Proof of ServiceCal. Super. - 6th Dist.March 9, 2020SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANIA CLARA CERTIFIED LVIAII ZDScogaqaz PLAINTIFF/PETITIONER: 020 Cour? umy n9 9mm Gian: DEFENDANT/RESPONDENT: aw; . ' Dwu-w David Pinheiro RETURN RECEIPT CASE NUMBER: This receipt has not been reviewed by the Clerk’s Off! time of the hearing. .ce. Tn: issve of proper sew.1ice will be aAdga-Seda 1' l Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION I Completeitems1. 2, ands. l Print your name and address on the:re so that we can return the card to you. -- COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON‘DELIVERY 1 Agent DAddressee u or on the front if space permits. _ Bit: byDmrintZName) W1 V 1. Article Addressed to: City Clerk’s Office Serve On: Terence Howzel 2500HAamiltCon AveO WW! D. ls delivery address different \Jfrom item 14 U’ Yes lf YES, enter delivery address below. D No 3. U Adult Signature I] Adult Signature Restricted Delivery Service Type El Priority Mall Express® D Registered Mail” El Registered Mail Restricted D Certified Mail® Delivery 9590 9402”5457 91(89 41 3 87 Certified Mail Restricted Delivery U Return Receipt for I) D 1'7 (L05 '3?” El. U Collect on Delivery Merchandise m Wumbemraflsfer from servic‘e label! D Collect on Delivery Restricted Delivery g 332:3: 3222:2233: ; z g. ?Dlfi BTDB BUD]: SELL} LHLDIxx.‘ ‘ PS Form 3811, July 2_o15 PSN 75_30-02-000-90_53_ all '3" Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery JDomestic Return Receipt; tth-e