf Conference. [ ]foilure to serve oll defendants with The Notice of Case Management Conference. [ ]ofher Date: SE? 1 5 2021 ' M S' fl? I Judge of The Superior Coun Your personal appearance is required at the Order to Show Cause Hearing. Special appearances on your behalf are not allowed. Telephonic appearances are not allowed. CV-‘Sb “1-20 CASE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE MINUTES/ORDER To snow CAUSE CW“ C°de °f chedu'e 63‘ Mondoiory Form Loco! Rule 3 SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA - COUNTY OF FRESNO F0}? COURTUSEONLY Civil Department, Central Division 1 130 "0" Street Fresno, California 93724-0002 (559) 457-2000 TITLE 0F CASE: Jenica \fillalvazo vs. Danielle Kitahara CLERK'S CERTIFICATE 0F MAILING C2?EE%“A%§§‘26 l certify that | am not a party to this cause and that a true copy of the: Case Management Conference Minutes/Order was placed in a sealed envelope and placed for collection and mailing on the date and at the place shown below following our ordinary business practice. l am readily familiarwith this court's practice for collecting and processing correspondence for mailing. On the same day that correspondence is placed for collection and mailing, it is deposited in the ordinary course of business with the United States Postal Service with postage fully prepaid. Place of mailing: Fresno, California 93724-0002 On Date: 09/1 6/2021 Clerk, by . Deputy J. Leal Danielle Kitahara Justin Kitahara 3638 S. Haney 3638 S. Haney Reedley, CA 93654 Reedley, CA 93654 Brian K. Cuttone Matthew D. Owdom Cuttone & Associates Owdom Law Firm 5380 N.. Fresno Street, Ste.102 632 W. Oak Avenue Fresno, CA 93710 Visalia, CA 93291 D Clerk's Certificate of Mailing Additional Address Page Attached TGN-OGb R08-06 CLERK'S CERTIFICATE OF MAILING