OrderCal. Super. - 6th Dist.May 27, 2020,m_ / \\ SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA E STREET‘AEDRESS. I 191 N Firs; Street San Jose, CA 95113 I D 1095 Homestead Road. Santa Clara,CA 95050 MAILLNG ADDRESS: 191 NI. Ffrst Street San‘Jose, CA 95113 , 59102020 v BRANCH NAME: SMALL CLAIMS DIVISION , _ - ~ " Plaintiff: .._ Clerk of the Court _ Super - v fCA County ofSanta Clara Defendant: ‘ B ll .. DEPUTY ' . _ a v “ ‘mvmvmmSMALL CLAIMS ORDER f C . 9 Number . _ ..‘_n Pre-Judgment D posHud - -~» ~- -~~ --- -v~~--~» ‘ gment r (lo; I .- >~ - ~LQ3L»~';_-Z._'l ,1 - , _. K’1. The next hearing.C'kaoézf - 5151; Dept ifs 2 D Plaintiff shall amend the claim, then re-set and serve. The Claim needs to be amended because: 3. a. D The case is continued for settlement. R“ b. D Plaintiff still needs to show proof of service on Defendant. 4. Th9 Court will order‘an interpreter for [j Plaintiff D Defendant for next hearing. 5. a. Debfof's Examination b. [j Motion t6 Vacate Hearing c. [j F’ee_ Waiver Hearing is continued because: 6. a. D Plaintiff‘s D Defendant's Motion to Vacate is granted. Parties will return to court as hoted in h item 1 above for the new hearing. There shall-be no collection on the prior Judgment since it hasbeen vacated. b. [jfiPlaintiff‘s D Defendant's Motion to Vacate is denied. The judgment remains in effect. ' ' 7. D "Defendant failed .to appear for a properly-served Debtor's Examination hearing. _ A bench warrant“Is issued against Defendant'm the amount of $ 8 Plaintiff cannot file a claim until proof ofD DBA License D active corporate status D active LLC status 9. D Plaintiff j Defendaqtfwill bring_ prqof of D ve__hicle'Insurance D vehicle [egistration ortitle. 10. Other: ____.__.- .._ --..._e-,_..-_- 'V-“ Caswfw‘F-t ‘d‘ocA-N c:F1 ~ ~ <«(z/HNT (LEE? Judicial Officer of the Superior Court _ - CO ‘MM‘SSCGAJ Chm} ‘knlu.’ C- a? ‘LLGAJQ sc-ams Rev.os/23/‘2019 Small Claims Order Page.1 of1 ' ' Civil